Princess Charlene shared new photos of her children Gabriella and Jacques

Princess Charlene of Monaco shared new photos of her children Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

Princess Charlene of Monaco shared new photos of her children Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella on her Instagram account with the caption "Gabriella gave herself and her brother a haircut!!! Looking forward to school on Monday". Twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella will go back to school on Monday.

Princess Charlene of Monaco shared new photos of her children Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

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  1. So nice to see that behind their "royal" life they are just normal kids.
    Love them both. Hope their parents saw the lighter side of the situation.

    1. Anonymous3/9/22 22:32

      Love this lady and her children ,just perfect they behave so normally ,all of us parents have had this happen ,even the day before 1st holt communion and had to wait for hair to grow back about 8 weeks later to get photographs ,not the same though that special twinkle was not in the eyes ,could be worse ,they could have a cast for broken arm or leg ,very common in active outdoor children ,we all praying for Charlene and her beautiful children ,the jewel in the crown of manics just like Kate Middleton

    2. Sorry @Anon 3/9/22 22:32 but I don't understand the last part of your comment where you talk about Kate Middleton ???

    3. Anonymous4/9/22 17:28

      That is the same thought i had, what so many other regular parents go through with their children. I remember cutting my own hair as a kid and my mom throwing an absolute fit about it, LOL. Cute pics.

  2. Anonymous3/9/22 09:38

    Two cute children back to school. ❤️
    I hope Gabriella's hair cutting is for fun this time and not as the same cause as last time.

  3. Toujours aussi mignons avec leur originale coupe de cheveux !

    1. Anonymous3/9/22 16:07

      Originale coupe de cheveux ??? vous plaisantez ? la pauvre Gabriella veut encore imiter maman et a massacré son frère et elle...çà repousse ok mais cela commence à faire beaucoup...

    2. à Anonyme 3/9:2022 16:07
      Bien-sûr que je plaisante comme la princesse Charlène qui nous a fait partager les photos de ses enfants sur son compte Instagram !

  4. Anonymous3/9/22 10:50

    i think Gabriella is tired of the bangs, as well as Jacques. time for new style.

  5. Anonymous3/9/22 10:57

    She is seven years old, way to old to be doing this. Maybe an attention thing. These cuties have certainly had a rough few years, hopefully life will now be more stable for them. Joj

    1. Anonymous3/9/22 17:14

      I had cut my sister's hair at 8. At least Gabriella had cut straight, I simply chopped off a chunk in the back. My sister still moans over that


  6. Gabriella s'est trouvée une nouvelle activité :la coiffure.
    C'est la deuxième fois qu'elle se coupe les cheveux.Mais cette fois-ci, Jacques
    est de la partie
    Jacques me paraît calme,observateur et réfléchi.
    Gabriella:Plus expansive et surtout espiègle.
    J'ai hâte de voir ces deux loulous à la pique nique monegasque.cet après midi.

  7. Anonymous3/9/22 14:50

    Cela ne lui avait pas suffi sa 1ere tentative de coiffeuse ! le frère en subit également les dommages cette fois ci

  8. Anonymous3/9/22 15:01

    And here come the experts!! looking for any possible character flaws or issues. No!! 7 is not too old to experiment with haircuts. Let them be.

    1. @CB I agree, let them be. They are good "normal" young kids.
      When they are adults, they'll look back at these photos and laugh their heads off.

    2. Anonymous3/9/22 19:49

      Agree kids will be kids

  9. Anonymous3/9/22 15:59

    Such beautiful children!


  10. Anonymous3/9/22 17:23

    @CB, let other posters be.

    1. Anonymous4/9/22 04:43

      @Anonymous @17:23, and how pray do tell, am I impeding any posters to post? Did I tell them not to write? It seems that you are the one chastising me for having the opinion that there is nothing constructive about speculating as to whether this child has any issues because she likes to experiment with cutting hair….I am letting the poster “be”, and also expressing my opinion, now please let me be.

  11. Anonymous3/9/22 17:39

    Looks as if they BOTH enjoyed the use of personal hair cutting session. Children that age tend to experiment. :)

  12. Anonymous3/9/22 17:48

    Well she did it again. I am sure there is someone who can fix it? But two cute kids. css

  13. Anonymous3/9/22 19:24

    Cue all the armchair child psychologists with their degrees from Google University. Maybe these two will be better adjusted than their English counterparts (Charles and Andrew) for example, because they enjoyed a normal childhood and were allowed to be imperfect. I would rather see harmless childhood shenanigans now than the big, embarrassing, possibly illegal gaffes others have made in adulthood when they were finally let off leash. It's something to think about.

  14. Anonymous3/9/22 19:47

    This makes love them even more! :)
    Normal, fun kids, and a mum who isn't shy to share their everyday antics with the world.
    Wishing them the start of a fun school year next week together with millions of other kids around the world.
    - Anon 9:13

  15. Anonymous3/9/22 20:34

    Kids will be kids, whether they’re royal or not ! It’s a lovely bond they have. Think Gabriella is more confident than her brother !

  16. Its so lovely to see the obvious bond, between brother and sister, twins, beautiful. They really are adorable.

  17. Anonymous4/9/22 08:51

    Mi hija lo hizo con tres años. Tuvimos que cortarla el pelo como Charlene 😂

  18. Anonymous4/9/22 11:46

    Geniet jou kinders Charlene, hulle is pragtig. Groete en Suid Afrika liefde

  19. Raise your hand if you haven't cut siblings (and your own) hair as a child? LoL. Children being children.

    1. Dear Renato. Not me but my sister. I was quite a little saint, you know :-))
      Perhaps there could be a saint Deadeggs one day :-))

    2. Anonymous5/9/22 18:08

      Even worse, my mother did it to my sister trying to trim her bangs/fringe. They were so short when she was finished 'evening them up', she had to keep her home from school because she looked so bad. They had to make an emergency trip to the beauty shop to have something done. She looked terrible for a couple of months. 😂

  20. Anonymous5/9/22 08:00

    Maybe a Royal hairdresser in the making here :-) I just love these two little rascals. They are so much just like other kids, up to mischief. ~MS~


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