On January 30, King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima and Crown Princess Amalia arrived in Oranjestad, Aruba on the 4th day of their two-week visit to the Dutch Caribbean Islands. The royal family were welcomed by Governor Alfsonso Boekhoudt on Wilhelmina Square. The family then visited the Cocolishi building, which houses Aruba’s cabinet. There, they attended a lunch with the prime minister and ministers.
Max Mara Pinstriped Cotton and Linen Jacket and Pinstripe Pants
NATAN Jenny silk crepe dress
Love Maximas outfit! Not sure re Amalias, kind of a pj look though it looks lightweight for the weather km
ReplyDeleteAgree. The Queen's outfit is Natan, yet it is fantastic. Great colour and style and the hat is very Maxima but perfect with it. I agree too that Princess Amalia's outfit is not great. I can see why in theory a cotton/linen trouser suit would sound like a good choice but this does her no favours at all
DeleteIt must be hard to find yourself when your mother is so out in centre. Who holds her mother as a protection.
DeleteQueen Maxima is looking fantastic, great and elegant dress (even though it's Natan) combined with a classic but stylish hat. Amalia is looking great too, with a slightly more casual pantsuit. I very much like her hair like this. The king is also very handsome in this suit.
ReplyDeleteLove this red dress. Amalias suit is not bad. css
ReplyDeleteI love the fuchsia outfit of Queen Máxima which is very elegant and flattering. Her typical grandezza look. The striped pantsuit of the crownprincess is a miss to me. It does neither flatter her frame nor is it appropriate for this particular occasion as all other ladies do wear dresses with matching hats. Amalia needs a very good stylist.
ReplyDeleteYep! Totally agree with you!
DeleteLooks like the king has lost weight. He looks better for it. Well done.
ReplyDeleteAgree. Now , if he could just be persuaded to get rid of the beard....
DeleteQueen Maxima looks very nice in this red ensemble. The brooch is beautiful and anchors the stole very well. Her other jewels appear to include diamonds and rubies as well. Princess Amalia pant suit is more in synch with the environment than in recent days. She seems to be quickly learning her role as crown princess.
ReplyDeleteLove Maxima's outfit. The colour, the fit and the style including her signature hat look perfect on her.
ReplyDeleteIs it too much for a Caribbean island visit? Western minds might think so, but being very, very familiar with the Dutch Antilles and the lovely people who live there, they love to see their Queen well dressed and Maxima hasn't disappointed them.
- Anon 9:13
Exactly! "The King and Queen are coming!" And then you get to the airport to greet them and you can't tell them apart from the average Joe? No. Dress like a King and Queen!
You have to know fashion well! The Dutch Royalty sticks out in the Caribbean it's quite rainy and humid these days
DeleteMaxima - quite well, but I would advise her to put the red scarf away. Beauty is in simplicity.
ReplyDeleteAmalia - I prefer not to say anything, honesty here would be considered an attack, reminding that a 19-year-old woman could be upset by this. I don't know why people today are so oversensitive to everything, young people don't have the stamina to take criticism. But it is not like that everywhere - in Ukraine, 19-year-old young people are fighting for their country and
suffering. Lia
This site is about royalties and their fashion, talk about Ukraine somewhere else.
To anon 1:06: After all, I can't talk about fashion and style - if it concerns Princess Amalia. At least I can't speak honestly. Sincere criticism - especially if directed at Amalia - is unfortunately perceived by some debaters as an attack, as hate speech, while they point to her age. But . in my opinion, 19 years is the age at which people should be able to take constructive criticism.
They are very nice family
ReplyDeleteI like Amalia's suit she looks very smart and polished we would say. The Queen certainly looks larger than life and very out there, a bit of theatre .In the 2nd photo I like the lady with the straw hat; her outfit is very pretty and the clutch bag goes well with the outfit (Tara)
ReplyDeleteI know its two different generations but Will, Max, and Amalia should at least all get on the same page fashion wise when it comes to official appearances together. Amalia looks grossly underdressed, imo, compared to her parents and, while I understand Amalia's generation has a different take of what is "formal," "business," and "casual" attire, she should at least realize, and accept, that as the future Queen she's going to have to "dress the part." I'm not saying she should have the big hats and ott outfits of her mom but perhaps more conservative business dress. More structured outfits that are appropriate for her role and flattering to her figure.
ReplyDelete"Girlfriend needs a stylist," is what I'm trying to say in a nutshell. LOL.
At the moment she is still a teenager “nineTEEN” years old.
DeletePlease give her a chance to find her own way in the fashion jungle.
If it doesn't work, then "bring in the stylist/s."
I agree with you. I think this pantsuit looks very good on P Amalia, a lot better than the previous dresses she has worn but as you say, it is not in sync with the more formal attires of her parents. On the other hand I find Q Maxima a bit OTT. She should have left the shawl at home or worn another dress in this lovely color. Ladyofthemanor
DeleteBut Ladyofthemanor. Queen Maxima's trademark is "Maxima OTT"
Delete19 is old enough to take up arms and go to war but fashion wise you should be given space to find yourself? Please. [Insert eye roll here]. If she's old enough to take on official engagements then she's old enough to dress like it. If she's not ready, fine. Then don't take here on the trip.
DeleteMother and daughter look lovely together. I don't know how Maxima stands up in those shoes, let alone walk anywhere! I think it's great that Amalia is on this trip with her parents.
ReplyDeleteMaxima looks marvelous--love her dress and hat! Her jewelry choices are wonderful. CP Amalia's suit is great--it looks quite comfortable and the fabric seems perfect for the heat and humidity of the Caribbean. I wish the pants were more narrow--again, not a fan of the wide legged trousers here either. I also like that she has pulled her hair back from her face--the winds can wreak havoc on the hair. I do wish she would stop wearing the big platform sandals as they make everyone's feet look like cement blocks--there is one photo where it appears she has changed her footwear and the other shoes look much better. I think this trouser suit is her best look so far. The King looks quite handsome!
Maxima in red and matching hat look wonderful and eyecatching. You can not miss her! That huge brooch was like a cherry on the cake.
ReplyDeleteAmalia's pantsuit wasn't bad. It has a bit of a PJ vibe but otherwise it is light and looks comfortable to wear. I know that wide legs are back in a big way but I think a bit slimmer cut would have looked better. I like her hair in a half-updo. She looks lovely.
Q.Maxima has decided to come as the Queen today, as has the King: she looks wonderfully: fantastic colour and accessories: you cannot miss her.
ReplyDeleteAmalia’s suit is much more age appropriate as what she wore the days before. Her hair is so much better out of her lovely face.
Amalia's pantsuit I think is a rewear and she looks splendid. Her blouse is a great color and looks good with her pantsuit. Love her bag, its cute. The large hooped earrings are gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteQueen Maxima looks fabulous. Beautiful red dress, love her accessories, shoes and clutch, perfect choices. The hat is divine.
Her brooch diamond and ruby is stunning.
L'abito della Regina ha una concezione sartoriale elegante ma è un po' stretto dalla vita in giù. Inoltre la sciarpa avrebbe potuto essere 20/30 cm più corta, il che l'avrebbe resa più proporzionata. Purtroppo ricompaiono le scarpe plasticate, che trovo inguardabili. Per la Principessa una scelta non felicissima, né come taglio né come tessuto.
ReplyDeleteHappy 85th birthday to Princess Beatrix today (31 January).
ReplyDeleteThe young woman looks slightly better today. However, someone ought to give her some health advice.
DeleteThis isn't a fashion comment.
Quelle merveilleuse silhouette de Maxima dans ce modèle Natan mais son chapeau me semble superflu ; élégants escarpins bicolores ; je pensais qu’Amalia allait me surprendre vêtue d’une nouvelle robe idéale pour le climat à encolure en V mais ce tailleur-pantalon donne l’impression qu’elle y est trop engoncée même s’il est léger !
ReplyDeleteSomeone has already commented on this. But, looking at all three, they look like they’re all attending different events. Maxima is dressed to perfection. WA looks like he’s on a relax day. I do like CA suit. Perfect for the climate, although a little informal.
ReplyDelete@Europa, I fully disagree with your take on Amalia’s outfit, I find it totally appropriate for her age, figure, and most importantly for a morning event in the Caribbean, in fact I much prefer this style than the floral dresses that tend to age her a bit. Maxima’s outfit is magnificent, and yet a failure for me, I understand that she wants to look regal for their subjects, but for a morning event I find her excessive, this is a cocktail dress, and along with the accessories and makeup it looks jarring.
Q. Maxima looks so glamorous in her red outfit!! I LOVE the red hat, gloves and shoes!! WOW!!f She looks like an old fashioned movie star!! So fun!!
ReplyDeleteAnother Natan Grand Entrance! Excessive. Trying to eclipse Amalia maybe?
ReplyDeleteI don't think Maxima has to change her style because of the presence of Amalia. I think she has to find her own style in an age appropriate way.
DeleteProud of my royal family. Koningin Máxima prachtig (beautiful). Princess Amalia, Welcome to dushi (sweet) Aruba. Looking forward to the following trip to the other Dutch Caribbean Islands.
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