Grand Duchess Maria Teresa and Princess Caroline attended a meeting at UNESCO

Princess Caroline wore a white tweed jacket by Chanel. Maria Teresa wore Maison Rabih Kayrouz gray asymmetric outfit

On September 9, 2022, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg, Princess Caroline of Monaco and Sheikha Moza bint Nasser attended a meeting titled "Act Now to Protect Education from Attack" at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris on the occasion of the International Day to Protect Education From Attack. International Day to Protect Education From Attack is observed every year on September 9.

Princess Caroline wore a white tweed jacket by Chanel. Maria Teresa wore Maison Rabih Kayrouz gray asymmetric outfit

Princess Caroline wore a white tweed jacket by Chanel. Maria Teresa wore Maison Rabih Kayrouz gray asymmetric outfit

Princess Caroline wore a white tweed jacket by Chanel. Maria Teresa wore Maison Rabih Kayrouz gray asymmetric outfit

Princess Caroline wore a white tweed jacket by Chanel. Maria Teresa wore Maison Rabih Kayrouz gray asymmetric outfit

Princess Caroline wore a white tweed jacket by Chanel. Maria Teresa wore Maison Rabih Kayrouz gray asymmetric outfit

Princess Caroline wore a white tweed jacket by Chanel. Maria Teresa wore Maison Rabih Kayrouz gray asymmetric outfit

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg, who has been a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for 25 years, opened the meeting by presenting an alarming assessment of the situation. On the sidelines of the meeting, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa spoke at length with H.H. Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, President of the "Education Above All" Foundation and with Mrs. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO.

Princess Caroline wore a white tweed jacket by Chanel. Maria Teresa wore Maison Rabih Kayrouz gray asymmetric outfit

Princess Caroline wore a white tweed jacket by Chanel. Maria Teresa wore Maison Rabih Kayrouz gray asymmetric outfit

Princess Caroline wore a white tweed jacket by Chanel. Maria Teresa wore Maison Rabih Kayrouz gray asymmetric outfit

Princess Caroline wore Chanel White Tweed Jacket from 2020 Cruise collection
Chanel White Tweed Jacket - 2020 Cruise collection

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  1. Anonymous10/9/22 13:30

    Bella donna la Sheikha Moza, ma Caroline sempre in Chanel anche se chic, diventa un po’ noiosa.
    Rossella 🌹

  2. Anonymous10/9/22 13:50

    Sheikha Moza bint Nasser is very beautiful and elegant. The shoes of the Grand Duchess are not suitable.

  3. La Sheikha Moza doit avoir le même âge que les autres mais elle semble être leur fille

  4. Anonymous10/9/22 14:31

    Princess Caroline stands out in her “simple” but elegant combination. Love it, very feminine.
    The Sheila is a bit too much of the same tissue, but her jacket is beautiful.

  5. Caroline looks very business chic in Chanel, beautiful.

  6. De toutes les dames, c'est vraiment la Sheikha Moza qui est la plus élégante avec une silhouette de rêve ; même si Caroline est bien chic, j'aurais été agréablement surprise de la voir vêtue autre qu'en Chanel !

  7. Anonymous10/9/22 16:17

    Well yes maybe the shoes are not suitable, but wearing espadrilles like queen Letizia does from Eastern till the 1st of November is not always suitable either. It is still not very cold in the Benelux and France, as long as she has no cold feet.

    1. Anonymous11/9/22 08:29

      Agreed I don’t see anything wrong with her shoes, but what does Letizia have to do in this conversation? And why are spadrilles not a suitable footwear? I love them, but also respect that they are a very typical in Spain and women proudly wear a a product intrinsically related to their culture. You may not like them, but isn’t necessary to insert a third party to defend your position.

    2. Anonymous11/9/22 19:28

      I have nothing against espadrilles. For me they are on the same level as sandals. If the weather is still warm why not wear them. If anonymous 10/9 13:50 says GD Maria Teresa's sandals are not suitable I answer that wearing espadrilles are not suitable either then. I mentioned queen Letizia because she is the one who is wearing them mostly, but it goes for every lady (royal or not). It is just a comparison between two type of shoes and has nothing to do with respect or not. Why always be so aggressive. This blog is about fashion (dresses, skirts, blouses, trousers,..... and shoes).

  8. Anonymous10/9/22 16:52

    Sheika Moza is very beautiful but I don't like the way the hemline of her pants is finished.

  9. Anonymous10/9/22 18:25

    Oh my.. what has she done to her face..

    1. Anonymous10/9/22 21:12

      @ Who is done something to her face ?

  10. Nice to see them both. Difficult to believe that the Grand Duchess is a year older than Princess Caroline. Sheikha Moza's outfit is amazing. Don;t let Queen Maxima see it!!

    1. Anonymous11/9/22 08:01

      GD MT has had a full facelift and lot of other facial work done. I invite you to compare their pictures from 10 years ago. Then Caroline was the younger and certainly the more beautiful looking of the two. Disturbing this comparison of a natural and an overly corrected face in favour of the latter.

    2. Anonymous11/9/22 19:54

      @Elisabeth. When GD Maria Teresa married GD Henri she was a beautiful young woman, she had a beautiful face and was slim. Later on after she had her children her slim figure disappeared. If you compare her picture from that period with how she is now she is looking so much better now (after a total make over, facelift included). She started to dress differently and it suits her. She looks younger now than before. Princess Caroline was a beautiful girl when she was younger and she remained longtime a beautiful woman but now she cannot hide her age anymore and maybe she doesn't want to hide it. She could dye her hair again and wear it shorter. But maybe she doesn't want to do that for reasons we don't know about. It is difficult to compare 2 completely different persons. They have both their qualities and negative points. Their lives they had until know are probably completely different. That has an influence too on how someone looks when she/he becomes older. I wish them both a good health (which is far more important than how you look).

    3. Anonymous12/9/22 07:55

      @Anonymous 19.54: you completely miss the point.

  11. Anonymous10/9/22 19:47

    Lots of different fashions,really nice the only thing I don't like is the hem on Sheika Mozas pant. css

  12. If I were asked to name the best dressed of this group, I would choose Princess Caroline. I love her Chanel jacket and blouse with the black pants. Very nice.

  13. Pss Caroline's Chanel jacket looks lovely. Sheika Moza, has real presence, she looks fabulous. The Grand Duchess looks very pretty, her outfit is soft and feminine, but I don't like her shoes.

  14. Anonymous10/9/22 23:53

    All 3 ladies are representing their respective styles perfectly, and they look good doing it. The GD looks nice in her flowy ensemble, and I like her dressy sandals. Sheikha Moza looks incredible,as usual, in her head to toe dressed up style. And Caroline in Chanel, looks great, especially love the classic style jacket.

  15. Anonymous11/9/22 03:57

    Moza is always beautifully made up and she has a very commanding presence. I'm not liking the hem on her pants but other than that, her ensemble is great. Caroline looks business appropriate, and the GD is ok but nothing outstanding.


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