King and Queen of Spain handed out 2022 La Caixa scholarships

Queen Letizia wore an animal print midi dress by Massimo Dutti. Letizia wore black suede espadrille wedges by Macarena

On July 20, 2022, King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain handed out La Caixa Foundation's postgraduate scholarships to 120 students in a ceremony held at CaixaForum in Madrid. With the help of that scholarship, the students will receive education at most prestigious academic centers of the world.

Queen Letizia wore an animal print midi dress by Massimo Dutti. Letizia wore black suede espadrille wedges by Macarena

Queen Letizia wore an animal print midi dress by Massimo Dutti. Letizia wore black suede espadrille wedges by Macarena

Queen Letizia wore an animal print midi dress by Massimo Dutti. Letizia wore black suede espadrille wedges by Macarena

Queen Letizia wore an animal print midi dress by Massimo Dutti. Letizia wore black suede espadrille wedges by Macarena

Between 1982 and 2021, La Caixa Foundation has allocated 189 million euros to the scholarship program, which is one of the largest of Europe. Throughout this period, 3,687 university students have been able to extend their training abroad with scholarships from La Caixa Foundation.

Queen Letizia wore an animal print midi dress by Massimo Dutti. Letizia wore black suede espadrille wedges by Macarena

Queen Letizia wore Massimo Dutti Animal Print dress
Massimo Dutti Animal Print Dress

Queen Letizia wore Macarena suede espadrille wedges
Macarena suede espadrille wedges

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  1. Anonymous20/7/22 14:44

    I like the dresses of all three ladies :)) All of them look great!

  2. Queen Letizia's very elegant!

  3. Lovely simple summer dress. Another in the "I want one of those" category

    1. Anonymous21/7/22 16:32

      Completely agree AnnieM. I like the shoes too-very summery look for such a lovely versatile dress.

    2. Anonymous21/7/22 20:28

      Oops just amending my earlier response. While they do look great with this dress, I do agree for this situation (educational/scholarship awards) that different shoes (like the dressy sandals on others) would have been more appropriate.

  4. Anonymous20/7/22 17:55

    Nice summer dress, I would have woren heels it would have looked elegant for the event. josebabe

    1. Anonymous21/7/22 05:25

      @josebabe, I am curious to learn what espadrilles aren’t appropriate, not being snarky, just would like to understand that rule. Being summer would open toe sandals would be OK, or only pumps are correct?
      I personally love them, so I am partial to wear them during day events, I also believe that the Queen makes a point of promoting a shoe that is typically Spanish.
      Spaniards have wearing them for centuries in more simple forms, nowadays they are made for every occasion, from simple flats to sophisticated, and in a multitude of colors. Letizia looks fabulous as usual and the hair is gorgeous.

  5. Anonymous20/7/22 18:16

    Dress is nice, but the espadrilles don't go well with the style of the dress and are not appropriate for the circumstances.

    1. Anonymous21/7/22 03:45

      In Spain, espadrilles are de rigueur in the summer. They are casual, elegant and everything in between. They are very appropriate for this event. …… Ana María

    2. Anonymous21/7/22 07:34

      Agree, shoes are too casual in this instance. S.M.

  6. Anonymous20/7/22 19:01

    Beautiful. I like the little keyhole at the neckline. She elevates simplicity so well.

  7. Encantadora Letizia. Un vestido low cost y ella hace que parezca de 1000 $. Su melena es magnífica y su marido, también :))

  8. This is a very elegant and subtle dress, she looks lovely. King Felipe looks very dapper in his pin stripe suit, he is always beautifully groomed.

  9. Anonymous21/7/22 00:39

    Lovely summer dress, Queen Letizia looks very elegant and king Juan Carlos is always impeccably dressed.

    1. Anonymous21/7/22 07:21

      King Juan Carlos??? Please!! Felipe VI !!!

    2. ¿El rey JC? Ah, bueno...

  10. Anonymous21/7/22 06:22

    What a lovely, simple and elegant dress :)
    Looks really good on Q.Letizia and on a model. Sometimes midi dresses make legs look shorter but this style make Letizia's legs look very long thanks to that middle part.

  11. Ces dames sont bien élégantes surtout Letizia dans cette petite robe d'été ; j'aime beaucoup ses espadrilles compensées même si je ne suis pas tellement fan des pompons ; Felipe est toujours impeccablement vêtu !

  12. Anonymous21/7/22 11:59

    Sorry for my mistake I meant King Felipe VI.

  13. Beautiful dress on a beautiful Queen.

  14. Après avoir mieux regardé les deux dernières photos, je me suis souvenue que la femme assise à droite du Roi était Pilar Alegria, ministre de l'Education et de la Formation professionnelle ; c'est vraiment une belle femme qui a le don de nous surprendre en s'habillant avec beaucoup de goût et originalité !

  15. Anonymous22/7/22 00:08

    I feel a little disappointed by this outfit. Dress looks like it’s made of a cheap fabric and espadrilles are nice, however more appropriate for an outdoor event on the grass or on the beach.

    Not my favourite, I find she rarely looks good in this brand - I understand she is supporting Spanish fashion industry, but there are so many better choices in her closet already.


    1. Anonymous22/7/22 07:41

      Espadrilles in Spain are not for the beach or grass, just the contrary, in other countries they are confused about them, you can't wear them in humidity . we wear them even at obviously are thinking about flip-flops...
      Cultural knowledge is important,vI wonder how people can speak about appropiate or not in other cultures and countries...


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