Princess Delphine attended Aardenburg Arts Festival 2022

Princess Delphine of Saxe-Coburg met with artists Manuela Klerkx and Sofie Van de Velde at Kunstenfestival

On August 13, 2022, Princess Delphine of Belgium attended Aardenburg Arts Festival 2022 (Kunstenfestival) in Aardenburg, Netherlands. Aardenburg is a small city close to the Dutch border of Belgium. The Princess took part in the Festival as a special guest with her exhibition titled 'A Life' involving only her personal works including paintings, neons and sculptures. Kunstenfestival Aardenburg is a biennale for art at home and in outdoor spaces.

Princess Delphine of Saxe-Coburg met with artists Manuela Klerkx and Sofie Van de Velde at Kunstenfestival

Princess Delphine of Saxe-Coburg met with artists Manuela Klerkx and Sofie Van de Velde at Kunstenfestival

Princess Delphine of Saxe-Coburg met with artists Manuela Klerkx and Sofie Van de Velde at Kunstenfestival

Princess Delphine of Saxe-Coburg met with artists Manuela Klerkx and Sofie Van de Velde at Kunstenfestival

Princess Delphine of Saxe-Coburg met with artists Manuela Klerkx and Sofie Van de Velde at Kunstenfestival

Princess Delphine of Saxe-Coburg met with artists Manuela Klerkx and Sofie Van de Velde at Kunstenfestival

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  1. A part les chaussures très originales, le reste de la tenue est tout à fait dans le style que la princesse nous a déjà montré ; élégantes les robes noires aux lignes simples des deux femmes ; j'aime beaucoup les sandales à talons de celle de droite !

  2. Anonymous14/8/22 11:31

    W la libertà, ma le sue scarpe sono orribili :)
    Somiglia moltissimo al principe Gabriel.


  3. Anonymous14/8/22 12:04

    It's a matter of taste of course, but this outfit does not appeal to me. The blouse in itself is ok, but the denim skirt and the shoes are a bit "off" for me. I know that she wants to go for a more quirky style in her outfits, and the current heatwave makes it difficult to keep style and comfort in check. But I do believe there are better ways to make it work. I also find there to be a mismatch between her more classic (maybe even typical 'royal'?) hairstyle and her often bolder outfits. Some smaller updates on both would make for a huge difference.

  4. Anonymous14/8/22 12:45

    I love her outfit. It is so.. 'her' - quirky, fun and artistically stylish. I like the top very much, and best of all it fits her well (she has a full skirt or dress as well of the same material). I like the shoes too and the denim is summery and perfect for the look.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Yes@Anon 9:13 As you say, It is very much 'her'.
      I think there's going to be a head on arty-fashion challenge with Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands.
      Tickets in the front row are still available.
      Peanuts and popcorn included in the price.
      Those red shoes are from the 60's vintage ABBA, I think.

    2. Opps, sorry, ABBA, the 1970's.

  5. Anonymous14/8/22 13:40

    I think, except for those hideous shoes, Delphine looks goof for the occasion.


  6. Anonymous14/8/22 13:48

    I truly never ever saw something so ugly like her shoes. I can't believe she is wearing it.

    1. Anonymous14/8/22 20:27

      Sheltered Life! Siv

    2. Anonymous14/8/22 23:11

      @Siv, you forgot to say elegant or that word isn't in YOUR vocabulary.

  7. Everything can be expected from her, particularly about shoes...

  8. Anonymous14/8/22 15:05

    Everything looks ok except those awful shoes. I would break my ankle on those.

  9. Anonymous14/8/22 15:19

    Princess Delphine has a beautiful face. She looks good in that shirt she designed herself. She looks much happier since King Albert I recognized her as his daughter. Her red shoes are probably made by the same designer who made the white shoes she was wearing on Belgium's National Day but they are even higher. It must not be easy to walk with.
    I wish you a lot of success with your paintings and other pieces of art.

  10. Anonymous14/8/22 16:40

    Those shoes look like ankle breakers. But more power to her that she can wear them!

  11. I think she is an interisting and perhaps inspiring person but I don't often like her clothes.

  12. Anonymous14/8/22 17:05

    Really, it seems she wants to be a teenager. The blouse I like, but she shoes IMO are horrible, or is this now fashion in Europe? josebabe

  13. I guess, maybe, if you are a teenager those shoes are okay. But for an adult? And an adult who is now (rightly) in the public role of a royal princess. How can she even walk in those hideous cloggers? The danger of tripping and falling is very high.

    1. Anonymous14/8/22 23:12

      @ Beverly24. Princess Delphine was an artist already before she became a princess. Since she is a princess she received the same family name as the ancestors of King Albert II and King Phillipe, being Saxe-Cobourg. King Albert II and King Phillipe and his children's family name is "de Belgique" (F) or "Van België" (NL). She does not receive a dotation and does not have any duty of representing the King or the country. Therefore she can wear what she wants and continue to do her art work like she did before. When she is invited she takes part in the activities of the Royal Family such as "Belgium's national day" on July 21 and at the "Te Deum" on November 15 in memory of the deceased members of the Royal Family. All her other activities are on invitation of organizations such as the Art Festival of Aardenburg (NL) and other...

    2. Anonymous15/8/22 00:38

      @Anon 2200 :12 , love your statement " she can wear what she wants " LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

  14. Anonymous14/8/22 17:46

    I am enjoying this. I knew the moment I saw the pictures that her shoes would be an issue for most, just as denim is usually a problem here as well. I am disappointed she isn't being burned at the stake for her subject matter in the 6th picture. I do get quite a lot of enjoyment out of the cringey arguments that one's behavior or dress is not "royal" enough. Color me shocked. I never could have predicted that would get past the harsh criticism of this blog. I say "Well Done, Delphine!" If an artist can't wear red heart platform wedges and a domino choker together, I say no one can!

    1. Anonymous15/8/22 07:12

      Same! Anytime anyone wears anything out of 'ordinary', I come to this blog to witness all the pandemonium. As if royals are supposed to be neatly tied packages with a neat bow all the time!
      All together, I love the outfit. Very 70s and very quirky! I wonder though how the pieces will work out individually. The fact that the shirt and the shoes are too-much unexpectedly helps to balance out the outfit instead of clashing. I will give Delphine kudos for trying that out!


    2. Anonymous15/8/22 11:01

      Yes, cringey arguments flowing from a cringey mind

    3. Anonymous15/8/22 16:13

      Tbh, its nothing to do with her being “Royal”, the shoes are just dreadful. Yes, we know she’s an artist therefore she apparently has to be a bit kooky but sometimes kooky is awful.

  15. Anonymous14/8/22 19:24

    Her shoes and the word "princess" clash one against the other so loudly that i can hear the noise from here!!


    1. Anonymous14/8/22 23:17

      @ read my answer to Beverly 24.

  16. Anonymous14/8/22 21:18

    Clothes, shoes (and by the way, her pictures too) fail to impress me in any positive way. Yes, I agree, she probably intends to be artfully quirky, but her fashion choices (not only this time) are at best nothing special and at worst quite simply ugly, like these shoes. If I had to sum it up, it would be: "wannabe".

    1. Anonymous15/8/22 07:37

      "Wannabe" what? Not sure I follow. She does not "intend" to be anything. She IS an artist and was an artist long before she was finally acknowledged by her father, the former king. Maybe you could explain what you meant by your comment, or were you just trying to be mean without knowing the facts?

    2. Anonymous16/8/22 10:08

      @Anonymous 08:37: Mean? what for? My only intention is to express my impression and opinion, as one does on a fashion blog. What one should *not* do on a fashion blog is attack someone for having a different opinion (like you do). Yes, she is and was an artist, so what? She displays her art, so the public is free to express an opinion about it. Mine is that I simply don't like it, neither her art nor her associated fashion sense - this is why she is, for me, a "wannabe" artist. Long live the freedom of opinion and the freedom of expressing it (without being hurtful to anyone). Have a nice day!

    3. Anonymous16/8/22 14:59

      Well, your use of "wannabe" is incorrect - it doesn't mean because you don't like it she isn't an artist. She is an artist and a successful one so it's not a question of her wanting to be something. As to you're not liking her art or fashion, as you say, you're entitled to that and to say so but the question was about your use of the term "wannabe".

  17. Anonymous14/8/22 21:40

    Princess Delphine has a beautiful face. She looks good in the shirt she designed herself. The shoes are from the same designer as those she was wearing on Belgium's National Day but higher. Must not be easy to walk with.
    I wish her success with her paintings and other pieces of art.

  18. She has a very individual style, she is quite unique and I think true to herself, which I admire. Her outfits are an acquired taste, there is no in-between you either like them or you don't. Her taste may not be for everyone, but one thing for sure, she is certainly not boring or staid!

  19. Anonymous15/8/22 02:10

    Well now, isn't that exactly the way we imagine a princess to dress. Hideous shoes & dangerous to walk in. Private function or not, I wonder what her royal relatives really think. But maybe the other royal gals will pick up on it, this might be a new trend - just wear what you darned well want. Yes, silly for a 54-year-old. *Regina

    1. @*Regina, The Royal relative you should be criticizing is her biological deadbeat father King Albert who had a 18 yearlong affair with Princess Delphine"s Mother and refused to acknowledge her. It was only after a 7 year court battle where he refused to give a DNA sample that a judge slapped a $5000 a day fine against him until he gave the court the DNA sample. The 2 people who were hurt the most was Queen Paola and Princess Delphine and not the former dirtbag king. He should be thankful his lovely wife stood by his side for what he did to her. @*Regina if you do not like her shoes and feel they are a safety hazard then do not buy a pair. There is a reason they make chocolate and vanilla and that is to give others a choice!

    2. Anonymous16/8/22 12:37

      @Fitzhugh. If you know the full history of King Albert II and his wife Queen Paola you wouldn't put all the blame on the same person. I do not wish to defend the former king nor the former queen but like in every marriage that don't work very well there are in general 2 people who can be blamed. They admitted it themselves in a TV interview in presence of their children. These are the real victims the legal children and Princess Delphine.

  20. Anonymous15/8/22 06:34

    Gosh, those shoes are made for walking.... can't look very elegant, but maybe very artistic.😇

    1. And the manufacturer of those shoes should be obliged to attach a health notice on them just as they are now obliged to do with cigarette packaging. It could read ……
      “These shoes are a risk to your physical health. They could provoke a serious accident”

  21. Anonymous15/8/22 07:35

    The outfit (shirt and skirt) are quite cute and she certainly do look good in them, but the shoes are just plainly ugly, huge and overpower her whole appearance. I can't help but wonder whether she was able to lift her feet to walk or was she carried in....? ~MS~

    1. Anonymous15/8/22 17:07

      She arrived in slippers and a bath towel.

    2. Anonymous16/8/22 02:36

      @Anon 18:07 Bravo!

  22. On another site they talk about her "playful" neckless made of dominos.
    If you can zoom up you can get a bit of the details of it.
    So from head to toe, it's all very arty.


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