Crown Princess Victoria attended a seminar of Bernadotte Academy

Crown Princess Victoria in Rodebjer Elema midi skirt. Patachou black tweed skirt and black sweater and black jacket

On January 23, 2023, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden attended a seminar of the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA), held at Rosersberg Palace in Stockholm. The Folke Bernadotte Academy (Folke Bernadotteakademin) is the Swedish government agency for peace, security and development. The agency is named after Count Folke Bernadotte, the first UN mediator.

Crown Princess Victoria in Rodebjer Elema midi skirt. Patachou black tweed skirt and black sweater and black jacket

Crown Princess Victoria in Rodebjer Elema midi skirt. Patachou black tweed skirt and black sweater and black jacket

Crown Princess Victoria in Rodebjer Elema midi skirt. Patachou black tweed skirt and black sweater and black jacket

Crown Princess Victoria in Rodebjer Elema midi skirt. Patachou black tweed skirt and black sweater and black jacket

Crown Princess Victoria in Rodebjer Elema midi skirt. Patachou black tweed skirt and black sweater and black jacket

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  1. Ce petit pull à col roulé est très bien associé à cette jupe dont les dessins croisés en diagonale apportent un modernisme repris dans ses boucles d'oreilles ainsi que sa chaîne ; délicat maquillage mais plus soutenu au niveau des lèvres comme du rose vif; ce serait parfait ! J'adore ses bottes qui paraissent très souples !

    1. Anonymous24/1/23 17:30

      Entièrement d'accord avec vous. Son Altesse Royale porte toujours de très belles paires de Bottes.

  2. Anonymous23/1/23 17:28

    Mi piace vestita così, la gonna è particolarmente bella e le dona molto. E finalmente una giacca con maniche lunghe. Beata lei che sembra non temere il freddo!

  3. Nice business like outfit. I particularly like the skirt.

    1. Anonymous24/1/23 21:34

      I agree, love it. Classic works.

  4. I love this outfit, the CP Victoria looks chic and stylish. Love the skirt and boots. The short black jacket looks fabulous.

  5. Anonymous23/1/23 20:49

    I had same skirt years ago and wore same way.

  6. Anonymous23/1/23 23:49

    LOVE this outfit--professional, stylish, and very flattering. This might be one of my favorite daytime looks from Victoria in a long time. She looks fabulous!


    1. Yes, nice winter ensemble.
      >Perfect, spot on, the Princess has hit the nail on the head 🙂

    2. Agree with deaseggs

  7. Anonymous24/1/23 00:32


  8. Anonymous24/1/23 02:39

    Yeah!! You look nice, very nice!
    I find the style very Queen Silvia, and it suits her well, forget about the Ill-fitting suits and go for this style more often!!

  9. Anonymous24/1/23 03:35

    Not sure about the black theme. It's not a funeral. My take.

  10. Anonymous24/1/23 06:12

    She's in all black but the skirt gives some lightness. Good she choose long boots vs short booties. The proportions are nicely balanced. The choice of accessories was point on. Even her tight bun goes together with her business-like attire. She looks very beautiful and stylist. More of this.

  11. Looking good, quite the retro look too, very '80s

  12. Anonymous24/1/23 11:45

    I find this look terribly boring although it has the advantage of focusing on the purpose of the visit, which is laudable, rather than the newest style. The turtle neck seems to suffocate her. CP Victoria needs a softer colour scheme.
    🌞 Virginia

  13. I would have thought that Princess Victoria needed a coat for warmth and comfort with the Swedish winter.
    Outdoors daytime temperature around minus 4 celsius (-4)
    In two of the photos, she is standing outdoors.
    Maybe the car was well heated plus the room in the Rosersberg Palace where the seminar was held was well heated also.

  14. Anonymous24/1/23 20:25

    From head to toe, CP Victoria has a great style with this outfit, best part is her smile. Clarice

  15. Anonymous24/1/23 22:25

    What a nice look. css

  16. Photo nr 4 is wonderful!

  17. Anonymous25/1/23 17:56

    Its smart and stylish (if not a little dated), and does age her unfortunately, Zed


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