Princess Amalia started her education at the University of Amsterdam

Crown Princess Amalia wore an arabian dreams print Leia blouse by Circle of Trust, and white denim trousers by Zara

Crown Princess Catharina-Amalia, the 18 years old daughter of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of The Netherlands, started her university education at the University of Amsterdam in Amsterdam. There, the Crown Princess will study Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (PPLE). Princess Amalia graduated high school with distinction in June 2021 from Christelijk Gymnasium Sorghvliet.

Crown Princess Amalia wore an arabian dreams print Leia blouse by Circle of Trust, and white denim trousers by Zara

Crown Princess Amalia wore an arabian dreams print Leia blouse by Circle of Trust, and white denim trousers by Zara

Crown Princess Amalia wore an arabian dreams print Leia blouse by Circle of Trust, and white denim trousers by Zara

Crown Princess Amalia wore an arabian dreams print Leia blouse by Circle of Trust, and white denim trousers by Zara

Crown Princess Amalia wore an arabian dreams print Leia blouse by Circle of Trust, and white denim trousers by Zara

Crown Princess Amalia wore an arabian dreams print Leia blouse by Circle of Trust, and white denim trousers by Zara

Crown Princess Amalia wore an arabian dreams print Leia blouse by Circle of Trust, and white denim trousers by Zara

Crown Princess Amalia wore an arabian dreams print Leia blouse by Circle of Trust, and white denim trousers by Zara

Crown Princess Amalia wore Circle of Trust Pilar blouse print arabian dreams
Circle of Trust Pilar blouse

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  1. Anonymous5/9/22 21:09

    Looking and dressing her age for once. Pretty typical student wear really. Km

  2. Good luck to Princess Amalia with her studies. This is a great casual outfit. She looks much better here than in the formal photos we often see where she has not looked her best. This is young and fresh.

  3. Anonymous5/9/22 22:02

    A very nice outfit and a light makeup. Amalia looks super, the white trainers make it perfect.css

  4. Anonymous5/9/22 22:36

    Congratulations Catharine hope you enjoy your university years. They should be best years of your life my own experience was amazing. Mary

  5. Anonymous5/9/22 23:20

    outfit is pretty but terrible hairday, true daughter of maxima. Maybe nervous or many parties ? It is al fine by me , I hope she will enjoy her time at university

    1. hair day, hairdo not that bad for a student. But already a coat, other girl still in summer dress.

    2. Anonymous6/9/22 11:20

      She is not going to an official event, she is attending classes. How should her hair look? I'm nor sure what you are expecting from a student.

    3. Anonymous6/9/22 19:54

      Haha she is attending classes, it is not a catwalk..She can wear what ever she wants, hope she has lot of fun at university.

  6. Anonymous5/9/22 23:51

    Hard to see her outfit under the coat but she is a lovely young woman.

  7. Anonymous5/9/22 23:58

    Beautiful girl. Wishing her all the best as she begins her studies, and starts a new life transitioning from adolescence to young adult independence and adulthood. She has a lot on her plate in the future and I am rooting for her success.
    - Anon 9:13

  8. A lovely young lady, she looks casual, the perfect outfit. I love the barely there makeup, looks so natural and enchasing . I wish her well in her studies.

  9. Anonymous6/9/22 04:34

    Nice student ensemble for her new stage in life. To me she very strongly resembles the former Queen Beatrix, now Princess Beatrix. The shape of her face and features skipped back a generation to her Grandmother, who was a very attractive young woman at that age, too.

  10. Anonymous6/9/22 05:46

    Lovely outfit, wishing her a fantastic year!

  11. Amalia looks so fresh and pretty here, just gorgeous! Wishing her a very happy and successful time at University. I hope she can enjoy these years before she takes on official duties. Cindy

  12. C'est vraiment une belle jeune fille ; dommage que son manteau cache sa tenue dont un élégant chemisier. J'espère vivement que ses études vont lui apporter le bagage nécessaire à sa vie d'adulte et surtout à son futur rôle !

  13. Anonymous6/9/22 09:57

    Good Luck Amalia with your studies ! She looks dressed for the occasion ! Relaxed and appropriate!

  14. Anonymous6/9/22 11:25

    Amalia has this lovely beautiful face and amazing thick hair. She's intelligent and seems very friendly.Today she is better dressed for a woman her age. Much and much better than normally. Except for the coat cause It's bloody hot in the Netherlands so a coat?? Probably still to cover her figure, although got impression she lost some weight, which is very good for health reasons.

    1. Anonymous6/9/22 18:28

      As well as being good for people who are obsessed with other people's weight.

    2. Anonymous7/9/22 07:37

      Stop talking weight it only tell us how mean and shallow we are.

  15. Anonymous6/9/22 14:21

    Ich kann nur allen zustimmen. Sie sieht reizend aus.
    Zum ersten Mal sehe ich in Ihrem Gesicht Maxima.

  16. Anonymous6/9/22 17:18

    Its not a coat, it looks rather a waterproof cardigan.


  17. Anonymous6/9/22 18:56

    Maybe she'll attend some sports classes as well? Nigella

    1. Anonymous7/9/22 07:09

      How do you know that she doesn't? She's a very competent skier so no reason to suppose she doesn't practice other sports.

      And no need to be snide.

    2. Anonymous7/9/22 13:06

      @ Anon 6/9/22 18.56 - fat shaming a teenager?! Where have you been ... this is 2022, surely you know that people come in different shapes and sizes? Perhaps Princess Amalia (who is wealthy enough to afford the best) is already on her own health & exercise and fitness regimen program. Who knows.

  18. Anonymous6/9/22 21:31

    Unappreciated comment…..


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