Belgium’s King and Queen visited the 2022 summer exhibitions at Royal Palace

Dries Van Noten printed silk kimono, Essentiel Antwerp light pink and red printed kimono. Essentiel Antwerp pink silk blouse

On July 20, 2022, King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited the 2022 summer exhibitions at the Royal Palace in Brussels. The King and Queen opened the exhibitions of Technopolis technology education center, the Belgian Science Policy Agency, and the Royal Dynasty and Cultural Heritage Association. The Royal Palace is traditionally opened for the public from 23 July to 28 August every year.

Dries Van Noten printed silk kimono, Essentiel Antwerp light pink and red printed kimono. Essentiel Antwerp pink silk blouse

Dries Van Noten printed silk kimono, Essentiel Antwerp light pink and red printed kimono. Essentiel Antwerp pink silk blouse

Dries Van Noten printed silk kimono, Essentiel Antwerp light pink and red printed kimono. Essentiel Antwerp pink silk blouse

Dries Van Noten printed silk kimono, Essentiel Antwerp light pink and red printed kimono. Essentiel Antwerp pink silk blouse

Dries Van Noten printed silk kimono, Essentiel Antwerp light pink and red printed kimono. Essentiel Antwerp pink silk blouse

Dries Van Noten printed silk kimono, Essentiel Antwerp light pink and red printed kimono. Essentiel Antwerp pink silk blouse

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  1. Here my answer can be easy : no!

    1. Anonymous22/7/22 01:41

      Agree, Mary T. Reminds me of the ‘pinnies’ (overalls) my Granny wore 😂

    2. Anonymous22/7/22 08:24

      I immediately thought of a housekeeping coat or pinafore too !!

  2. Anonymous21/7/22 09:41

    I like the dress and the shoes look very fashionable and summery. Queen Mathilde's earrings look good. I thought I had a speck on my screen the King looks like he has got a sore lip.(Tara)

  3. Jolies couleurs très fraîches qui lui vont à merveille même si la robe est trop cachée à mon goûr ; belle coordination de la cravate de Philippe avec la couleur de son costume !

  4. Anonymous21/7/22 11:07

    Beautiful colour and design: Dries van Noten?
    I think it is good,

    1. Anonymous21/7/22 14:53

      It could be Queen Mathilde bought the fabric for this coat during the last state visit to Congo. It does not look like the fabrics and colors used by Dries.

  5. Anonymous21/7/22 15:01

    I think the combination of the coat with a pink dress is not so good. I would have chosen a plain blue dress (the same blue one can find in the print of the coat). If I remember correctly QM has shoes in the same blue. The pink shoes she is wearing here are old and not beautiful anymore.

  6. Anonymous21/7/22 15:07

    Mir gefällt das nicht. Der König sieht sehr gut aus in diesem hellen Anzug die Krawatte alles sehr edel. Dazu würde mir die Königin in einem edlen creme besser gefallen, so würde es den König besser hervorheben, sie könnte ansonsten mit viel Schmuck glänzen. -Dorothe-

  7. Anonymous21/7/22 16:29

    I like the pattern and colors, dress/coat but these colors (or perhaps it’s the lighting) have just washed out the Queen’s usual complexion. Very unflattering color for her on my screen. At first she looked unwell but the other posts are right around the same time and she looks fine. Amazing how wearing “your colors” can enhance or detract from your look.

    1. Anonymous21/7/22 17:03

      Totally agree--the lighting is the culprit I think. Mathilde usually looks wonderful in blues and pinks. Weird.


    2. Anonymous21/7/22 20:20

      Yes the lighting. Reminds me of the silly Seinfeld episode about Jerry’s girlfriend who looked one way in good lightning totally awful in bad lighting. He couldn’t avoid the bad lighting :).

  8. Anonymous21/7/22 17:07

    I know I should like this--the colors are beautiful. But, something is off. Queen Mathilde looks tired or washed out but these are colors that usually look wonderful on her. Maybe there is too much in terms of design.


    1. Anonymous22/7/22 12:32

      She doesn't look tired she is tired. And so is the king. Lucky their holydays are starting on the 22nd.

  9. Anonymous21/7/22 18:36

    What can I say , only one thing no. josebabe

  10. The Queen looks lovely, but I am not sure about the color of the dress. A less vivid color might have worked better.

  11. Anonymous22/7/22 00:03

    Mathilde can do much better. Not my favourite outfit for sure. Too much going on.



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