The Dutch Royal Family shared their 2022 Christmas greeting card

Crown Princess Amalia wore a forest green ruched bodice drape maxi dress by Asos. Princess Ariane in Missoni gown

On December 21, 2022, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima released their 2022 Christmas card. The new family photo was taken by photographer Jeroen van der Meyde at Huis ten Bosch Palace in The Hague, and shows the King and Queen with their three daughters Crown Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane.

Crown Princess Amalia wore a forest green ruched bodice drape maxi dress by Asos. Princess Ariane in Missoni gown

Crown Princess Amalia wore ASOS forest-green ruched-bodice drape maxi dress
ASOS forest-green ruched bodice drape maxi dress

Princess Ariane wore Missoni Viscose One-Shoulder Polka-Dot Gown
Missoni Viscose Polka-Dot Gown
  1. They all look lovely!
    Wishing them a very Merry Christmas and much happiness in the New Year.
    - Anon 9:13

  2. What a fabulous picture, for me the best Holiday felicitation so far.
    All the young ladies look so good, and Máxima looks spectacular. How can I forget the cute pooch. Lovely family.

    1. Ah ok, if the "holiday" aspect is the most important for you. I prefer the idea of focusing on Christmas. You know, a Christmas tree somewhere would have been great. For me only Maxima and WA have a nice posture having their head straight, I don't like all the bended heads.

  3. Beautiful family photo. The King looks so handsome in his tux. The Queen looks stunning. Alexia looks stunning, I love this gown.

  4. Very nice and elegant. King WA is surrounded by 4 beautiful ladies, The Queen and their 3 daughters. The gowns are very lovely. Merry Christmas everyone. css

  5. Love this one - best pic of all christmas cards so far.

  6. I really love the colour and style of Catharina Amalia's dress. Some of her outfits are less than flattering but this one is perfect. Great choice. The three one shouldered gowns are all perfectly okay but nowhere near as nice as the Crown Princess's.

  7. Not sure about the way the photo was taken (somewhat informal yet a bit formal). But fashionwise they all look fabulous: really nice dresses, and suit for the king. Fabulous hair and make-up. The king looks very handsome in this picture, something about his hair looks different but better than usual.

  8. Amalia looks very nice, her sisters just copying her mother's bare shoulder outfit. King looks good, the pup seems uncomfortable.

  9. Very lovely card for all very nice gowns. I like to see Arianas and Alexis gown from the front. Oh yes, the dog must be in the pic as well. css

  10. Well, they all look lovely except for the dog! Like all the dresses but Amalias is so nice and really suits her. Km

    1. The dog is lovely but a little bit dirty

    2. Your comment about the dog made me laugh. and you are right - the dog looks a bit dirty. not so royal as the rest of the family - he probably has no stylist...

  11. A bit over the top! I wonder in what world do these live

    1. Well, in a Royal one and I guess that means by default that everything is a bit over the top?

  12. They all look beautiful in nice evening gowns but picture would be nicer without dog . Dog doesn't suit in picture when people are wearing evening clothes .

  13. Beautiful family and love the formality of the photo!

  14. Lovely card from the Dutch royals! Queen Maxima and her pretty daughters all look marvelous--I especially love CP Catherina-Amalia's beatiful gown. King W-A looks very handsome and quite handsome in his tuxedo.Glad to see them include their sweet pup too!


  15. They couldn't have taken the dog to the groomer before the photo session? Really? The humans all look nice (though I think Ariane's dress is a little old for her), but the poor dog looks like he hasn't had a bath or trim in years.

    1. Agree with you about dog needed bath.

    2. Wow, I really love your sense of humor!
      When nobody is complaining about Queen Maxima's hair for a change, you complain about the dog's hair. Hilarious :)))

      Everybody looks happy and fabulous.

    3. Dear Shannon, this is The Netherlands and it rains and rains and doggies get wet and a puppy loves mud which I am sure there is a lot of in a garden. He probably was not even supoosed to be there. The photographer probably just had everyone arranged and someone left the outside door open and he hurtled muddy feet and all so Maxima scooped him up to prevent further damage and the photographer went CLICK. At least that is how I imagine it. Considering how Self-conscious those girls must feel having to pose for this I think they look rather nice. I am not sure what you think Ariane should wear but she has the body of a mature tall woman and will be sixteen in April. If he is like the average Dutch girl around here she is probably pretty mature as well. She is a young adult she cannot dress like a young teen.

    4. You don't like happy people, do you?

  16. Il vestito più bello è quello di Amalia, eleganza che ben si adatta ad una ragazza. Anche le altre dame reali stanno bene, Maxima scintillante, ma non sono un fan del monospalla e meno che mai a Natale!
    Ancora non c’è una foto di auguri che trasmetta il calore e l’atmosfera del Natale, forse dovrò aspettare Svezia e Norvegia?
    Rossella ♥️

  17. Toute la famille est bien élégante ; je n'ai jamais vu Willem-Alexander aussi beau qu'en smoking ; adorable le chien qui n'a pas l'air d'être content peut-être est-ce dû au fait de ne pas être allé chez le toiletteur avant la photo ?!!

    1. Ces petits chiens sont ainsi, ils ont une couleur mal définie entre le beige, jaunasse, mais c'est ainsi.

  18. The dog looks hilariously grumpy :D I really like the King & Queen here, I hope they took some individual pictures in this setting, too. The young ladies are also nicely styled, each very much expressing their own taste. I just wish they wouldn't pose so unnaturally in each family picture.

  19. Should one shoulder dresses for the ladies had been the order of the day, then clearly The Princess of Orange did not get that memo. And it looks like the dog was a last minute, no wait, last second addition to the picture. But they all look happy and content which is the main thing.

  20. I like CP Amalia's dress better now than on "Prinsjesdag". Her hair is great. No necklace, so much better. I also like Queen Maxima's dress and King W.A. is so handsome, his beard and hair are better than usual. He looks better in dark suits than in the light blue one he seems to favor. Princesses Alexia's and Ariane's dresses are lovely too. Mambo the dog looks not very white, but maybe his hair is not completely white. Could it be that he has brown hair on his legs instead of mud ?

    1. Sui reali ho già commentato.
      Riguardo al cane sarà sicuramente come dici e cioè, una sfumatura del suo pelo.

  21. Die schräge Kopfhaltung der drei Prinzessinnen wirkt sehr unruhig und gekünstelt, das könnte besser sein, aber sie sind jede auf ihre Art sehr hübsch. Der Hund wird viel kritisiert hier, aber er symbolisiert für mich, wir - also die Familie nehmen es im Leben, wie es kommt. Angerannt, *wuff, auf den Arm und Blitz : ) Die Kleider gefallen mir alle nicht, muss auch nicht, es ist eine sehr liebenswerte Familie und das zählt.

    1. Yes, the three girls must have come down with stiff necks on picture day. Very odd that they're all doing it & leaning away from their parents. |-Melanie-|

  22. I disagree that the dog looks dirty, I think is his coloring, these breeds often look a little disheveled unless freshly groomed, I am sure that there is enough personnel at the palace in charge of bathing him. I also like the fact that they included him as part of the family. It makes me like the picture even more.

  23. P. the original23/12/22 10:24

    I like all of them, so cheerful and less formal than in other pics of the same kind.
    What lovely doggie!
    The three princesses are growing into beautiful women.
    W.Alexander and Maxima must be very proud of them.


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