Queen Maxima took part in the presentation of State of SMEs 2022 Annual Report

Queen Maxima wore a Franka plaid check dress by Natan Couture. Natan Fall Winter 2020 collection. Zara loral earrings

On November 17, 2022, Dutch Queen Maxima attended the presentation of the Annual Report 'State of SMEs 2022' of the Dutch Committee for Entrepreneurship at the family business Secrid in The Hague. The annual report was presented by chair Jacques van den Broek to the Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Micky Adriaansens, in the presence of all committee members. Queen Maxima is a member of the Committee.

Queen Maxima wore a Franka plaid check dress by Natan Couture. Natan Fall Winter 2020 collection. Zara loral earrings

Queen Maxima wore a Franka plaid check dress by Natan Couture. Natan Fall Winter 2020 collection. Zara loral earrings

Queen Maxima wore a Franka plaid check dress by Natan Couture. Natan Fall Winter 2020 collection. Zara loral earrings

Queen Maxima wore a Franka plaid check dress by Natan Couture. Natan Fall Winter 2020 collection. Zara loral earrings

Queen Maxima wore a Franka plaid check dress by Natan Couture. Natan Fall Winter 2020 collection. Zara loral earrings

Queen Maxima wore a Franka plaid check dress by Natan Couture. Natan Fall Winter 2020 collection. Zara loral earrings

Queen Maxima wore a Franka plaid check dress by Natan Couture. Natan Fall Winter 2020 collection. Zara loral earrings

Queen Maxima wore a Franka plaid check dress by Natan Couture. Natan Fall Winter 2020 collection. Zara loral earrings

Queen Maxima wore a Franka plaid check dress by Natan Couture. Natan Fall Winter 2020 collection. Zara loral earrings

Queen Maxima wore Natan Couture Franka Dress in Plaid Check - Natan fw20 collection
Natan Couture Franka Dress

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  1. From my point of view, the earrings don´t match with the outfit. The dress is a good choice but the colour of the bag, which for my taste, should have been the same as the dress colour or her boots.

  2. Amélioration dans cette robe Natan avec cette ceinture qui change largement de celle qu'elle a portée précédemment ; j'aime bien ses nouvelles
    boucles d'oreilles qui apportent une petite note de contraste !

  3. This is a nice outfit and Maxima looks good in it. At first glance from afar, I thought the fabric was Burberry, but no, it's Mr. Big Buckle himself. I'm glad she went with the smaller belt buckle. The boots are there because of the weather and the time of the year, but this outfit would also look good with a good pair of shoes.
    - Anon 9:13

  4. I don't normally like Natan but I like this dress on Queen Maxima. I do prefer the belt of the model, dark burgundy and also how her neck tie is utilized and worn.. The Queen's boots work in well with the outfit.

  5. Not bad - it´s actually a wearable piece by Natan. Season appropriate as well. And fits her. But it had been better with a leather belt matching the boots, much like on the model. I don´t care for the big belt buckle but the brown belt gives it more structure. I also prefer the model´s way of tying the collar flaps and wearing the cuffs down.
    The earrings are a totally random choice and make little sense to me. Her hair is not good but we´ve seen worse.

    1. You sum it up quite good, agree on all points,

    2. Completely agree with every point.

  6. Queen Maxima and Queen Matilda are wearing the same style; the difference, Matilda is wearing pant’s suit in the same pattern. They both love Nathan.

  7. I like the dress, I like its fit, and it looks good on Queen Maxima. But, its a bit bland. Not a fan of the earrings paired with the dress--large gold would have been a better in my opinion and might have brightened up the whole look.


  8. By Natan standards, it's not a bad outfit but altogether too beige for my liking.

  9. Although QM has a fantastic figure I think this dress, esp. the style, makes her a kind of voluminous. Maybe cause the dress is quite long and has a high collar ( lot of fabrics). However at itself the dress is simple and nice

  10. Not my favourite Maxima style of late. It's a tad too beige and colourless - maybe the original red belt or her burgundy boots would've provided more contrast. I also think the shawl/tie situation is suffocating her a bit - and the earrings don't really vibe with the outfit.

    1. I have to agree, its a tad too beige, and the shawl/tie/neck looks like its not tied properly, as its just too much, as is the standard hair a mess look. She has the ability to make the hair look nice, with a stylist, or simply pulled back, yet she goes for the sloppy look most all the time, very sad to say. Caty

  11. It seems that half of Maxima's wardrobe is signed by Natan. She looks drab in it . Her hair is in dire need of a good haircut.


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