The Princess of Wales shared a video of herself decorating a Christmas tree

Princess of Wales wore a Fairisle knit sweater by Holland Cooper. Together at Christmas carol service

The Princess of Wales shared a video of herself decorating a Christmas tree ahead of her annual Christmas carol service. Her caption is as the following: “Final touches before the Together at Christmas carol service”. The Princess hosted a carol service last year, and the 2022 event will pay tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth II as well as the selfless efforts of people and communities across the UK.

Princess of Wales wore a Fairisle knit sweater by Holland Cooper. Together at Christmas carol service

Princess of Wales wore a Fairisle knit sweater by Holland Cooper. Together at Christmas carol service

Princess of Wales wore Holland Cooper Fairisle Sweater
Holland Cooper Fairisle Sweater

Princess of Wales wore Holland Cooper Fairisle Knit
Holland Cooper Fairisle Knit

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. That sweater would look much better if it wasn't tuck in .

    1. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees

  2. Seriously photo op. Who thinks the royals decorate their own trees 😂🤣 But I like the sweater.

    1. Most probably don't but I'm sure this family does. They are so down to earth.

    2. @Maddoe I agree. I am sure they decorate as a family. Kate is giving her kids as much of a regular life as she can.

    3. Sweater, do not tuck in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nor sweater, nor shirt

    4. They actually do decorate some of their trees. I've seen video of the Queen and family doing just that.

  3. Interesting. Never daw anyone tuck a bulky sweater into their pants.

    1. Agree. It doesn't look good like that at all.

    2. Indeed

  4. P .the original15/12/22 13:15

    I happend to watch a video on YouTube where P. Catherine was spotted strolling in Windsor, probably in search of Christmas decorations.
    Maybe for this shimmering Christmas tree?
    Her high neck jumper with the Norwegian pattern is lovely and the whole atmosphere looks so cozy and relaxed.
    Lovely pics.

    1. Fair Isle is Scottish not Norwegian.

    2. @ P. the original & Anonymous 17:29
      The "Scandinavian" pattern can be found in almost most brands of jumpers these days, whether they are made in Belgium or Denmark or Scotland or France. The only difference is probably the quality of the wool.

    3. P. the original18/12/22 09:15

      Anonymous at 17.29 and 15.30

      Your comments sound kinda of naive nitpicking to me.
      If you had really visited at least one of the Scandinavian countries, you would have known that the so- called Norwegian pattern is a popular definition for most of the knitwear sold in local shops there and all over the world by now.
      The same goes for other patterns like the glen check or colours such as the Chanel red , which are not solely used when referring to the country or original brand that first introduced them.
      Everybody knows that fashion production is on a world scale.

    4. Well you started it by calling it Norwegian. If it doesn't matter why use that term? The caption quite clearly says Fair Isle.

    5. P. the original18/12/22 22:11

      I did not know how much knitting meant to you, so here is my reply.
      I read the caption and it says Fairisle Knit, not pattern..
      The difference Is that Norwigian or Nordic is used when referring to the pattern, whereas Fairisle refers to the technique.
      All in all, there is a slight difference.
      It seems that the definition Norwegian pattern is correct.
      Maybe you want to spend more words about the luxury brand Holland Cooper?

    6. You need to get out a bit more @P the Original - you accuse people of being nitpicking and then you give a lecture on the minutiae of different types of knitting - seems to me you're the one who cares as you've gone to all that trouble.

      How does one "spend" words? I couldn't give a monkeys about Holland Cooper, luxury brand or not.

    7. P. the original21/12/22 10:12

      What are you saying, Anonymous?
      Hopefully you realize that your comment does not make much sense.
      You started nitpicking and I made a clarification, so what?
      Then, why get so angry with the spending words and Holland Cooper stories?
      You really made me laugh out loud!🙃
      "To spend a few words" (more words, in my comment) is a quite common English expression.
      As to Holland Cooper, it is a luxury brand but there are interesting sales just now.
      Then, what do you mean by getting out a bit more?🙃
      I am always on the run in the real world outside doing my job and I am looking forward to returning to my place ASAP.
      I think this is not your case.
      Wishing you a merry, merry Christmas and time to relax at last.

    8. My comment makes perfect sense if you care to read it properly. You didn't make a clarification - you made a snarky comment because you don't like any suggestion that you might possibly have been wrong.

      I'm not angry - I just don't understand why you think I need to research Holland Cooper. I think you understand perfectly what I mean about getting out more 🙃 - and a literal interpretation is not necessary.

      "Spending words" is NOT a common English expression or indeed an English expression at all. And I say that as a native English speaker.

  5. Catherine wears this sweater well. She looks very festive. Love her hair.

  6. Rushing in, doing as if, rushing out. Pity. Frieda

    1. What does that even mean? 😳 Totally incomprehensible although given who is posting likely to be snarky.

    2. Ok MEghan move on 🙄🙄

  7. Splendid jumper and wonderful woman!

  8. Com ha dit, una participant, molt maco el jersei i una gran dona.

  9. Splendida Catherine, solo lei può infilare quel maglione dentro i pantaloni!

  10. Joli pull festif mais il est dommage de ne pas mieux le voir sur la magnifique silhouette de Kate !

  11. Nice sweater. css

  12. I think Catherine and William are doing a wonderful job with their family considering what the have to deal with. With Harry and Megan. Keep your heads up.

    1. Or you could also see it the other way round. :-)

  13. High neck jumper isn't my cup of tea but on Catherine it looks splendid. Love the pattern and the festive look. And those soft pretty.
    Keep up the good work and enjoy the upcoming holidays!

  14. @ Kaarin. Only someone who is very thin and has a long neck looks good in this type of jumper. Merry Christmas to everyone !

  15. Why tuck a thick sweater in your pants? Makes no sense to me



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