Empress Masako attended the 48th Florence Nightingale Medal Ceremony

Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako Takamado

On August 10, 2022, Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako Takamado attended the 48th Florence Nightingale Medal ceremony held at Tokyo Prince Hotel in Tokyo. Empress Masako presented the Red Cross’s Florence Nightingale Medals. Empress Masako replaced Empress Emerita Michiko as honorary president of the Japanese Red Cross Society in 2019.

Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako Takamado

Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako Takamado

Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako Takamado

Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako Takamado

Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako Takamado

Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako Takamado

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  1. Quatre couleurs pastel toujours les mêmes avec peut-être de légères variantes au niveau des chapeaux dont celui particulièrement de la troisième princesse qui porte également des élégants talons Bordeaux qui s'associent très bien à la couleur de son ensemble !

    1. Anonymous10/8/22 20:24

      I agree with you, the brown heels with the matching clutch really look good. The perky hat on the fourth princess is quite “daring”, when you consider all the restrictions at the imperial court.
      🌞 Virginia

  2. Anonymous10/8/22 15:54

    Classy and elegant as ever. css

  3. Anonymous10/8/22 17:18

    A cualquier cosa le llaman clase. Esto más bien son uniformes de azafata. Se pondrán de acuerdo para no llevar el mismo color. Esto no se puede valorar .

  4. Anonymous10/8/22 18:12

    Very boring as ever

  5. Anonymous10/8/22 18:32

    All the ladies wear lovely suits in nice colors, but oh how I wish they could find a different style of hat. Is it protocol for them to cover their forehead? Only Princess Takamado has a hat that reveals her eyebrows. (Debra)

  6. Anonymous10/8/22 19:19

    The same sort of outfits on repeat. Nothing to write about, boring is what comes to mind.

    1. Anonymous10/8/22 22:49

      And yet here you are writing about them.

  7. All the royal ladies look beautifully groomed, elegant and stylish.

  8. Anonymous11/8/22 06:54

    La página es para eso, mirar y opinar.

  9. Anonymous11/8/22 21:11

    Wow. Basically the same suit, hat, and shoes just different colors.

    I do admire the tailoring though. I used to sew a lot so I very much admire excellent workmanship and the actual making of the garments. It really makes me wonder how exquisite more modern fashions would be if made for them.


  10. Bonjour à toutes et peut-être aussi à tous, je suis en train de mieux regarder les chapeaux de ces dames et je remarque que celui de la princesse Takamado me fait penser à un gâteau meringué ; cela me fait saliver car je suis en train de prendre mon petit-déjeuner - Cela n'est pas souvent que nous avons l'occasion de voir des photos de cette princesse qui malgré les restrictions à la cour japonaise essaie d'apporter une petite touche personnelle à ces tenues !


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