Prince Albert and Charlotte attended the anniversary of the Public Security Directorate

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a tweed dress by Chanel. Princess Caroline, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Stephanie

Prince Albert II and Charlotte Casiraghi attended the celebration of the 120th anniversary of the Public Security Directorate of Monaco held at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco. Prince Albert II gave a speech during the anniversary event. The Public Security Directorate (Sûreté publique de Monaco) is the national police force of the Principality of Monaco. The directorate was established on June 23, 1902 by Prince Albert I.

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a tweed dress by Chanel. Princess Caroline, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Stephanie

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a tweed dress by Chanel. Princess Caroline, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Stephanie

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  1. Charlotte's dress is not appropriate for this event IMV and the hemline of her mini dress is strange or her posture is not adequate which would not surprise me.

    1. Anonymous3/7/22 18:54

      Why is it not appropriate? There's another woman there wearing something very similar. What would be appropriate? I'm genuinely curious.


    2. Anonymous4/7/22 08:09

      The dress is beautiful, but the color and length are inappropriate because slim doesn't necessarily mean beautiful, even for a princess.

    3. I don't think the dress is too short bur I agree about her bad posture. That is something I really don't understand. Wasn't she a model?

    4. Anonymous4/7/22 10:29

      @Mary T. She always stands like that, with her right shoulder a little higher than her left shoulder.

    5. Anonymous4/7/22 14:59

      I'm not sure why her dress isn't appropriate when the lady in the back row is literally wearing a jean jacket vest. LOL. Sat what you want about her posture, but that has nothing do do with the way she is dressed. (And the lady standing in the front row is dressed almost identical)

    6. Anonymous4/7/22 17:22

      She isn't a princess and I still don't really understand your reasoning as to why the dress isn't appropriate for this event, Mary. Do you not like short dresses in general or for Charlotte in particular?

      Coralie - she was never a catwalk model who learned to walk properly. She herself never wanted to be labelled as a model. Her posture is awful and always has been.


    7. Anonymous5/7/22 04:25

      I think if she was standing similar to the woman in the other white dress it would help. You would think as someone who has worked (is working?) as a professional model she'd know how to stand aestetically for a photo. I don't know. May be the photographer told them all to stand that way?


  2. Anonymous3/7/22 18:14

    Nice to see her again, with her uncle, at a public event. Nice dress, but a wee to short OMO. josebabe

  3. Charlotte looks lovely, but I am not a fan of this dress. I much prefer the lady to the right of the photo 2nd from end. The dress has some movement and swirl, the perfect length.

  4. Anonymous3/7/22 18:55

    Charlotte looks good in this Chanel shift but I do wish it were a little bit longer. Nice to see her joining her uncle for an official event.


  5. Anonymous3/7/22 20:33

    Cute dress but, yes, a bit too short. Nice reprieve from seeing "Chanel" plastered all over her clothes. *Regina

  6. Anonymous3/7/22 21:01

    If Charlotte's dress was little bit longer would be better other than it is still pretty.,Mary

  7. It is all in the posture. The other woman knows how to stand for the photograph, the Princess is making her whole posture look awkward, especially her legs they looked bowed, unfortunately. She is such an attractive young woman.

    1. Anonymous4/7/22 17:21

      Charlotte is not a princess. *Regina

  8. Bien jolie Charlotte dans cette robe quand même un peu trop courte ainsi que dans un tissu pas du tout léger comme la dame blonde en blanc ; si elle n'est pas de Chanel, j'aimerais bien connaître en connaître le couturier ?!


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