The Grand Ducal family held a garden party at Berg Castle in Colmar

Princess Stephanie wore Hobbs Apple Green Marina Dress. Maria Teresa wore a yellow Amarilla jacket by Paule Ka

On June 28, Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg held a garden party at Berg Castle in Colmar-Berg. Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie, Prince Felix and some 300 representatives of the political, diplomatic, administrative, economic and civil society worlds attended the garden party.

Princess Stephanie wore Hobbs Apple Green Marina Dress. Maria Teresa wore a yellow Amarilla jacket by Paule Ka

Princess Stephanie wore Hobbs Apple Green Marina Dress. Maria Teresa wore a yellow Amarilla jacket by Paule Ka

Princess Stephanie wore Hobbs Apple Green Marina Dress. Maria Teresa wore a yellow Amarilla jacket by Paule Ka

Princess Stephanie wore Hobbs Apple Green Marina Dress. Maria Teresa wore a yellow Amarilla jacket by Paule Ka

Princess Stephanie wore Hobbs Apple Green Marina Dress. Maria Teresa wore a yellow Amarilla jacket by Paule Ka

Princess Stephanie wore Hobbs Apple Green Marina Dress. Maria Teresa wore a yellow Amarilla jacket by Paule Ka

Princess Stephanie wore Hobbs Apple Green Marina Dress. Maria Teresa wore a yellow Amarilla jacket by Paule Ka

Princess Stephanie wore Hobbs Apple Green Marina Dress
Hobbs Apple Green Marina Dress

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  1. Anonymous29/6/22 18:01

    Oh, dear. I really want to like Stephanie’s dress as the color is good on her. But she needed a different size. I won’t comment on MT as her documented “hostile working environment” and bullying behavior behavior in the Waringo report was disturbing that I can’t really look at her in any detail.

    1. That report was two and a half years ago. Why bring it up now? Why in a fashion blog? And, obviously, anonymously. For shame!

    2. Not sure another size is the solution, depends on the difference between to sizes. I prefer a bit too tight than making it too bulky. Ideally she should have tailored clothes.

    3. Anonymous30/6/22 23:34

      Sylvie, to attack a poster who is explaining why they cannot comment on fashion for a person who is disturbing to them is your shame, not mine. Two years (or any # of years) do not change facts. And MT has never apologized. To the contrary. The culture of fear run by MT was documented in a report requested by the Luxembourg government. I did make a measured comment on Stephanie’s fashion choice, with which several subsequent posters agreed. You are not the moderator of this truly excellent site. If the moderator saw fit to include my comment without a name, you are wrong to become offensive and attack over it. I’m also happy to include a name. Respect to the moderator. -Jane

  2. Anonymous29/6/22 18:23

    I love Stephanies hair like that, suits her well.

    1. Anonymous30/6/22 06:37

      Agreed, she looks beautiful. That green color of her dress is very flattering as well.

  3. Anonymous29/6/22 18:23

    We cannot see both dresses very well. Maria Teresa is wearing a dress with one shoulder underneath a stola. Hered. Gr. Duchess Stéphanie(s) dress is too tight. The emerald color is good for her.

  4. Anonymous29/6/22 18:35

    Stephanie looks very nice *but* she should have either gone up one size or had the dress professionally altered/tailored. It is too tight and pulling the fabric in the bodice. I love this shade of green.

    The Grand Duchess looks fabulous with the yellow shawl highlighting the pops of yellow in the dress.


  5. Anonymous29/6/22 18:53

    Stéphanie: Your dress is a beautiful color, but please wear the appropriate size. It's way too tight. Can you even breathe? *Regina

    1. Indeed. I would be afraid that the seams would pop any second and never feel at ease.

    2. Anonymous30/6/22 02:47

      I also believe it is a poor choice of style for her body shape. She looks wonderful from the neck up!

  6. Anonymous29/6/22 19:02

    Nice to see the family doing this event together, almost everyone of the family is present. Maybe Pss Clair is working?. There is something different with Prince Felix, can;t put my finger on it what. I like Stephanies dress not so much MT. But hope they all had fun together.

    1. Anonymous30/6/22 07:49

      Des implants capillaires , on dirait , il était un peu plus chauve avant ...

    2. Anonymous30/6/22 08:02

      Felix has done some hair-transplantation I think (so it looks like).
      Stephanie; buying a dress a size too small with the intention to cut weight? Are you sure....the little cakes are looking soo tasty and for sure they are ...! We shall see...for now a bigger size would be better. The dress color is divine especially with the hair-color and Hobbs is a very feminine fashion trade-mark. -Anna-

  7. Anonymous29/6/22 19:30

    A size larger and I would have said bravo! I like the earrings and although I generally don't like green dresses this one looks really nice. I.P.

  8. Question ?? Can you call a garden party where the ladies don't wear hats a garden party?
    To me it's a bit like the carnival of Venice without the masks.

    1. Anonymous30/6/22 11:08

      This is not a British garden party. We don't do garden party's with hats and longer dresses and high heels that go deep in the grass. I already said that in another post. In the Benelux people are casual and at ease when they invite in their garden.

    2. @ Anonymous 30/6/22 11:08
      But the Brits are also casual and at ease when they invite you into their garden for a drink/cocktail etc.
      But when the royals invite you into their garden for a drink/cup of tea etc, the ladies get dressed up to the nines and wear a hat.
      Certainly, the Luxembourg chapeliers (hat makers) wouldn't get many clients for a garden party, Luxembourg style.
      p.s. have seen on another site photos of the garden at Berg Castle in Colmar. What a superb setting for such an occasion.

    3. My information/understanding of the Grand Ducal garden party style is that they mainly hold the event at cocktail hour time and later. So no afternoon thing like in the UK. Therefore, no hats, but a semi-formal attire befitting a cocktail party.

  9. Anonymous29/6/22 20:59

    Mittlerweile mag ich sagen, er liebt sie genau so wie sie ist. Sie ist klug, wunderschön, den Anlässen entsprechend gekleidet, aber nur selten gelingt ihr gut sitzende Garderobe. Dabei wäre es ein leichtes Spiel für sie, sie kann sich alles kaufen, mich würde schon interessieren wie sie die Kleidung auswählt und vor allem wer ihr das was sie trägt anbietet, es wirkt auf mich als würde da jemand mitspielen, der ihr zu Passform und Design nicht gut gesinnt zu sein scheint. -Dorothe-

    1. Anonymous1/7/22 16:53

      @Dorothe. Are you talking about Stéphanie or about Maria Teresa ?
      It is quite possible (from what I heard) that in the Grand Ducal Court of Luxemburg there is no stylist or adviser for the royal ladies. And not only in Luxemburg but in several other Royal houses in Europe it is the queen, princess or duchess herself who is responsible for her wardrobe together with (perhaps) the help of a series of fashion houses, designers, labels, etc... who regularly or upon request send examples of their collection to the royal ladies. Sometimes royal ladies can be seen in the capitals of their country or in neighborhood countries when visiting one of those fashion houses. I assume they have still people at their service who are responsible for the cleaning, ironing, storing of the clothes of the king, the queen, the princes and princesses. But I think it is not in every royal family like it was in the old days. The royals are modern people who (more or less) are trying to live like other families with the means (online ordering, deliveries at home, etc.) they have at their disposal like everyone else.

  10. Anonymous29/6/22 21:50

    Stepanie's dress is too tight however the dress is nice & simple it's nice to see her in a dress. Maria Teresa from what I can see is elegant as always .Mary

  11. Anonymous29/6/22 22:44

    Great choice, this green dress. The dress is a basic. A size bigger would be even better.

  12. Maria Teresa shines. Her dress, hair and makeup are fantastic.

    1. But what dress? Can't see much of it. Certainly the colours are right for the occasion.
      Have visited other sites, re the Luxembourg 'Garden Party' and nowhere can I find a full lenght photo showing the bottom part of the dress.

    2. maybe that helps a little in regard to the GD's dress?

    3. @DSC Thanks a lot for the link.
      I'm a bit on the fence about 'like it/don't like it'.
      But one thing is good, that is, it's nice to see her in a frock instead of those omnipresent black trousers.

  13. Anonymous29/6/22 23:44

    From what is visible, I really like GD Maria Theresa’s dress but not a fan of the yellow shawl. I like Stephanie’s dress in both colour and style and while it is definitely a little snug, it’s one of her better outfits recently.

    1. I do believe that this is in fact not a classic shawl or wrap but something with sleeves indeed, a very light and see-through (because of the fabric, possibly chiffon or organza) jackett.

  14. Anonymous30/6/22 04:28

    Love, love, love Stephanie's whole look--the dress (although too snug) is beautiful and the color and style are wonderful for her. MT looks very nice but needs to back off a bit on the eyebrow makeup--its too severe today. Can't tell too much about her outfit but I like the yellow shawl with the dress underneath. The Grand Duke and Prince Felix are such handsome men!


  15. Ravie de les voir toutes les deux en robe mais je voudrais bien voir Maria Teresa de plain-pied ; Stéphanie est ravissante dans cette couleur verte ; elle a de magnifiques cheveux !

  16. This young lady needs to hitch her bra up for a start and it makes such a difference to her shape and I mean that in the nicest way.
    Yes the dress is too tight around the midriff, however her arms look very slim in this dress, rather than her usual blouses.
    Shame, she does not get a stylist and tailor that can make them to fit perfect.

    1. Anonymous30/6/22 14:44

      @Sharni. A dress is like a house. When it is made for someone else (in this case standard measurements) it is difficult to change it and make it work for you. Better is to have it made according you own measurements.

  17. Anonymous30/6/22 17:33

    Great dress choice, wrong size unfortunately.



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