Princess Charlene guided visitors of the Prince's Palace

Princess Charlene wore a sleeveless single breasted jacket by Louis Vuitton, and pants by same brand

Princess Charlene of Monaco guided visitors of the Prince's Palace and gave them a tour in the recently renovated apartments of the Prince's Palace and also showed them the renaissance frescoes that have been recently unveiled after several years of restoration work. It was during restoration works, requested by Prince Albert in 2015, that experts unveiled hidden Genoese frescoes dating from the 16th Century.

Princess Charlene wore a sleeveless single breasted jacket by Louis Vuitton, and pants by same brand

Princess Charlene wore a sleeveless single breasted jacket by Louis Vuitton, and pants by same brand

Princess Charlene wore a sleeveless single breasted jacket by Louis Vuitton, and pants by same brand

Princess Charlene wore a sleeveless single breasted jacket by Louis Vuitton, and pants by same brand

Princess Charlene wore a sleeveless single breasted jacket by Louis Vuitton, and pants by same brand

The frescoes and their stories were to be revealed to the public in April 2020 but the pandemic prevented those plans for two years. The renovated apartments are open to the public from 1st July to 15th October.

Princess Charlene wore a sleeveless single breasted jacket by Louis Vuitton, and pants by same brand

Princess Charlene wore Louis Vuitton sleeveless single breasted jacket
Louis Vuitton sleeveless single breasted jacket

Princess Charlene wore Louis Vuitton Pants Spring Summer 2021 Fashion Collection
Louis Vuitton Pants - Spring Summer 2021 Fashion Collection

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  1. Les visiteurs ne pouvaient rêver mieux pour être guidés dans le Palais Princier ; Charlène a l'air épanouie ; la longue veste sans manches ceinturée sur le pantalon original convient à merveille à sa silhouette !

  2. Nice gesture nice pics ! However not really safe in this covid period... Just a question does the visitor on pic1 have so called "walking hands" ??

    1. Anonymous13/7/22 12:45

      So habe ich auch sofort gedacht, das wirkt sehr vertraut. Allerdings bedenken wir auch mal, vielleicht hat er links keinen Arm, kann passieren durch Unfall etc. Fürstin Charlene ist so hübsch und die Jacke passt so gut zu ihr. Sie wirkt so losgelöst auf diesem Bild, allerdings nach so einer langen Krankheit mehr als leichtsinnig in Zeiten von Corona. -Dorothe-

    2. à anonyme 13/07/22 12:45
      La même pensée m'a effleurie l'esprit mais il faut reconnaître que les images peuvent être trompeuses ; belle Charlène épanouie parmi les visiteurs !

    3. Du liebe Zeit, was man in Fotos alles hineininterpretieren kann. Als ob an der herzlichen Begrüßung in Bild #1 irgendetwas 'unangemessen' wäre. Vielleicht kennt sie den Herrn sogar. Sie scheint allerdings mit allen Besuchern so herzlich und freundlich zu sein. Ich glaube, das ist einfach ihre Art. Sie ist sehr bodenständig und hält sich nicht für etwas Besseres. Man sieht das auch oft, wenn sie Pflegeheime oder Krankenhäuser besucht oder bei Sportereignissen. Sie hat keine Angst vor Nähe, andere Menschen zu umarmen, zu berühren oder z.B. Trost zu spenden. Ich finde, sie sieht immer am glücklichsten aus, wenn sie es mit ganz normalen Menschen zu tun hat. Dann wirkt sie gelöst und zeigt ihr herzliches Lachen. Ganz anders bei offiziellen staatlichen Anlässen mit starrem Protokoll, die sie offensichtlich bis heute nicht mag, wo sie ganz steif und starr wirkt, man den Druck förmlich spürt, der auf ihr lastet.
      Und zum Thema Corona: die allermeisten Infektionen verlaufen heute harmlos. Irgendwann müssen wir Menschen auch wieder zu einem normalen Verhalten zurückkehren. Wir können uns nicht ewig distanzieren, schützen, isolieren. Charlene macht das ganz richtig. Ich freue mich - nach der langen schweren Zeit, die sie durchgemacht hat - sie wieder gesund und fröhlich zu sehen.

  3. Anonymous13/7/22 11:18

    I love the vest with the green skirt as it’s shown on the model, but P. Charlene’s outfit is very smart too. She has the height to wear these loose trousers. (V.M.)

  4. Anonymous13/7/22 13:25

    She looks beautiful. Lovely colours. Great smile.

  5. Anonymous13/7/22 14:00

    Charlene carries out a down to earth attitude, reaching out to people, hugging and holding them. I really like that!
    Her clothes are quirky. The sand colored trousers are matching nice with the black bold vest (I think in Monaco they say gilet). Good she unplugs the upper buttons, making it more feminine. On a cold day you can tie it up.
    She looks like a breath of fresh air amongst the other royals, really hands-on. Looking more normal than the kitschy RB partygoers. -Anna-

    1. Anonymous13/7/22 16:01

      Well, she'd look a bit odd wearing a ball gown to show people around the Palace.

  6. Anonymous13/7/22 14:03

    I love the outfit of Louis Vuitton Princess Charlene is wearing. Not everyone can make baggy pants looking elegant, she can due to the fact she is tall and has a trained body.

  7. Anonymous13/7/22 15:37

    Great to see Princess Charlene acutally being the tour guide of the recently restored parts of the Palace. Its evident she is enjoying herself as are the guests. She looks marvelous in her business casual outift--her height is a great advantage when wearing the full trousers and long, wide belted jacket top. Glad to see her out and about--and I would love to have her be my tour guide!


    1. Amongst the royals, Princess Charlene is one of the few who can give style to baggy pants. Great combination with the Louis Vuitton jacket.
      Overall, a modish marriage.

    2. Anonymous14/7/22 01:07

      Can’t imagine how thrilled the visitors must have been to have the Princess as their tour guide. Wonderful. Don’t really have anything positive about the outfit. The top is okay. However, that’s unimportant compared to this lovely gesture. And again she looks relaxed and comfortable. AnnieM

  8. Anonymous13/7/22 17:20

    The visitors must have been delighted to see her. She looks great,happy and healthy. She is like a fresh brise in the air. So happy to see her. Love this outfit, great look. josebabe

  9. Way to go Charlène.!!... she is a natural with persons, very clearly her forté when it comes to inter-acting. Also so good to see her taking this very unusual step to really connect with the people. Wishing health and happiness, always!

  10. Enfin, elle a trouvé sa place à Monaco. Qu'on se le dise une fois pour toute, n'en déplaise à la belle-famille.

    1. Anonymous14/7/22 10:28

      La belle famille s'en fout royalement. Et il ne faut pas croire tout ce que vous lisez dans les ragôts.

  11. Anonymous14/7/22 04:50

    Wow, never have I seen baggy trousers look so chic. With the vest, she looks amazing. Her cropped hair really brings out her features. It is so nice to see her smile, seems very genuine here.

  12. How amazing to have Charlene act as one's tour guide showing off the frescoes. Genuis. Lucky visitors. She's enjoying herself.

  13. Anonymous14/7/22 22:13

    So glad to see you well and stay well. You deserve to do what you want and be who you are and the smile on your face says you are. Bless you princess

  14. Anonymous16/7/22 06:09

    I wish she was our guide in 2018. Wonderful to see her smiling and happy.


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