Crown Princess Victoria attended the opening of Gundua Girls’ Dormitory

Crown Princess Victoria wore an Irmaline floral print maxi dress, floral top and skirt by Rodebjer. The Gundua Foundation

On November 25, 2022, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden attended the opening of Gundua Girls’ Dormitory in Laikipia, Kenya. The Gundua Foundation's main sponsors are Apotek, Ikea and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation as well as numerous private donors. The foundation aims to support the children in the community of Ex-Lewa.

Crown Princess Victoria wore an Irmaline floral print maxi dress, floral top and skirt by Rodebjer. The Gundua Foundation

Crown Princess Victoria wore an Irmaline floral print maxi dress, floral top and skirt by Rodebjer. The Gundua Foundation

Crown Princess Victoria wore an Irmaline floral print maxi dress, floral top and skirt by Rodebjer. The Gundua Foundation

The Gundua Girls’ Dormitory was built on the school premises in Ex-Lewa and will accommodate 200 girls, with priority given to girls residing in villages furthest from the school, those from poor families but with good academic performance. Crown Princess Victoria is Patron of the Gundua Foundation.

Crown Princess Victoria wore an Irmaline floral print maxi dress, floral top and skirt by Rodebjer. The Gundua Foundation

Crown Princess Victoria wore Rodebjer Irmaline floral print maxi dress top and skirt
Rodebjer Irmaline Dress

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  1. It seems that only floral dresses are on sale ... however fresh they are. Regarding the hair, I really prefer the hair clip rather than the bun, it gives a softer look.

  2. Unbelievable! Yet an other floral long, shapeless dress. Anyone keeping score on how many? This one looks too big and I do not like the floral pattern. This is more curtain material than dress fabric. It overwhelms the crown princess.

    1. Ouch! I took one look and went and put the kettle on.
      I’ll have a good, strong cup of tea (or two) then go back to see if there’s anything positive I can comment on; fashion wise of course.

    2. @deadeggs. ;-))

  3. CPVictoria is almost swallowed up by this dress. I think it’s the very long full sleeves combined with the overall length of the dress. Too bad. It has quite a pretty print and a flattering neckline. With some minor alterations it could have looked lovely. (V.M.)

  4. Back to florals I see. This one might be my least favourite one yet. It's too long and the sleeves are just too large. The overall pattern gives nightie vibes...

  5. The cut and style of this dress I love. I am not a fan of the floral pattern. The dress maybe a tad big for the Crown Princess.

  6. Oh, no. This dress wasn’t great with sandals. It’s awful with the white trainers. If it was about 10 inches shorter, it might be okay. AnnieM

  7. It's the start of the annual royal visits to warmer climes. *Regina

  8. This specimen of the flower dresses of Victoria I really like: very nice and light design.
    In hot climates it is nice to wear loose fitting clothes.
    The combi with the sneakers add a touch of humor for me,

    1. I have spent a lot of time over the years in hot climates in SE Asia. I love wearing loose dresses but there are many ways of designing dresses without them becoming overpowering as CP Victoria´s have been. Mostly it has been the waistline that has been wrong imo. Instead of lots of fabric gathered at the waist it looks better with a firs not so wide cute empire height and then layering outwards. Makes the siluett much better with an illusion of a narrower waist without being tight. Ladyofthmanor

  9. Normally I am not a fan of flowy florals but I this time I really think it is perfect on her and for the occasion I can't explain it.. It is a gut feel I have about what would be appreciated in Kenja ( I am from a Southern African country origionally.) To me it just feels right. It is very festive but also very attainable for ordinary mortals not only princesses. The trainers were probably neccesary because of the terrain. It is a just finished building site. You can see that on the one side of the path it has only aquired its earth next to it very recently. The grass has not had a chance to take over yet. If you look at the gentleman beating the drum on the left in picture three. I can just feel the vibes and the bouncy exitement of the whole school marching along to open their new building.

    1. I also think so. It’s good for the place she is at. Trainers are comfortable if you not on the road unlike high heeled shoes.

  10. Encore une robe fleurie très rafraîchissante pour cette occasion ; il me semble que des sandales à petits talons auraient mieux convenu pour allonger la silhouette de Victoria !

  11. Nice dress when worn with a heel not so much with the white Trainers, css

  12. For one excited moment I couldn't see her hands and thought "her dress has pockets!!!" Sadly, it's just that her hands were swimming in excess fabric. :(

  13. She's a good looking personable woman, but her choice of outfits and her severe hairdo, makes her look matronly.


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