Japanese Imperial Family attended the first New Year's lecture of 2023

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako

On January 13, 2023, Japanese Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako and other members of the Imperial Family attended the first ceremony of Imperial New Year's Lectures 2023 (Kosho-Hajime-no-Gi) held at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. The Ceremony of the Kousho Hajime was instituted in 1869 with a "lecture for the New Year" designed for the enlightenment of studies by Emperor Meiji.

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako

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  1. Desks for emperor & emperess wrapped with paper ?
    Correct that prss Kako (daughter of Crown Pr) is attending but not prs Aiko (daugther of emperor) ?

    1. The wrapping of the tables/desks is made of traditional fabric, used all the time for this event. The way of folding it so elaborately is considered an art, a craft.

  2. Anonymous13/1/23 17:15

    I wonder what material the empress’s dress is made from. Looks heavy. Could it be velvet? Beautiful color. Ladyofthemanor

  3. Sorry, Empress Masako. This dress looks like a nightgown to me. Normally her traditional court dresses are so much better. I'll give my vote this time to Crown Princess Kiko and Princess Kako. Very elegant and nice colours.

    1. It's not a fashion competition

    2. Shirl in Oz, relax. I'm just giving my opinion on the outfits, as usually everyone else here does.

  4. Anonymous13/1/23 20:14

    I think Princess Aiko has been focusing on her study at university, so she won't attend most of imperial events at least until she graduates.

  5. Anonymous13/1/23 21:22

    Always very conservative dressing, this must be the Japanese Tradition. Pss Kiko and daughter wear some color gowns. everyone pastel. css

  6. The royal ladies all look elegant, the pink gown looks to be very interesting a lovely pop of color.

  7. Anonymous14/1/23 00:35

    Empress Masako's ice blue gown is beautiful and she looks lovely--I also like that she's not wearing a hat like the other ladies. Not sure the Empress not wearing a hat is traditional or not. The darker blue shades worn by the Kiko and Kako are lovely. I would love to see more of the magenta colored gown worn by one of the other princesses.


    1. Would that do for a quick look? https://twitter.com/ImperialJPNfan/status/1614097173607755778?s=20&t=zS-Do7Q7O6xc40z-oPYqEA

  8. Dès son entrée, j'ai remarqué la très jolie couleur de Masako mais c'est au niveau du tissu que le bât blesse car il ne paraît pas avoir assez de tenue ; Kiko et sa fille Kako sont ravissantes dans des couleurs plus soutenues que d'habitude. Naruhito est égal à lui-même, toujours sans un faux-pli !

  9. Anonymous14/1/23 15:16

    Such a beautiful and rich culture, so who’s forcing this family to wear such horrendous clothes.

  10. Dès son entrée, j'ai remarqué la très jolie couleur de Masako mais c'est au niveau du tissu que le bât blesse car il ne paraît pas avoir assez de tenue ; Kiko et sa fille Kako sont ravissantes dans des couleurs plus soutenues que d'habitude. Naruhito est égal à lui-même, toujours sans un faux-pli !

  11. Jesse Kerr15/1/23 06:20

    Kako is perfect, I would marry her. Me? I took was born in 1994, I have Rh null blood and golden dark green eyes. If I were to have a child with a brown eyed woman she will have golden eyed children.


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