Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Aiko visited National Museum

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Princess Aiko visited a special exhibition at Tokyo National Museum

On November 24, Japan's Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Princess Aiko visited the special exhibition titled "The National Treasures of the Tokyo National Museum" at the National Museum in Ueno, Tokyo. The exhibition is being held on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the museum. Founded in 1872, Tokyo National Museum has the longest history among all museums in Japan.

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Princess Aiko visited a special exhibition at Tokyo National Museum

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Princess Aiko visited a special exhibition at Tokyo National Museum

The exhibition is broadly divided into three sections that trace the Museum’s 150-year history from 1872 to today. The works acquired in each period are shown together with supplementary materials to present an overview of National Museum’s past and present.

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Princess Aiko visited a special exhibition at Tokyo National Museum

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Princess Aiko visited a special exhibition at Tokyo National Museum

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Princess Aiko visited a special exhibition at Tokyo National Museum

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  1. The emperor looks best. Princess Aiko: in the photo she looks from the waist down as if it were a photo of the late 96-year-old Queen Elizabeth (cut of skirt and shoes)

    1. Absolutely True Kaiko

    2. Lol, so true! without the face, could be late Queen Elizabeth alright! Perhaps it's their customs, but Princess Aiko does not dress appropriately for her age. Her Mum is always elegant.
      Looks like a nice museum to visit.

    3. Yes, but is Princess Aiko allowed to dress appropriately?

  2. Empress Masako always looks amazing in her well tailored trousers. Princess Aiko looks well groomed, her hair is better, holding a modern youthful purse. i wish she has worn trousers, would have been better than that old fashioned over-sized skirt.

  3. Princess Aiko's jacket and small purse have a Chanel feeling, they look so good on her. Pity the skirt and shoes seem to spoil the look, in my opinion. Her hair is up in a curly ponytail as far as I can see, very pretty.

  4. Ravie de voir Aiko au cours de cette visite en compagnie de ses parents ; son look n'est pas à l'avantage d'une jeune fille de son âge même s'il a un petit air Chanel ; le seul point positif est que sa queue de cheval très légèrement bouclée lui va à ravir. Toujours parfaits les empereurs !

    1. Yes, the Emperor always takes the trouble to wear his tie in a coordinating colour to the ensemble worn by the Empress.

  5. The Empress looks lovely in soft lavender. The jacket and trousers fits her beautifully. She’s such a graceful lady.
    A lovely family engagement.

  6. Love the lilac-colored matching mother & daughter outfits.

  7. The Empress and Emperor look very nice, but Pss Aiko dresses too old for her age sadly.css

  8. The tailored pantsuit fits and suits the Empress perfectly. She looks elegant but not fussy. I really hope she wears more of this style. Her daughter though is dressed in a far too matronly outfit for someone so young. (V.M.)

    1. But is she allowleld to dress otherwise?

  9. Empress Masako's lilac colored pantsuit is fabulous. I love the pastel color, the fit is perfect. The addition of her pearl necklace is enchasing and elegant. Pss Aiko's jacket looks good, love her small bag.


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