Queen Maxima visited the Sociale Kruidenier in Amsterdam

The Social Grocery Store, an initiative of the Protestant Diaconie Amsterdam. Queen Maxima wore an outfit by Natan

On November 22, 2022, Queen Maxima paid a working visit to the Social Grocery Store (Sociale Kruidenier) at De Ark in Amsterdam. During her visit, the Queen met with the supermarket staff and owner to learn more about the initiative, which sells sustainable and ethical products at reasonable prices for their community.

The Social Grocery Store, an initiative of the Protestant Diaconie Amsterdam. Queen Maxima wore an outfit by Natan

The Social Grocery Store, an initiative of the Protestant Diaconie Amsterdam. Queen Maxima wore an outfit by Natan

The Social Grocery Store, an initiative of the Protestant Diaconie Amsterdam. Queen Maxima wore an outfit by Natan

The Social Grocery Store, an initiative of the Protestant Diaconie Amsterdam. Queen Maxima wore an outfit by Natan

The Social Grocery Store, an initiative of the Protestant Diaconie Amsterdam. Queen Maxima wore an outfit by Natan

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  1. Sherlock Maxima ha brillantemente risolto un altro caso!

    1. Elementare Watson!

  2. This woman can wear anything, even a potato sack like this. Beautiful she is

  3. We know QM always wants to wear something special. Sometimes that gives a very fresh, new look. Sometimes like here, not. Without this strange and not well taylored cape/collar it would have been a really nice suit for a working visit. Anna

  4. I'm not a fan of the cape but the dress is nice.

  5. Without that horrendous cape it would be an OK dress, I like the flare of the skirt and black complements.

  6. Ce n'est pas vrai mais pourquoi donc Maxima cache t-elle le haut ceinturé sur une jupe par une sorte de cape ?! Il me semble qu'un grand chale de couleur rouille -par exemple- l'aurait avantagée : belles bottes dans un cuir souple !

  7. I think we've seen it before.
    The skirt O.K. the cape not O.K.

  8. Well, its a big no for the cape thing from me. Km

  9. Grazie al sorriso di Maxima si perdona questa cappa orrenda e il vestito,
    per quello che si vede, sembra bello.

  10. A Christmas tree skirt around her shoulders....just bad.


  11. Cognac coloured boots and bah would lighten the outfit up !!

  12. Mathilde wore a cape that was very similar if not identical except for the colour. Had the same type of strange neckline. Natan perhaps?
    I actually think Maxima wears this rather well, generally speaking, in the first few photos.
    - Anon 9:13

  13. Comme peut-elle se présenter si mal coiffée, les bijoux, les boucles d'oreille de trop pour cette visite.
    Ce truc bizarre sur les épaules tout simplement horrible!

  14. Another Natan fail, smh

  15. The idea for the shoulder cape is there but the execution is a fail unfortunately. I applaud the Queen for wanting to be individual and try different designs of dresses. As shown here it can be a risk, regardless she looks bright, happy and engaging. Lovely as usual. I feel without the cape this dress would work well. I quite like the boots.

  16. I just hope she sees the pictures and throws the cape to the rubbish bin

  17. Oh well that is Queen Maxima and her taste in clothes.


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