Queen Sonja opened 'Open doors' exhibition at KunstStall

Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Maud Angelica Behn attended the opening of the exhibition

On June 22, 2022, Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Maud Angelica Behn attended the opening of the exhibition "Open Doors" at KunstStall (Art Stable) in Oslo. More than 100 works by 50 artists from the Queen's personal art collection are being displayed at the exhibition curated by Sune Nordgren.

Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Maud Angelica Behn attended the opening of the exhibition

Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Maud Angelica Behn attended the opening of the exhibition

Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Maud Angelica Behn attended the opening of the exhibition

Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Maud Angelica Behn attended the opening of the exhibition

Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Maud Angelica Behn attended the opening of the exhibition

Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Maud Angelica Behn attended the opening of the exhibition

Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Maud Angelica Behn attended the opening of the exhibition

Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Maud Angelica Behn attended the opening of the exhibition

Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Maud Angelica Behn attended the opening of the exhibition

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  1. Boucles d'oreilles et collier dans le même style que la Reine a l'air d'adorer ; ses chaussures paraissent très confortables. Délicieuse Mette-Marit dans la couleur rose pâle de sa robe à la longueur parfaite ainsi que ses escarpins ; dois-je dire non, non à Maud Angelica Behn peut-être vêtue et chaussée Tendance ?!

    1. Don't say NO to the way Maud Angelica is dressed, Tulipe. Yes she dressed in a rather unconventional way indeed, but she is not representing the royal family. I see her rather as an interested visitor, and she certainly already has had a hard time in her life.

  2. Love QS collars which she has been wearing lately. She has many unusual peices of jewellry.

  3. Anonymous23/6/22 15:52

    It looks like Queen Sonja love those very modern and artistic pieces of art that she wears as a necklace or a scarf. Her shoes are very special too, maybe they are very comfortable but I find them a bit too high closed for the summer. Her white pantsuit is lovely but the jacket is a bit too short.
    I like Mette Marit in that pink dress but the bodice is a bit too tight for her.
    Maud Angelica Behn's dress and shoes are not appropriate for a visit like this. It can't be that cold in Norway that she has to wear thick black tights.

    1. Anonymous23/6/22 19:19

      Maud was there as a private person. She does NOT represent the Norwegian Royal house. So she can choose to wear what ever she want. Instead of only criticise why don't we just tell what we like and keep the rest for us self? We can choose not to be nasty.

    2. Anonymous23/6/22 20:53

      Actually, Scandinavia has cold days even in summer. I think Maud's dress is very appropriate for the occasion and lovely on her :) The shoes are casual but she's a teenager... wearing the kind of shoes that teenagers like to wear. What's important is that she seems to have had a lovely time with her grandmother and aunt :)

    3. Anonymous23/6/22 23:29

      Maud, M.M., and Sonja look like they are having a wonderful time together. I love the closeness of the NRF. The outfit is very much Maud’s style. I like the mix of prints on her dress.


    4. Anonymous24/6/22 08:33

      @ Anon. 23/6/22 19:19
      It is a fashion blog in the 1st place. We are allowed to say what we like or not, whether it is someone who is representing the royal family or not. If tomorrow someone representing a royal family ask me to accompany her, I will try and do my best to look at least appropriate for the visit, which is not the case here.

    5. Anonymous24/6/22 11:07

      I know it is a fashion blog, but actually I do not agree with teenagers being judged for their fashion alongside the Duchess of Cambridge and others. Teenagers are developing their style, trying things and wearing things that their peers wear... I also think that it can be detrimental for a teenager to find negative comments about themselves online. So I wish people were kinder where the royal teenagers are concerned.

    6. Anonymous24/6/22 17:38

      Well are you ready to take the consequences of breaking a young person also? Daily we see so called adults criticise kids and sensitive young girls on this blog. Do you ever think about what impact your comments has on someone who already struggle as a lot of them do with their own self image. Try to behave as adults.

  4. Anonymous23/6/22 18:00

    This is an arts and craft event so I presume that QS’s very original necklace is a gift that she is wearing out of courtesy. Many of Queen Elizabeth’s brooches, for example, are gifts and are worn on appropriate occasions to honour certain countries or guilds etc.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous23/6/22 19:23

      QS has a lot of these. This one are made of an Norwegian jewlery artist. So they are art and jewlery at the same time. Remember we are talking about the artist Queen 😉

  5. Anonymous23/6/22 18:35

    I wish they could care for this teenager, and make sure she gets help with both money and taste for proper clothes and a healthy life.
    ( The shoes are terrible and should be thrown in the garbage)
    Märtha Louise doesn't seem to do the motherly practical work for her daugthers.

    1. Anonymous24/6/22 11:54

      She surely does not lack money.

    2. Anonymous24/6/22 16:23

      You make it sound like the girl is neglected - how you infer that from these pictures I really do not know. Maud is well cared for with both money and love, I'm sure.

  6. Anonymous23/6/22 23:07

    It’s a hard no to both Q Sonja’s and Mauds shoes, horrible.
    It doesn’t matter if Maud is there as a private person, they are still not ok.

    1. I think it is good to be able to move away from hard positions, from time ti time. QnS shoes fit so well with her outfit and her usual fashion choices.

  7. Q Sonja looks modern and chic in this outfit. Though the jacket is on the shorter side, I love this pantsuit, the shoes are stylish. She is very contemporary, up to date in her dress and choice of jewellery, its fabulous. CP MM looks lovely, though I wonder if there is a problem with the cut of the dress, tight across the bodice area, regardless she looks beautiful. How wonderful that Maud was able to share in this experience with her Grandmother and Aunty. it looked to be a wonderful exhibition. She has such a lovely engaging smile. I love the photo of her looking up at MM. Maud has negotiated a very difficult path, it warms my heart to see her at this function in a private capacity, enjoying something she obviously has a passion for. Her dress is very pretty, she looks lovely.

    1. Anonymous24/6/22 02:26

      Ava, I very much admire your posts which are always positive. You are an inspiration. (Debra)

    2. P. the original24/6/22 10:25

      I agree entirely, Ava.
      I like the pale pink dress on Mette- Marit, even though the bodice looks a bit tight.
      On the contrary, I do not like hot pink and bows on her, it looks too dolly- like to me.
      Anyway, she is so beautiful and her hair is just marvellous.
      Q.Sonja's cream suit is very flattering on her, this lady has a class of her own regardless what she is wearing.
      Maud Angelica must be a very sweet and sensitive girl.
      If I am not mistaken, she seems to have an artistic talent herself, so I am not surprised at her bohemian look.
      The Behn sisters touch my heart given the painful past experiences they went through.
      You know , it may sound a bit odd, but almost all Norwegians have double christian names and people call them with both names.
      Then, one must say the full names, such as Mette-Marit (which has a particular pronunciation), Maud Angelica and so on.

    3. Anonymous24/6/22 20:06

      @P. the original 10:25
      Not only the Norwegians have double names. What about King Willem Alexander, from the Netherlands. Prince Carl-Phillipe from Sweden. There must be more examples. Myself I have a double christian name and I am not going to tell you from what country I am. In France many names are double : Jean-François, Jean-Marc,
      Marie-Louise, etc...

    4. P. the original24/6/22 20:27

      Anon. 24/6/22 20:06

      No, you have mistaken.
      Many people including myself have double christian names, but people often call us with just one name, normally the first one.
      Norwegians are used to always call people with both their Christian names, so you won't hear only Maud, for example, but Maud Angelica, Ingrid Alexandra and not only Ingrid.
      This is a general rule for them.

  8. Anonymous24/6/22 02:48

    Regarding Maud, I think it was back when she was 17 she referred to herself as a "grandmother". She has an older mindset, maybe that's reflected in her choice of clothing here. *Regina

  9. Anonymous24/6/22 05:28

    The necklaces, spikey collars on the Queen, look over the top. I'm not a fan, but she must like them. The Queen's shoes look rather odd, she's worn this style before, didnt like them before. CP MM looks lovely as usual. jj

  10. My favorite here is Queen Sonja. I like her outfit very much and it suits her very well. Love her elegant shoes! Maud looks lovely as well.MM is ok,,but her outfits are seldom my favorites.

  11. Anonymous27/6/22 19:34

    I like Maud‘s Dress


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