Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene met with the Pope in Vatican

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene visited Vatican for the meeting with Pope Francis

On July 20, 2022, Prince Albert II of Monaco and his wife Princess Charlene of Monaco made a special visit to the capital city of Italy, Rome. On the morning of July 20, Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene visited Vatican City for a private audience with Pope Francis.

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene visited Vatican for the meeting with Pope Francis

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene visited Vatican for the meeting with Pope Francis

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene visited Vatican for the meeting with Pope Francis

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene visited Vatican for the meeting with Pope Francis

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene visited Vatican for the meeting with Pope Francis

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene visited Vatican for the meeting with Pope Francis

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene visited Vatican for the meeting with Pope Francis

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene visited Vatican for the meeting with Pope Francis

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene visited Vatican for the meeting with Pope Francis

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene visited Vatican for the meeting with Pope Francis

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene visited Vatican for the meeting with Pope Francis

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene visited Vatican for the meeting with Pope Francis

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene visited Vatican for the meeting with Pope Francis

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous20/7/22 12:49

    Haha, she looks gorgeous, not sure though whether this is the right interpretation of a modest, popeworthy dress.
    Lily T.

    1. Anonymous20/7/22 13:44

      I like this dress, it says am going to see the Pope but I can still look trendy 😄
      I like her full figure lately it suits a lady of her age.

    2. Anonymous20/7/22 13:47

      God bless!

    3. Anonymous20/7/22 13:47

      God bless!

    4. Not sure how a long sleeved, straight neckline, below the new dress could be anything other than modest and "popeworthy" The fact that she looks gorgeous is a bonus and the lace mantilla enhances her beauty is a bonus. When Princess Grace visited the Pope, in the late 1950s, I think she wore black but I am sure Princess Charlene wore white on her previous meetings in 2013 and 2016

  2. At first I thought she looked lovely. But later on, I saw the half bare shoulders and the bodice is too tight. The mesh fabric on the arms looks a bit ill-fitting and cheap. Otherwise, this could've been great!

  3. Anonymous20/7/22 13:31

    For a moment I thought she was wearing a rosary as a necklace and I cringed! Certainly Charlene wouldn’t commit such a terrible faux pas! Right? Thankfully, the following pictures showed it is a necklace. Ana Maria

  4. A me il vestito piace, sono incerta sul grande rosario che ha scelto di mettere.
    Forse avrebbe dovuto vestirsi di bianco colore concesso solo alle regnanti cattoliche, o mi sbaglio?

  5. Anonymous20/7/22 14:11

    Strange how on others occasions when visiting the Vatican and meeting the Pope she was wearing white ( white is the privilege of RC royalty ).
    Instead she is wearing black ( idem nail polish) with her rosary beads which we saw in SA before. In a interview she mentioned she was very religious (converted before her wedding) and found strength in it. Her open discretely done shoulder part is adding some quirkiness. On the whole she gives a sober impression also wearing those black pearls, symbols of tears.
    Albert is more and more growing into a fun character and why comes a famous american fictitious person to my mind?

    1. Anonymous20/7/22 18:04

      Any royal lady who is allowed to wear white, is also allowed to wear black. Eg. the former empress Zita of Austria always wore black.

    2. Anonymous20/7/22 20:46

      Just because a Royal/Princely female has the right to wear white does not mean that she can't decide not to exercise the privilege.

    3. Anonymous21/7/22 03:50

      It is NOT a rosary. A rosary is never to be worn as a necklace or any kind of jewelry. All Catholics know that. VM

  6. Superbes lignes sobres de cette robe ; j'adore la délicate mantille ainsi que la croix montée comme sur un chapelet !

  7. Anonymous20/7/22 14:31

    Sehr schön! Besser sein könnte der Verschluss am Rücken, so ein edles Kleid und so zart, hätte man feiner lösen können. Und keine Strümpfe wie mir scheint, sie kann sich die allerfeinsten Seidenstrümpfe leisten. Sehr mutig und schön, finde ich die angedeutet freien Schultern, dem Protokoll nach sollten sie bedeckt sein. Der Fürst hat seine Haare besser, sieht jünger aus aber diese Sakkos - vielleicht ist es seine persönliche Note, das man stets sein Bäuchlein blitzen sieht, beim weißen Hemd besonders. -Dorothe-

    1. Anonymous21/7/22 06:53

      Stockings are not in style and it is not mandatory that she wear them.

  8. No "privilège du blanc" this time? Strange.

    1. Anonymous20/7/22 20:48

      Charlene wore white the first time she met a pope(Benedict XVI) She has the right to wear white as the Catholic wife of a Catholic Head of State, not the obligation to do so if she chooses not to.

  9. J'aime la sobriété de la robe.
    La mantille est délicate et jolie.
    Toutefois je trouve que les manches de la robe sont trop serrées mais ce n'est qu'un simple détail .
    La croix montée sur le chapelet en perle me semble t'il est belle.

  10. Anonymous20/7/22 16:05

    I don't know the rules in Catholic church for the moment, they could have changed. Before it was like that :
    1. Only catholic QUEENS could wear white dresses to visit the Pope. Since she is not a queen but a princess, a black dress is required.
    2. The dress should be long or almost long, which is not the case.
    3. She could at least had worn black shoes and tights (apparently she is not wearing tights at all).
    4. One does not go to visit the pope with a necklace that looks like a rosary. No necklace or a simple necklace with white pearls can be done, I think. Or a thin silver or gold chain with a little crucifix is O.K. too I guess.
    5. Why she must have bare shoulders, as if she has not one black dress that is closed under the chin.
    6. Black nail polish is not done either. Transparent white or silver or very light pink can be done, I suppose.
    I'm getting the impression that she tried too hard to show that she is a good catholic, with a poor result that could be misunderstood. It cannot be difficult for the prince of Monaco to obtain correct information about the dress code when visiting the pope at the Vatican.

    1. Anonymous20/7/22 20:51

      Your information is partially incorrect. Charlene has the Privilege du Blanc and so does Grand Duchess Maria Teresa. Charlene wore white during her audience with Benedict XVI. Maria Teresa has also worn white for papal visits. Anyway Francis has made it clear he doesn't care about dress or protocol. TSH didn't even bother to bow and/or curtsey.

    2. Anonymous20/7/22 23:00

      1. Charlene has the privilege du blanc as was confirmed by the Holy See last time she wore white and everybody jumped up and down about it - seven women have the right.

      2. The dress does not need to be long - it is comfortably below the knees and perfectly respectable. There was another women in the party wearing trousers.

      3. Why should she be wearing tights? What is indecent about her legs below the knees? Black shoes are your preference and not a requirement of the Catholic Church.

      4. Wearing a rosary as a statement of faith is absolutely fine and even encouraged by various religious bodies - if the purpose is as adornment then not so much. Can you speak to the Princess's motives for wearing a rosary?

      5. She doesn't have bare shoulders - the dress has a boat neckline not spaghetti straps. She wasn't attending mass but just meeting the Pope in his offices and then visiting an exhibition.

      6. Did I miss some diktat from the Pope about what colour of nail polish he finds acceptable? Again, your preference not an obligation for visiting the Vatican.

      From the pictures the Pope doesn't appear to be having a meltdown at what the Princess is wearing.

    3. Anonymous21/7/22 00:12

      It's not exclusively Queens though. Princess Charlene does indeed have the privilege blanc, because the previous Pope gave it to her. As does Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, also not a Queen, but a Catholic consort.
      However, the current Pope has done away with the strict dress code and said that ladies can wear whichever colour they feel comfortable in. So while some of the ladies who have the privilege blanc still prefer to appear in white, it is no longer a privilege exactly.
      The Duchess of Cornwall has visited the Pope in cream, Queen Elizabeth in lilac - the days of white for Catholic consorts and black for everybody else are over.
      But: I had a look at the Vatican's website and it still asks for shoulders to be covered, at least short sleeves and no shorter than knee length. Most Catholics would know that anyhow, but Charlene was not raised a Catholic.
      Her shoulders should be covered, the necklace looks indeed too much like a rosary, but otherwise her outfit is perfectly fine. I do think she tried, otherwise she would not be wearing the traditional head covering, but can Albert not help her? He has been Catholic all his life and is a Catholic ruling Prince after all.

    4. Anonymous21/7/22 07:58

      The argument about what Charlene is wearing is silly. She is appropriately dressed. Her entire chest and back are covered. I can't see a problem with a boatneck. That is getting too picky. I think it is a bigger problem that Camilla wore cream, as mentioned above, putting herself on par with Catholic sovereigns or their consorts. She is neither Catholic nor a consort to a sovereign. I do not care for the necklace inspired by a rosary (it is not a rosary as there are no stations.) I may be too old school Catholic, but I was always brought up that it was bad form to wear a rosary as a necklace or hang it from your car mirror, for example. I understand it is a statement necklace, but the Vatican was probably not the best place to wear it. Charlene has worn black to the Vatican before, to attend the inauguration mass of Pope Francis. Monaco did not traditionally have the Privilège du Blanc. Princess Grace always wore black when visiting the Vatican. Pope Benedict XVI had given special dispensation to the House of Grimaldi 2013, ‘in accordance with prescribed ceremonial of the Vatican for Catholic Sovereigns’, which was announced after Charlene wore white on her first visit to the Vatican. I can't imagine that Pope Francis was bothered at all by Charlene's appearance here. He is the most modern pope the church has had, to my immediate knowledge, and many strict rules and traditions were relaxed the moment he became pope. Charlene looks like she is having a very emotional reaction, as so many people do when visiting the Vatican. I hope this is yet another piece in her healing.

  11. Anonymous20/7/22 17:14

    En noir alors que son rang voudrait qu'elle soit en blanc, le décolleté bateau avec épaules dénudées ainsi que le dos (vu sur d'autres photos), tulle transparent du haut de la robe et des manches, de plus, pour le Vatican, lorsque vous vous habillez en noir, vous devez porter la chaussure de la même couleur et avec un talon modéré donc talons trop hauts : le protocole du Vatican n'est pas respecté ! avec en plus des ongles sombres tout montre une fois de plus la rebellion... Quant au chapelet, il aurait du être porté à la main... tout faux

    1. Anonymous20/7/22 23:04

      Elle n'est pas obligée d'être en blanc et c'est faux qu'on ne peut pas porter le chapelet comme elle le fait si c'est pour montrer sa foi.

  12. Anonymous20/7/22 17:26

    Charlene has put on weight, and it suits her because she looks absolutely gorgeous. She looks like what she is, a Catholic princess. I wonder why she is not wearing white, as she is
    entitled to do?

  13. Anonymous20/7/22 18:03

    Very nice dress, but I believe the shoulders should have been covert. MO, well then, I am of a different Generation, Both looked very nice. josebabe

  14. Anonymous20/7/22 18:08

    I think she is wearing a crucifix, she is a very devoted lady.

    1. Anonymous21/7/22 19:07

      It is. She has worn it before - it's by Repossi.

  15. Anonymous20/7/22 18:53

    How elegant Princess Charlene looks! Her dress is a bit edgy for meeting the Pope--the mesh sleeves, the uncovered shoulders--and then there is the black nail polish. But, I still think Charlene looks fabulous.


  16. Anonymous20/7/22 18:54

    I thought she had privilege du blanc?

  17. Anonymous20/7/22 18:59

    As the wife of a Catholic regent, she could have worn white..

    1. You expressed it perfectly, she "could" have worn white.

  18. Replies
    1. Anonymous21/7/22 01:03

      What is the point of this? It adds nothing to the discussion. Personality, I find this use of the Lord’s name offensive and politely request that it is removed

    2. Anonymous21/7/22 02:03

      Blasphemy is unbecoming for non believers; par for the course; let him who has not sinned cast the fist stone(Tabby)

    3. Agree, Anon 01:03. Why using the Lord's name 'in vain'. It indeed adds nothing to this discussion and could almost be seen as provocative.

    4. Tabby, this is not just a matter of 'who hasn't sinned casts the first stone'. It's also a matter of decency, propriety and respect. We wouldn't want to throw the name of Mohammed around too, would we? So why then the name of Jesus?

  19. Anonymous20/7/22 21:03

    White? Absolutely not!! As all others are dressed in dark colors, she would have stuck out like a sore thumb. She looks gorgeous and appropriate.

  20. Vous pensez vraiment que Charlene ne
    s'est pas renseignée avant d'opter de porter un vêtement noir ?
    Je pense que les deux couleurs sont autorisées.
    Elle porte une robe sobre à col bateau,des chaussures de couleur beige,du vernis à ongle noire :Je ne vois aucune faute de sa part.
    Je ne pense pas que le pape va donner de l'importance à sa tenue vestimentaire.

    de sa part

    Je ne vois aucun

    1. Pardon
      Je ne pense pas que le pape....etc...

  21. Anonymous20/7/22 23:37

    You people just leave her alone.Princess Charlene is beautiful inside and out.Anyone can see that and if you can't then get a life.. God Bless Princess Charlene and Prince Albert....

  22. This is a lovely outfit and nice presentation, the mantilla looks respectful and the right size for the Princess. I love her pearl necklace and cross. I am glad she is continuing to do well and looks healthy. She has been taking her time easing herself back into her role, wise and it has obviously paid off. Well done to her.

  23. Bare shoulders like this is a terrible choice for this occasion. Even when you try to have a very innocent face.

    1. Pour vous,c'est un choix terrible.
      Le pape s'en fiche.
      Il a toujours dit qu'il ne se souciait ni de la tenue vestimentaire ,ni du protocole lors de ses rencontres.

    2. Anonymous21/7/22 14:18

      Her shoulders aren't bare.

    3. Anonymous25/7/22 23:53

      What is the problem with you people? She looked perfectly demure in her demeanor, and certainly honored. As some have mentioned the neckline is bateau, far from bare shoulders, and that she did not wear stockings might be attributed to the fact that it was hot, as everywhere else. Let's fix global warming first. The pearl necklace cum crucifix? Has anybody noticed that she carried a small white box in lieu of a clutch? According to archive photographs that was the one the original gift from the pope came in in the first place. Reverence and subtle appreciation? In my eyes, yes.
      E.M. Wustefeld

  24. Anonymous21/7/22 06:33

    I don't know what the rules are around dress code when meeting the Pope but to me PC looks wonderful. Her dress is not morbid and the mantilla is gorgeous. She looks so healthy and ready do tackle her duties as a princess. ~MS~

  25. Anonymous21/7/22 06:54

    She is looking gorgeous and stylish and happy and healthy...Just let her be....leave the negative comments. Sarah

  26. She is looking gorgeous and stylish and happy and healthy. Let her be and leave the negative comments..Sarah

  27. Anonymous21/7/22 07:31

    I am seeing adorable Princess Gabriella very much in Charlene's face and posture. Regardless of dress code or protocol, respect would dictate modest attire. Charlene's dress is modest enough, although the neckline does seem to allow the top of the shoulder to peek out, perhaps not the best choice since it seems to be on the border of "baring" the shoulder, but not a blatant mis-step. Prince Albert needs to lose the paunch, or at least buy a jacket one size larger. S.M.

  28. This is Princess Charlene doing it her way and I think Princess Grace would of been proud of her. She looks even more beautiful after her long illness. I think when she had the nasal procedures she had her nose tweaked ever so
    slightly too!

    1. Anonymous21/7/22 18:21

      And if princess Grace would HAVE been proud of her... So what?

  29. Anonymous21/7/22 07:49

    From the different opinions I read here, it is possible that the rules have changed and that the pope himself (being more modern than the other before him) does not care how visitors are dressed. However as a royal, catholic or not, there are things you know. There is something like decency, tradition, respect, etc...I never saw people who visit the pope wearing a rosary around the neck and if it was not a rosary but a necklace it was a bad choice. Very important to me is also being well informed about the do's and don'ts . If there is a ceremony at the cathedral of Monaco in presence of the bishop, the female members of the principal family are dressed correctly. Apparently, here there was not a mass or any other ceremony but they were visiting the pope after all. At least Albert's pants were ironed this time !

    1. Anonymous21/7/22 14:20

      A Catholic wearing a crucifix around her neck to visit the Pope was a bad choice? It's not a rosary but a crucifix necklace by Repossi - the Princess is a devout Catholic.

    2. Anonymous21/7/22 18:46

      There is a difference between a cross and a crucifix. A crucifix has the body of Jesus on it.

    3. Anonymous21/7/22 23:38

      The point is still valid - there's a difference between a cross, a crucifix and a rosary.

  30. I don't see the problem with her dress, the bare shoulders issue and Vatican protocol etc. I'm sure that Pope Francis would have been over the moon if the twins had been included in the visit. Maybe next time.

    1. Anonymous21/7/22 20:14

      So i must think there are different values in protocols (see prince George in suit and tie due to the rules of the Royal Box) and that those of the Catholic Church are considered less important than others.

  31. She looks very nice!! Love her pretty dress and the beautiful lace of her mantilla. She was so very ill and now she looks like she's feeling better! Good for her!!

  32. Anonymous21/7/22 09:51

    Yoi cant go to the Pope with bare shoulders and black nails.. Its not because the Pope doesnt like that, its a matter of protocol, but also of good taste.

    1. Vous semblez n 'avoir rien compris.
      Le pape se fiche de la tenue vestimentaire de ses visiteurs et du protocole .Charlene porte une robe avec un encolure bateau décente.
      Pourquoi toujours vouloir chercher la petit bête

    2. Anonymous21/7/22 13:49

      She did and looked gorgeous doing it!

    3. Anonymous21/7/22 18:18

      Valentine, exactly where did you read that the Pope is interested in her dress???
      I wrote exactly the opposite, that is to say that he wont mind but shes showing no protocol respect and above all no good taste.
      Try to understand well what you read before insulting the othe users.

    4. Anonymous21/7/22 18:57

      Pope Francis has met with Spiderman and spun basketballs on his finger. I don't think he cared about the color of her fingernails, tbh. He is a man of God, not a man of fashion.

  33. Anonymous21/7/22 16:09

    It doesn’t matter what color her dress is; she is the most beautiful and gracious lady -the gifts of God who qualifies herself to meet with the Pope. I wish her our Lord’s Blessings.

  34. Vous continuez à ne rien comprendre.
    Relisez mon commentaire svp.
    Je n'ai pas écrit que le pape s'intéressait à la tenue de Charlene.
    J'ai écrit que le pape se fichait de la tenue vestimentaire de ses visiteurs.
    Idem pour le protocole.
    Contrairement à vous ,je trouve que Charlene à très bon goût.
    Sa tenue vestimentaire n'est nullement indécente.
    Je n'ai insulté personne et d'ailleurs qui suis je pour insulter des gens que je connais pas?
    Et même si je les connaissais en les insultant ,vous croyez que cela me rapporterait quelque chose?

    1. Anonymous22/7/22 05:39

      Charlene has been one of the women the people on this blog love to pick on. To some, she can't do anything right. They read sadness or depression into every expression on her face and find flaws in everything she wears. It is not because they know some truth the rest of us don't know, it is because they want to see something wrong. You can't reason people who enjoy conflict.

    2. Anonymous22/7/22 08:33

      Valentine, you obviously dont master english... Im afraid its you who totally lack of comprehension.
      At least of my text.
      Lets close it here.

  35. Pardon
    Le pape et non papier.

  36. Bonjour
    1:Ne me tutoyez pas car je ne vous connais
    2:"Tu ne maîtrises pas l'anglais"...etc
    Je suis désolée,sachez que j'ai étudié l'anglais durant huit ans.
    3:Laissez moi tranquille:Je n'écris pas des commentaires pour polémiquer et je ne pense pas que la responsable de ce blog l'a créé pour cette raison.

    1. Anonymous22/7/22 18:01

      Valentine, to be honest it was you the first to start polemic to my opinion with yr comment 21/7 h 11.46
      So dont complain if you find reactions.

    2. Anonymous22/7/22 20:42

      @Valentine - the comment is in English - there is no tutoyer which you should know if you studied English for 8 years.

  37. En écrivant que le pape se fiche de la tenue vestimentaire de ses visiteurs et du protocole ": Où est la polémique.?
    Je n'ai fait que répéter ce qu'a dit le pape lors d'un interview.
    Il a dit:"Je me soucie pas des tenues vestimentaires de mes visiteurs.Idem pour le protocole"
    Vous voyez donc,que je n'ai rien inventé .Ce sont les mots d'un homme pour qui j'ai de l'admiration.

    1. Anonymous23/7/22 07:53

      @Valentine I have understood your comments. I don't think you need to try to explain them any further. Sometimes a person will only see what they want to see.

    2. Anonymous23/7/22 10:47

      @Valentine, maybe you should avoid opening your comments by telling people that they havent understood anything.

      Each of us has her own opinion, you know.

  38. Anonymous23/7/22 08:06

    Ho letto su un quotidiano che è la stessa Charlene ad aver voluto vestirsi di nero e indossare un rosario molto grande.

    Rossella 🌹

  39. Merci Anonyme du 23/07/22 07:53.

  40. Anonyme du 23/07/2022.
    Je confime:J'ai étudié l'anglais durant 8 ans.
    Vous n avez pas pensé une seconde que j' vais lu le commentaire en français ?

    1. Anonymous27/7/22 13:22

      MDR Valentine! Le fait que vous l'avez lu en français ne change rien - tutoyer n'existe pas en anglais et vous avez "grondé" quelqu'un pour rien.


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