Belgium’s Royal Family attended the wedding of Count Charles-Henri

Queen Mathilde wore a green Natan dress, Princess Elisabeth in Natan dress. Eleonore wore a silk dress by Maje

Yesterday, Queen Mathilde's brother Count Charles-Henri d'Udekem d'Acoz got married to Caroline Philipe. King Philippe, Queen Mathilde, Crown Princess Elisabeth, Prince Emmanuel and Princess Eleonore attended the wedding of Count Charles-Henri and Caroline. The religious wedding took place at St. Michael's Church in Calvados. Prince Gabriel, who started his training at the Royal Military School, could not attend the wedding.

Queen Mathilde wore a green Natan dress, Princess Elisabeth in Natan dress. Eleonore wore a silk dress by Maje

Queen Mathilde wore a green Natan dress, Princess Elisabeth in Natan dress. Eleonore wore a silk dress by Maje

Queen Mathilde wore a green Natan dress, Princess Elisabeth in Natan dress. Eleonore wore a silk dress by Maje

Queen Mathilde wore a green Natan dress, Princess Elisabeth in Natan dress. Eleonore wore a silk dress by Maje

Queen Mathilde wore a green Natan dress, Princess Elisabeth in Natan dress. Eleonore wore a silk dress by Maje

Queen Mathilde wore a green Natan dress, Princess Elisabeth in Natan dress. Eleonore wore a silk dress by Maje

Queen Mathilde wore a green Natan dress, Princess Elisabeth in Natan dress. Eleonore wore a silk dress by Maje

Princess Eleonore wore MAJE Shiny Fluid Silk Dress
MAJE Shiny Fluid Silk Dress

Princess Elisabeth wore Carolina Herrera Jasmine Lines Earrings
Carolina Herrera Jasmine Lines Earrings

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  1. Anonymous4/9/22 11:51

    Un bel giorno di festa. E queste sorelle minori crescono in fretta anche in altezza 😊


  2. Anonymous4/9/22 12:03

    The Belgium royal family looks lovely, stylish and festive,

    1. Anonymous4/9/22 17:21

      Absolutely agree. Just love everyone's looks, beautiful!

  3. Anonymous4/9/22 13:07

    Wow ! Everybody is beautifully dressed for the occasion of this marriage. The dress of Queen Mathilde is a rewear and her earrings are gorgeous. Princess Eleonore has a lovely dress by Maje, although I find it a bit too pale for her. CP Elisabeth is wearing mummy's earrings by C. Herrera. King Philippe is looking very handsome in his festive suit. Normally we see him always in one of his uniforms on the occasion of national traditional ceremonies. Prince Emmanuel is becoming a handsome young man too. A pity prince Gabriel is not present (military duty at the RMA).

  4. Bien-sûr, la famille royale est bien représentée pour ce mariage ; Mathilde a beaucoup d'allure dans cette tenue vert tendre à laquelle elle a associé des boucles d'oreilles dont je crois voir des diamants et des émeraudes ? Aussi, elle n'a pu que prêter les siennes aux lignes de jasmin à Elisabeth ; j'adore la robe de Eleonore très fluide à volants mais cela manque d'une pochette ou même d'un petit bijou ; elle devient de plus en plus jolie !

  5. They all look lovely ! It must have been impressive for local people in Calvados. Elisabeth seems particularly happy, maybe she is dreaming of ...

  6. Anonymous4/9/22 16:20

    Great photos of the princesses! Love the dress Eleonore has chosen--she looks great. Elisabeth also looks wonderful. The bride is beautiful--love her simple gown! Can't see enough of Queen Mathilde's dressto comment but the color is pretty. Hope to see more photo!


  7. Love the royal family's presence for this special occasion. Very close-knit family indeed! I would say this would probably be the first wedding experience for Princess Elisabeth attending as a grown-up lady. Before this, she used to have roles like being a flower girl or one of the young bridesmaids. Kudos to her and Queen Mathilde for wearing something repeat. Quite surprised that Princess Eleonore was the one who wore new mature outfit. Well, I can't wait and very much looking forward to next Saturday for the upcoming Princess Maria Laura's wedding. We can expect that these ladies would turn up in something new and beautiful...

  8. Anonymous4/9/22 20:44

    Great look on everyone.css

  9. Anonymous4/9/22 21:06

    Sadly, the bride's dress is one of the worst I've seen for a royal, as the bridesmaids should have worn tights... The Royal family King, Queen, etc looked wonderful, though CP Elisabeth's hair looked like it needed a good wash and blow out. The Royal family, looked relaxed and their dresses were impressive. jj

    1. Anonymous5/9/22 15:37

      @jj. CP Elisabeth has natural curls in her hair. There is no reason why she would not have washed her hair. If you have natural curls in you hair and you let it dry without doing a brushing the curls are coming back. Her sister Princess Eleonore has straight hair. If she wants curls she has to dry her hair with a special electric brush that is making curls.

    2. Anonymous5/9/22 17:03

      It's not really a royal wedding as such, is it? He's a count and nobility but not a royal. And the bride is a commoner as far as I know? As for CP Elisabeth's hair: the temperatures and possible humidity probably made her curly hair look like this. I give her a pass, even though it's far from bad in my opninion ;-)

  10. Anonymous4/9/22 21:50

    The bride looks beautiful, I love her earrings and the comb that holds the veil. Beside of the bride, the two young princesses look wonderful, Princess Eleanor is becoming a stunning young lady, Princess Elizabeth is the epitome of a future Queen, their mother Queen Mathilde looks regal in her green dress. Lovely pictures.

  11. The Royal family all look impeccably dressed. I saw a photo of Q, Mathilde elsewhere which highlighted her dress. She looked lovely a cape effect dress, suited her beautifully. The color is very pretty. The King looked very well groomed. I love his suit. The Bride looked lovely, her bouquet of flowers so pretty.

  12. Anonymous5/9/22 01:51

    I attended a wedding yesterday and the bride was beautiful as was her dress. This wedding looks quite plain; the dress looks fine at the top ;but the bottom, looks? I love the dresses of the young royal's so floaty and pretty as are the girls(Tara)

    1. I tend to agree that the top of the brides's dress is quite nice, but I like less the bottom. Difficult to see what's the right length for it.

  13. Anonymous5/9/22 07:50

    Lovely family, dressed accordingly. Not a fan of the brides' dress, but taste in fashion differs. As long as she felt beautiful and special on her wedding day. ~MS~

  14. Anonymous5/9/22 08:58

    Eleanore will be taller than Elisabeth it seems. Lovely floral dresses! Emmanuel seems to have taken after his uncle


    1. Anonymous5/9/22 15:53

      @ Mimi
      Which uncle do you mean ?

    2. Anonymous6/9/22 07:37

      @Anon 15:53

      The one who is getting married here, that's Mathilde's brother.


  15. Lovely dresses for both Princesses. The younger two, Emmanuel and Eleanor, seem to have grown so much taller over the summer. With her flat shoes Princess Eleanor is almost as tall as her sister.


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