King Felipe and Queen Letizia held the summer reception at Marivent Palace

Queen Letizia wore a new printed maxi dress by Charo Ruiz Ibiza. Calzados Picon Letizia espadrilles. Isabel Guarch

On the occasion of the Royal Family's summer stay in Palma, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain held a reception at the Palace of Marivent in Palma for the authorities of the Balearic Islands and representatives of Balearic society on 04, 08, 2022. Queen Sofia also attended the reception. Queen Letizia wore a new maxi dress by Charo Ruiz Ibiza.

Queen Letizia wore a new printed maxi dress by Charo Ruiz Ibiza. Calzados Picon Letizia espadrilles. Isabel Guarch

Queen Letizia wore a new printed maxi dress by Charo Ruiz Ibiza. Calzados Picon Letizia espadrilles. Isabel Guarch

Queen Letizia wore a new printed maxi dress by Charo Ruiz Ibiza. Calzados Picon Letizia espadrilles. Isabel Guarch

Queen Letizia wore a new printed maxi dress by Charo Ruiz Ibiza. Calzados Picon Letizia espadrilles. Isabel Guarch

Queen Letizia wore a new printed maxi dress by Charo Ruiz Ibiza. Calzados Picon Letizia espadrilles. Isabel Guarch

Queen Letizia wore a new printed maxi dress by Charo Ruiz Ibiza. Calzados Picon Letizia espadrilles. Isabel Guarch

Queen Letizia wore a new printed maxi dress by Charo Ruiz Ibiza. Calzados Picon Letizia espadrilles. Isabel Guarch

Queen Letizia wore a new printed maxi dress by Charo Ruiz Ibiza. Calzados Picon Letizia espadrilles. Isabel Guarch

Queen Letizia wore a new printed maxi dress by Charo Ruiz Ibiza. Calzados Picon Letizia espadrilles. Isabel Guarch

Queen Letizia wore a new printed maxi dress by Charo Ruiz Ibiza. Calzados Picon Letizia espadrilles. Isabel Guarch

Queen Letizia wore a new printed maxi dress by Charo Ruiz Ibiza. Calzados Picon Letizia espadrilles. Isabel Guarch

Queen Letizia wore CHARO RUIZ IBIZA Aryana Maxi Dress
CHARO RUIZ IBIZA Aryana Maxi Dress

Queen Letizia wore Calzados Picon Letizia Espadrilles
Calzados Picon Letizia Espadrilles

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  1. Anonymous5/8/22 02:12

    I don’t think this dress is doing Letizia any favours. It’s pretty poor tailoring and seems to sit too low on her waist. Also, I am confused by her wearing casual espadrilles when her husband is all dressed up. Two different dress codes for men and women at this event?


  2. Anonymous5/8/22 07:35

    Queen Letizia's dress looks better on the model. Don't like the print either. A pity queen Sofia's pants are too long otherwise a good combination with the top.

  3. Oh my goodness. That is absolutely glorious. What a stunning dress and with Letizia's tan it is summer perfection!

    1. Anonymous5/8/22 18:16

      Agree! Siv

    2. Anonymous5/8/22 22:39

      Absolutely agreed! What a glowing summer look!

    3. If there's any room left, please put me on the 'agree' list.
      And if there is one, the 'agree' list for Queen Sofia's.

  4. Anonymous5/8/22 08:51

    i don't like dresses that over reveal Letizia's bone structure. its so unflattering! but a lovely dress. 'looking like she gets along with the mother in law'
    Queen Sofia has the best older lady style- suits her well.

    1. Anonymous5/8/22 14:43

      That is so true

    2. Anonymous5/8/22 15:12

      @Anon. 08:51. I agree with you about showing the bone structure. She used a lot of shimmering powder or spray too which accentuate the muscles and the bones even more.

  5. Epoustouflante Letizia dans cette nouvelle robe aux teintes très estivales et des espadrilles tout à fait en harmonie mais il faut reconnaître que le bronzage sublime le tout - Dans un autre style, la reine Sofia porte une jolie tunique imprimée mais peut-être que portée sur une jupe, elle aurait eu plus d'allure !

  6. Maravillosa Letizia y maravilloso vestido para un cóctel en los jardines a la orilla del mar. Es alegre, colorido, fresco y de autora mallorquina. También los pendientes son nuevos y de Mallorca, muy modernos y originales. Es la perfecta Reina del verano.
    En el pijama de SofĂ­a es bonito y elegante el pantalĂłn, no tanto el blusĂłn.
    Por supuesto, ambas llevan alpargatas y la mayoría de invitadas, como debe ser. Es verano y es España.

    1. Anonymous5/8/22 20:24

      From the guests we can see on the pictures the women wear sandals, golden shoes/sling back but no espadrilles.
      All the men wear classic suits and classic leather shoes. What about espadrilles for men ? They cannot wear it with a classic suit. I know they exist for men too. When do they wear espadrilles ?

    2. Anonymous5/8/22 22:39

      Estoy de acuerdo con Angie , la reina está guapísima y suegra está muy bien . En España en verano se llevan alpargatas y bolsos de paja. Los hombres no llevan alpargatas, solo los del campo .

    3. Espadrilles for men are very casual. I think they are only worn around the house / on vacation.

  7. Oh, I do love this dress very much. Up close I can appreciate the finishing touches adding interest, very pretty. Off the shoulder effect is very becoming on Queen Letizia. Love the earrings, Gold? the shoes look great. How lovely to see Queen Sofia, I love her top, looking fabulous with her white pants.

  8. Anonymous5/8/22 11:01

    Gorgeous dress, but donot understand how she succeeds in keeping the upperpart in its place! Queen Sophia looks really good too, and the ( extra) length of the trousers add to her sophisticated look.

    1. Anonymous5/8/22 18:20

      The extra length of the trousers is so dated - it looks simply awful and grannylike. Maybe therefore you cannot understand the trick, holding the Queen's dress in place? Siv

    2. Anonymous6/8/22 00:04

      The two are unconnected @Siv.

    3. Anonymous6/8/22 14:00

      Siv: “therefore “: what do you mean?

  9. I like Letizia's dress

  10. Anonymous5/8/22 13:01

    Terrible dress, looks like a piece of a tent

  11. Anonymous5/8/22 13:18

    De espaldas, de medio cuerpo, no encontraron fotos mejores, una sola de cuerpo entero, menos mal que tenemos sitios con cantidad de buenas fotos!

    1. De acuerdo contigo. Hay fotos magnĂ­ficas en otros sitios. Me gustan especialmente las fotos del vestido en movimiento.

  12. Beautiful, great dress, summery and vibrant. This affair is semiformal ( check Sofia's outfit) of course the King wears a tie, you won't ever see him without it in a reception. And YES, she is thin, so what? Would you be criticizing her if she was overweight? Women come in all shapes, and it looks to me that she is comfortable with hers. Kudos!!
    Love that she is wearing espadrilles thus promoting the Spanish industry, also the dress is a creation of a local designer, another plus.

    1. I agree about choices of Qn Letizia and local art-craft.
      I found an interesting article about her earrings, also typical of Mallorca :
      "These pieces are a true tribute to Mallorca. The earrings that Queen Letizia has chosen are from the Formentor collection and represent the pines that survive the wind and the tide in the Sierra de Tramontana "
      More under the link to an inteview :

    2. @MartT : Thanks for the info and the link. Very interesting.
      Nice to see fashion 'made in Spain/Mallorca'.

  13. Anonymous5/8/22 19:31

    Q Letizia has a great tan. I like the dress but not the footwear. I think an open toe pump would have been perfect with it. Not really a fan of Q Sofia's outfit, but as I say to each it's own. css

  14. Anonymous5/8/22 20:25

    I suspect that the shimmering powder looks a lot better in person than it does in these photos. Otherwise I like the dress and her accessories very much for this occasion. Judging by Q. Sofia’s outfit, the dress code was probably casual, or smart casual, whatever the current term is. (V.M.)

  15. Anonymous5/8/22 23:51

    Love the dress and shoes. It looks nice on a thin person, but it is not becoming in this instance.

  16. Anonymous6/8/22 01:08

    Love the dress. Agree with CSS that an open toed shoe (or a gold sandal) would have looked better. Nothing against espadrilles. Just don’t think they go well with this dress. Queen Sofia looks great. Trousers are a good length and pattern of the top is relatively restrained. AnnieM

    1. Anonymous6/8/22 13:09

      ¿Las alpargatas de Mallorca no van con un vestido de Mallorca?🤔

  17. Anonymous6/8/22 04:44

    It is nice dress but not for Letizia who is too skinny for that style.

    1. Today Queen Letizia is too skinny.
      Yesterday she got thumbs down as she had the look of a female body builder.
      And tomorrow ......... watch this space.

  18. Anonymous6/8/22 11:49

    Love this "hand-me-up" from her daughters.

  19. Anonymous11/8/22 06:45

    She is very skinny, she can get away wearing a lot of different styles that chubby women can't wear. Her daughters are pretty and getting taller, trying their own style. Love the family


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