Queen Maxima met with the President of ECB Christine Lagarde

Queen Maxima wore a black dress from Natan Couture Spring Summer 2016 collection. President Christine Lagarde

Queen Maxima, as the United Nations Secretary-General Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA), met with the President of the European Central Bank (ECB) Christine Lagarde at the Royal Palace of Amsterdam. The ECB is the central bank of the 19 countries of the European Union that use the euro.

Queen Maxima wore a black dress from Natan Couture Spring Summer 2016 collection. President Christine Lagarde

King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, the President of the European Central Bank (ECB) Christine Lagarde and Prime Minister Rutte attended a dinner at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam organized on the occasion of the ECB policy meeting.

Queen Maxima wore a black dress from Natan Couture Spring Summer 2016 collection. President Christine Lagarde

Queen Maxima wore a black dress from Natan Couture Spring Summer 2016 collection. President Christine Lagarde

Queen Maxima wore a black dress from Natan Couture Spring Summer 2016 collection. President Christine Lagarde

Queen Maxima wore a black dress from Natan Couture Spring Summer 2016 collection. President Christine Lagarde

Queen Maxima wore a black dress from Natan Couture Spring Summer 2016 collection. President Christine Lagarde

Queen Maxima wore a black dress from Natan Couture Spring Summer 2016 collection. President Christine Lagarde

Queen Maxima wore a black dress from Natan Couture Spring Summer 2016 collection. President Christine Lagarde

Queen Maxima wore a black dress from Natan Couture Spring Summer 2016 Collection
Natan Couture Spring Summer 2016 Collection

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  1. ok for her, but probably few other women.

  2. Ravie de revoir madame Christine Lagarde qui est une belle femme dont j'admire le classisisme élégant sans oublier son incontournable coiffure à cheveux courts ; tiens, tiens, tiens, Natan est de retour !

  3. strange outfit ... and the shoes are definitely too short for her

  4. Anonymous9/6/22 11:34

    The toes hanging over her shoes, really……
    Lily T.

  5. Anonymous9/6/22 11:35

    Nice hairdo, awful dress, looks like a tent.

  6. Wir wissen wohl warum ....

  7. Anonymous9/6/22 12:19

    Tunica e pantalone formano un bell'insieme. Non mi piacciono i sandali di QM, sono troppo aperti e mi sembrano poco eleganti.


  8. Anonymous9/6/22 13:03

    Griezelig, hoe machtig deze extreem rijke mensen zijn. Poekie

    1. Anon @ 13.03: You are so right. I guess before that event she visited the Salvation Army. :)

  9. Anonymous9/6/22 13:22

    I think Queen Maxima looks great in this black outfit with white jewels. (Debra)

    1. Anonymous9/6/22 16:02

      I agree with you Debra .

  10. Anonymous9/6/22 14:47

    Mme Lagarde is such an elegant woman, her jacket is beautiful (Chanel?) but I'm not sure about the longer length in the back. Q Maxima's dress has a lingerie vibe, she may be overdressed for this daytime occasion.
    Mrs Cleaver

  11. If I met Mme. Lagarde, I would talk about the inflation and cost-of-living-crisis in Europe with her!

    1. Tout à fait d'accord avec vous ; j’aurais bien aimé la voir à notre Gouvernement mais il est évident que cela ne s’est pas présenté !

    2. Anonymous9/6/22 16:31

      @ Mrs Cleaver & @ Coralie. Christine Lagarde knows everything about the inflation and cost-of-living-crisis in Europe. As President of the ECB she is the right person to discuss the subject. KWA, QM and Prime minister Rutte had probably a lot to discuss together. Since they had dinner, I suppose it was in the evening, otherwise the explanation should have said they met for lunch. In case of dinner QM is not overdressed. She should have worn a pair of classic black shoes and not these sandals. The outfit itself is not that bad. It is a long tunic and trousers and not a dress.

  12. Anonymous9/6/22 15:21

    A lovely appropriate look and a nice hair style .

  13. Anonymous9/6/22 17:24

    To much for me............ check on other (modern) royals, like Kate, Victoria or Letizia. or late Diana..... We know you have lots of bracelets.....but wear one instead of many...one ring is fine.....he necklace could have been missed, etc make-up very heavy. The suit is ok, but just leave it.......Try to connect in stead of shaping a distance...... at least you didn't use to blonded hairextensions...

    1. Anonymous10/6/22 08:00

      If every royal lady in Europe had the same taste for dressing a blog like this would not be interesting anymore. Queen Maxima wears her jewels like many women do in the southern countries of Europe like the south of France, Italy, Spain....(except for Letizia). It is probably also the case in the countries of south America like Argentina, Brazil, etc... The way she dresses, you like it or you don't that is your right, the ways she does her hair, you like it or you don't but you cannot say that she is shaping a distance, she is always happy, always laughing, she likes to meet with people, children, poor people, rich people, she is a busy lady and likes her duties.

  14. Anonymous9/6/22 18:47

    you were invited and saw her keeping a distance no connection

  15. Anonymous9/6/22 19:33

    I think that this is a very orinal outfit, and flattering for her, now… the pearls seem like too much for the style, a medium sized pair of earring ( not pearls) would have look so much more elegant, instead she looks like a matron that must show her good pearls at a wedding. I still don’t get her issue with always wearing sandals that are too small, it only makes her toes look enormous.

  16. Anonymous9/6/22 20:12

    Not a fan of the outfit. Hair and jewels are very nice. Christine Lagarde, haven't seen or heard of her in a long time.

  17. Madam Lagarde has worn this jacket many, many times before. Plus she has a collection of similar jackets.
    I'd say that as an economist, she probably negociated a job lot at some stage in her career.
    But I guess with her job, she doesn't have a lot of leeway to play around with fashion.
    For Queen Maxima, O.K. apart from the shoe situation, I think she is well decked out for such an occasion. Her tenu puts a special highlight on the pearls.

  18. The Queen looks lovely, but I don't like this outfit. I do love the pearls, beautiful quality. Madam Lagarde looks beautifully groomed, love the jacket and pants. Her hair looks fabulous.

  19. Anonymous10/6/22 00:58

    While Maxima looks wonderful (makeup, hair, jewels), the outfit is a mess. I think the top or tunic could be a dress by itself so worn over the pants just looks weird. I didn't like it the first time and I don't like it this time. It is hard to see but it looks like the model's version for the pants is a bit more like leggings. Don't know if that would change my opinion but I would still prefer to see this top as a dress.


  20. Anonymous10/6/22 16:07

    @Anonymous @08:00, not sure how you arrive to these blanket fashion statements. I should preface by saying that I am not a Spaniard but have lived there for several years and continue to visit as often as possible, and no, women in Spain don’t wear this amount of jewelry hardly anywhere, this would be considered excessive and in bad taste. You would find some individuals, just like everywhere else. Also the customs and fashion of Latin America have very little in common with Souther European countries. This is of course my personal opinion based on having traveled a bit.


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