Queen Letizia received representatives of La Razon and Feaps

Queen Letizia wore a new double-belt regular fit floral print dress by Hugo Boss. Letizia wore new alba50 wedges by Macarena

On July 22, Queen Letizia had two engagements at Zarzuela Palace. The Queen first received representatives of the newspaper La Razon, on the occasion of their 20th anniversary. The Queen then received representatives of the Plena Inclusión Madrid (FEAPS). La Razón is a daily newspaper based in Madrid, Spain. Plena inclusion is a Spanish umbrella organization for persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities founded in 1964.

Queen Letizia wore a new double-belt regular fit floral print dress by Hugo Boss. Letizia wore new alba50 wedges by Macarena

Queen Letizia wore a new double-belt regular fit floral print dress by Hugo Boss. Letizia wore new alba50 wedges by Macarena

Queen Letizia wore a new double-belt regular fit floral print dress by Hugo Boss. Letizia wore new alba50 wedges by Macarena

Queen Letizia wore a new double-belt regular fit floral print dress by Hugo Boss. Letizia wore new alba50 wedges by Macarena

Queen Letizia wore a new double-belt regular fit floral print dress by Hugo Boss. Letizia wore new alba50 wedges by Macarena

Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss double-belt regular-fit dress with floral print
Hugo Boss double-belt regular-fit dress with floral print

Queen Letizia wore new Macarena Alba50 Wedges
Macarena Alba50 Wedges

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous22/7/22 16:53

    Here I like the espadrilles and think they fit the overall vibe/look. Fresh and summery, but still business-like enough (don't ask me how) for this occasion. S.M.

  2. Anonymous22/7/22 17:02

    Great dress and shoes. Perfect attire for this casual occasion. Lovely summer look.

  3. Anonymous22/7/22 17:52

    Finally she shows a real smile... To the face of the blogger who wrote that open smiles in Spain are not polite!!

    Some of you are really amazing.

    1. Anonymous22/7/22 19:09

      I was thinking exactly the same.

    2. En la cara de la idiota que dijo que Letizia jamás sonreía "de verdad". Aquí venimos a hablar de moda, no de dientes. Pero hace calor y las víboras salen al campo.

    3. Anonymous23/7/22 07:58

      Toothy "open smiles" as a donkey are not polite, sometimes yo can even see the back teeth .
      You are "amazing"...darling..

  4. Precioso vestido, fresco, ligero, me encanta porque grita verano. A Letizia le sienta maravillosamente bien y está guapísima. Vivan por siempre las alpargatas. Divina.

    1. Anonymous24/7/22 08:10

      An. 21.31 keep on with the hangover

    2. Anonymous24/7/22 10:00

      The comment by anonymous 24/7/22- 8:10 is not addressed to Angie but to anonymous 23/7/22- 21:31

    3. Anonymous24/7/22 11:42

      Ano 08:10...La resaca la tienes tú, que no atinas ni a insertar el comentario. Una copa de vino no da resaca y alegra el ánimo, mucho más en la playa... así no se necesita estar criticando a la mujer del jefe de estado de otros países, de puro aburrimiento.

  5. Anonymous22/7/22 18:56

    Nice summer dress, I don't care for the footwear, a medium high heel would have been perfect IMO. josebabe

    1. Anonymous22/7/22 19:12

      She don't wear medium high heels. She wears high heels, espadrilles and once and a while a pair of sneakers oh yes, I almost forgot sometimes she wears ballerina's too.

    2. Anonymous23/7/22 07:59

      Medium heels are for nuns, they used to wear them at schools.

    3. Anonymous23/7/22 12:45

      Then all the women who are having foot problems or have a certain age and cannot wear high heels anymore are nuns ? I never saw a nun with sneakers or ballerina's either. And the young girls who are starting to wear (little) heels are nuns too ?

    4. Anonymous23/7/22 13:23

      Anonymous.you are going bananas, you do not know neither English nor fashion

    5. Anonymous23/7/22 16:35

      Anon13:23....¿.y tú sabes castellano? El segundo idioma más hablado en el mundo, por lo pronto hay gente que intenta aprender otros idiomas, siempre tan arrogantes con el inglés.
      Y no habéis visto monjas en vuestra vida, claro que llevan zapatillas y bailarinas . Y en España las chicas no son tan horteras como para llevar tacones ridículous...y a ver si sois capaces de entender esto, ya que sabéis mucho de moda. Y son mejores los plátanos de Canarias, las bananas, no saben a nada.

    6. Anonymous23/7/22 20:20

      Tomate una tila

    7. Anonymous23/7/22 20:59

      An 16.35 I find Letizia guapissima with these outfit and high wedges, more inspirational than the sisters you know.
      You' re gonna be wearing flats and long vests, aren't you?
      Gonna be so attrattive, good for you,sista
      I am modern , I am living in the present, not in the past like you.

    8. Anonymous23/7/22 21:31

      Tómate un Rioja al borde del Mediterráneo, ...sigue soñando..

  6. Just lovely as always. A pretty summer dress and personally I think the traditional espadrilles are perfect and appropriate.

  7. Q. Letizia looks lovely in this refreshingly summer dress. It looks very becoming on her, the skirt has movement and is the perfect length.

  8. Une robe très rafraîchissante toute en légereté parfaite avec les espadrilles dont j'aime beaucoup ce modèle !

  9. Anonymous23/7/22 11:40

    She's so pretty and looks so sympathetic when she smiles! More smiles to the people! Aggie

    1. Anonymous23/7/22 16:09

      Be careful... Some letizia fan will jump up telling you that in spain smiling is unpolite!!!

      LOL 🤣🤣🤣

    2. Anonymous23/7/22 19:41

      Letizia has not "fans", she is a Queen, the wife of the Head of State, that is the difference with other countries where they do not understand, they are diplomatic, not Tom Cruise.

  10. Anonymous23/7/22 16:04

    @Angie, your constant aggression towards any comment that doesn’t adore Queen Letizia, is just unacceptable. I don’t know who stated that big smiles aren’t considered polite in Spain, but that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read, I am a Spaniard and I can assure all the readers that it’s just a made up “rule “. Of course if one would be giggling or belly laughing at a serious event it would be considered impolite in every culture

    1. Anonymous23/7/22 19:39

      Cosa que hacen mucho en países de habla inglesa, se ríen y se les ves hasta la campanilla, ahora resulta que saben más que los españoles sobre ser agradables...lo que me faltaba por oír..y su constante "habláis mal inglés"...al menos lo hablamos mal...
      Una española, rara, eres..la aristocracia ni ríe, ni llora... Nadie ha dicho que sea una regla..es de bobas..

    2. Anonymous23/7/22 21:30

      @Anon. 23/7 16:04
      Thx Mr. or Mrs. Spaniard. At least someone with common sense in this discussion which is going to crazy for words.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Anonymous24/7/22 10:40

      Anon you' aren't no Spaniard

    5. Mira chica, yo no he sido quién dijo lo de que las risas exageradas son de mala educación. Me he dirigido a una anónima que dijo en otro post pasado que a Letizia jamás se la veía sonreír abiertamente, cosa que es completamente falsa y hoy insiste con la misma monserga.
      ¿Te diriges a mí porque soy casi la única aquí que usa su propio nombre?
      Y, si eres española, cosa que dudo, dirígete a mí en castellano y demuéstralo. Si no, búscate otro saco de boxeo, que yo paso.

  11. Anonymous24/7/22 10:30

    @angie/ calling idiot a reader will just qualify YOURSELF, not the other person. Even children know that.
    It's called civil behavior.

    1. Comportamiento cívico es no decir mentiras acerca de alguien que no conoces, sólo por envidia. y en este punto, no me callaré jamás.
      Y, si miras más arriba, hay otra o tú misma, que me llama borracha indirectamente. ¿Le has dicho algo acerca de "comportamiento cívico"?
      Pero ya está, ya lo habéis conseguido una vez más: convertir un hilo de Letizia en un estercolero. Felicidades.

  12. Anonymous24/7/22 16:14

    @Angie, realmente no tengo porqué demostrar que soy española, pero bueno ya que insistes… tus comentarios sobre la reina Letizia me parecen totalmente respetables cuando hablas de su vestuario, pero en el momento que alguien se atreve a disentir te vuelves agresiva y grosera, punto. A veces me da vergüenza ajena ver cómo respondes.
    No es necesario menospreciar a los que no opinan como tú.

    1. Anonymous24/7/22 20:22

      @CBL Leave it be. She must always have the last word. Don't put your energy in trying to have a civilized conversation with such a person.

    2. Falso. Yo no contesto a quien habla de trapos, estilismos y demás asuntos de moda. Sólo salto cuando se salen del carril para despreciar o insultar con asuntos personales, típico del comando estercolero.
      Si tanta vergüenza te da, no me leas. Fácil.

    3. Falso. Yo no contesto a quien habla de trapos, estilismos y demás asuntos de moda. Sólo salto cuando se salen del carril para despreciar o insultar con asuntos personales, típico del comando estercolero.
      Si tanta vergüenza te da, no me leas. Fácil.

  13. Anonymous24/7/22 16:25

    @anonymous 19:39 da bochorno leer vuestras salidas de tono, peleonas, y maleducadas, incapaces de opinar en un blog de moda sin ofender a los que no opinan como vosotr@s. Que sabrás tú de aristocracia? Valiente representación!

    1. Anonymous24/7/22 20:11

      Representación la de los de habla inglesa, crirican a todas las reinas menos la suya, claro, que es sagrada...Matilde no se qué, Máxima el pelo, la de Luxemburgo para allá.. Letizia lo otro..eso sí que es bochorno, que te hayas vendido al enemigo...y encima aguantar que no hablamos inglés, que aprendan algún idioma...
      Atrévete a decir algo de la reina de UK..ni lo publican..piensa un poquito..

    2. Anonymous24/7/22 20:32

      Y el bochorno verte a tí sin espíritu español. ¿Ofender? El cinismo anglosajón es mundialmente conocido, los españoles no nos hemos dejado amedrentar nunca. Claro, Doña Letizia, no es simpática, la monarquía británica son para partirte de risa.

    3. Anonymous25/7/22 08:22

      Si se hablará de moda, obviamente, pero se aventuran a hablar de sonrisas y carácter. Como dice el anterior anónimo, la reina de Inglaterra es la alegría de la huerta. Y además saben cuándo es apropiado llevar alpargatas, vestidos, etc, Yo no me atrevo a criticar los platillos voladores que se ponen en la cabeza , diles algo ya verás como saltan y si no te llaman borracha, que si, son muy educados.

    4. Anonymous27/7/22 13:14

      Hell of an assumption - that everyone commenting here must be English so Queen Elizabeth is sacrosanct.

      But look - your comment being rude about her has got through so you were wrong about that.

  14. Anonymous25/7/22 13:00

    When you will learn politeness towards bloggers, nobody will call you anymore any way.

  15. Anonymous25/7/22 13:17

    shes always put together duchess kate take note!!!

  16. Anonymous25/7/22 17:42

    Anonymous @

  17. Anonymous25/7/22 18:06

    @anonymous 08:22, respectfully it seems to me that you are confusing civic criticism with disrespect, somebody dared to say once that Queen Letizia doesn’t openly smile often, and that is a fact, her smile is generally very subtle, they didn’t say that there was anything wrong with that, it was an observation, and low and behold some got their feathers ruffled and started the ridiculous story about how is impolite to laugh widely in Spain NOT TRUE. The gestures of an specific person are part of their personality not character, you seem to confuse the two. It also not true that if you say something negative about the British family your comment will be deleted, again NOT TRUE, I have personally dislike many of their choices and said so, of course with respect. Finally, is a fact that some have questioned the reading English comprehension of some bloggers, but truly some comments are rather out of context, and could be simply because of that . Just as a reminder this particular blog is written in English, if you don’t feel comfortable with it, you could go to a different one, people don’t have an issue with you writing in Spanish, but with your sometimes aggressive tone. I personally don’t understand German or Dutch and sometimes I don’t have the patience/time to translate the content, but I don’t have a problem with it.
    Best Regards.

  18. Anonymous26/7/22 07:48

    Aplícate el cuento, si no te gusta lo que lees vete a otro lado. En la blog se escribe en muchos idiomas y lo admite la dueña y moderadora que parece que se te ha subido a la cabeza y todo el mundo sabe quién eres , la de las cerezas, que para engañar a un español hace falta mucho...

  19. Anonymous26/7/22 13:45

    "En la blog se escribe en muchos idiomas "but nobody is allowed to write insults!!!! try to understand it once for all...!

  20. Anonymous26/7/22 14:54

    That is exactly what I said, that in this blog people write in different languages, what part of that didn’t you comprehend? What do you mean you know who I am? Why would I try to deceive you about anything? Your responses are starting to sound a little disturbing, so peace out!!

  21. Anonymous26/7/22 21:25

    Imposible debatir con personas tan maleducadas. No entiendes absolutamente nada y sólo sabes despotricar, las otras lectoras se dirigen a ti con respeto, pero parece ser que no es lo tuyo.

    1. Anonymous27/7/22 12:47

      Are you talking about yrself?


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