Norwegian Crown Prince family attended a tribute ceremony at the London Pub

Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Prince Sverre Magnus attended a tribute ceremony at the London Pub

On June 25, 2022, Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Prince Sverre Magnus laid flowers during a tribute ceremony at the crime scene at the London Pub in central Oslo. The tribute ceremony took place in the aftermath of a shooting outside pubs and nightclubs in central Oslo killing two people and injuring 21. The London pub is situated at the center of Oslo and is one of the most popular pubs in the city.

Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Prince Sverre Magnus attended a tribute ceremony at the London Pub

Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Prince Sverre Magnus attended a tribute ceremony at the London Pub

Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Prince Sverre Magnus attended a tribute ceremony at the London Pub

Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Prince Sverre Magnus attended a tribute ceremony at the London Pub

Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Prince Sverre Magnus attended a tribute ceremony at the London Pub

Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Prince Sverre Magnus attended a tribute ceremony at the London Pub

Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Prince Sverre Magnus attended a tribute ceremony at the London Pub

On June 26, 2022, Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway attended a mourning service in Oslo Cathedral in Oslo, one day after a shooting outside pubs and nightclubs in central Oslo killing two people and injuring 21.

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore a navy dress at Oslo Cathedral

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore a navy dress at Oslo Cathedral

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. I don´t know what disgusts me more - the crime itself or how it now is politicized.

    About the crime itself: A known and wanted criminal should never roam the streets freely. This clearly shows the problem with uncontrolled immigration. You don´t just get the lovely people, nice families and useful workforce. You also get the gangs, the drug lords, the traumatized people with nothing to lose. It IS a massive problem, and it doesn´t help to state that so many immigrants are law-abiding citizens. They are massively over-represented in virtually every country´s crime statistic. And it needs to be dealt with.

    About politicizing this incident: I cannot believe that instead of condemning the criminal and asking some much needed questions, the focus here is on the rainbow people who now get another boost in victimhood. It is so wrong - not only because the motives of the deed are so far unknown, but also because victimhood doesn´t help anyone. Most irritating for me though is that the people who call for diversity the most (including racial diversity and thus supporting the open-door policy leading to mass immigration) never thought of how these immigrants, from predominantly Muslim and African countries, would go along with the also proposed gender diversity. That´s like putting two extremes together and waiting for tragedies to happen. Crying crocodile tears as if this is all a surprise doesn´t convince anyone. Unbelievable.

    1. This is not a political site. Please let's keep it that way.

    2. I'd rather that you keep personal (political) opinions to yourself and concentrate mainly on fashion, accessories, and style on this blog. Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but this is - I think - not the place to get them into the open.

    3. Anonymous26/6/22 16:07

      Wow, you seem like an open-minded person. Not.

    4. Anonymous26/6/22 16:55

      Your comment is disgusting, ( besides on the wrong blog!)

    5. Anonymous26/6/22 19:21

      Your comments are disgusting and show a complete lack of decency and compassion.


    6. Anonymous26/6/22 20:10

      Vanessa, you pointed it out correctly.

    7. Anonymous26/6/22 20:16

      @Vanessa: I don't know what disgusts me more - your personal views or your need to post them online on this particular blog.

    8. Anonymous26/6/22 20:41

      Only in Norway it is not a political issue, since everyone (Royal Family, Conservative Party, Labour Party) supports gay people and their rights.

    9. Anonymous26/6/22 20:46

      Vanessas comments are always full of her "rightfulness".

    10. Anonymous26/6/22 20:47

      What an utterly disgusting and small-minded diatribe. Completely out of place.

    11. Anonymous27/6/22 05:53

      Yes, Vanessa, you are totally correct. Thank you for stating what you did. *Regina

    12. Anonymous27/6/22 05:53

      Yes, Vanessa, you are totally correct. Thank you for stating what you did. *Regina

    13. Oh wow! Vanessa, your comment is the worst I've ever seen in this blog. You seem to be the biggest hippocrate here with your unthoughtful and conceited comment. Unbelievable!

    14. Anonymous27/6/22 07:26

      Disgusting. Wow.

    15. You're absolutely right.

    16. Anonymous1/7/22 13:17

      I have quietly ignored your political comments, Vanessa, but this takes the cake.

      What a horrible comment, for so many reasons.

      Firstly, if you don’t know what is worse for you, gunning down innocent people, or politicizing the tragedy, then your moral compass is lacking.

      Secondly, if someone is not behind bars, but should be, then the problem is not with immigration, it is with the criminal justice system.

      And why mention Africa at all, the gunman was from Iran, and by the way, not part of the recent influx of refugees, undoubtedly the uncontrolled immigration you are referring to.
      The entire first half of your comment indicates that you are both anti-Muslim and racist.

      The second part shows that you are supposedly capable of tolerating other gender identities and sexual orientations, clearly only barely though, and only really if you don’t have to see them, as if they weren’t there.

      You want the immigrants gone and the LGBTQI+ community invisible.

      Whether or not the rainbow community was specifically targeted will be decided by the investigation conducted, but there are reasons to suspect it. I think there’s little chance the gunman didn’t know where he was. And the LGBTQI+ community are often victims of hate, though fortunately not on a state level in Norway.

      We know by now, thanks to your repeated political commentary, that you are anti-vax, anti-masks, anti-NATO, xenophobic (at least if people don’t look or think like you- maybe you can cope with immigrants who blend in), homophobic (unless homosexuals are not seen and not heard). And you call for people to be tolerant. You are asking people to tolerate your views, while you yourself struggle to tolerate people who are already discriminated against. You have the right to think the way you do, but do be aware that your views make you look like a horrible person.


  2. Anonymous26/6/22 15:42

    Such a terrible tragedy. I am glad the CP couple and Prince Sverre Magnus showed their care and support for the victims.


  3. Anonymous26/6/22 16:10

    The London Pub isn't one of the most popular night clubs in Oslo, but it is one of the most popular among the gay community in Oslo.

  4. Anonymous26/6/22 16:44

    Disgusting to read this hate. If you want to spew hate do it somewhere else. This is a royal fashion blog. If we was not allowed to talk us politics I'm dumbfounded that this got through the censorship. This guy has lived in Norway for 30 years and has paranoid schizophrenia. Don't judge other people based on their culture for what a few people do. Do we take the blame for what white Christians do? And rainbow people and victimhood after all the hate they get is pathetic and disgusting. The hate you share here os what's unbelievable. Anna

    1. Anonymous26/6/22 19:43

      I applaud you Anna and thank you for saying that.
      The remarks that you refer to are utterly disgusting.
      - Anon 9:13

  5. Anonymous26/6/22 16:53


  6. Anonymous26/6/22 17:00

    Can Venessa take a chill pill. I see there is a long way before we have equality in our society. Not only for LGBTQ, but also for refugees and immigrants. Heartbreaking to read to much nastiness. Haakon had to pull out of the service he tested positive for corona again.

  7. I don't think comments on this sad situation need to be aired on a fashion blog.
    My thoughts are with the people who have suffered.

  8. Anonymous26/6/22 18:44

    Without tolerance and acceptance, there will be no peace. Life is short, it sadly is the only one we have, evil lurks everywhere, it only needs one word, for hell to show, horror and devastation. May God be with the victims and their families.

  9. A terrible senseless tragedy. My sincere condolences to the families and victims. God bless you.

  10. Anonymous26/6/22 20:18

    Vanessa is totally right in her comment.


    1. Anonymous27/6/22 00:20

      Well, then I guess that you’re both in the wrong, Nina. You both disgust me.

    2. Anonymous27/6/22 07:01

      I suppose you support democracy and human rigths, Anonymous? They give every person right to her own opinions and right to express them. Or does your so called tolerance and open-mindedness only count for like-minded people? You don't disgust me although I do not agree with you in this political issue. Comments like yours only spread hate, which is sad.

  11. Anonymous26/6/22 23:06

    both MM outfits very appropriate and look so nice on her. The CP & his son have well fitted suits.

  12. Anonymous27/6/22 00:52

    A thoughtful, informed, intelligent comment should be acceptable, even if it doesn’t agree with your personal views. Where is the tolerance for Vanessa’s (and others’) views? Is verbally attacking her any less intolerant than what you accuse her of? Well said, Vanessa, and brave of you to say it on this space where you knew people would react with self-righteous indignation. S.M.

    1. Anonymous27/6/22 02:42

      "I cannot believe that instead of condemning the criminal and asking some much needed questions, the focus here is on the rainbow people who now get another boost in victimhood. It is so wrong - not only because the motives of the deed are so far unknown, but also because victimhood doesn´t help anyone."

      S.M: Witnesses have recalled in various media that the killer seemed very determined on where he wanted to aim. In April he was stopped in a car with Arfan Bhatti, an islamist leader who supports ISIS. They have also been neighbours in recent years. Earlier this June, Bhatti posted a picture of a burning rainbow flag with a hadith written over that encourages the killing of gay people, and yet you have the audacity to praise Vanessa’s comment? It wasn’t a normal club that was attacked, it was a popular and well-known club within the gay community in Oslo. The 'rainbow people' aren’t boosting their victimhood, they ARE the victims and have every right to act as such. And if the killer had decided to shoot towards another random non-gay bar then the people of that bar would’ve been the victims. That’s how it works with mass shootings…the innocent people who are shot at are always the victims, no matter which community they belong to, and this time it was the LGBTQ community.

    2. Dear S.M., you failed this anonymous person´s expectation to hate on my comment. Hahaha. How do you dare thinking for yourself, and stating your opinion and praising open debate? (Thanks btw, I appreciate what you wrote.)
      To anonymous 02:42: The irony of your comment is that you think that the points you´ve raised are working in your favour when they actually confirm pretty much everything I said above: Killer = immigrant – check. Killer part of a criminal network – check. Criminal network of immigrants that is. Killer known to the police for previous violent offenses – check. Nevertheless roaming free – check. Islamist violence involved – yes. Islamist beliefs clashing with proposed gender diversity – check. And yet, no suspect is ever convicted because something “seemed” to be the case. Before the true motives are investigated, I think it is premature to make it all about the rainbow people, especially if the killer also had paranoid schizopheria (which btw. is not rare in traumatized people – a point I have raised above as well).
      Whether the rainbow people really were the target of the attack is to be determined by the police, not by you, or the rainbow people, or the media, or the royal court, or society as a whole. And if it proves to be true it begs the question why. Another good question is how an allegedly marginalized group can enjoy a customized party scene in the very centre of the capital, make pride parades huge public events and enjoy attention and support from the general public to the point I see rainbow items literally everywhere. I say they celebrate victimhood in order to propagate their ideology. And while I don´t care what sexual leanings or gender identity ideas people have, I find their parades and flags very much “in your face” and pushy. I can only imagine how all that comes across to conservative Muslim, let alone fundamentalists. There are simply limits to diversity and tolerance, and some policies will never go together. If you don´t agree, fine, but then at least extend your unlimited tolerance and open up to diversity of opinion.

    3. Anonymous27/6/22 22:50

      You once again used plenty of words to conceal your contempt towards immigrants, so let me follow your logic:

      Immigrant from Iran = killer
      Immigrant from Iran = the kind leader of the Norwegian parliament who showed Princess Ingrid Alexandra around at the parliament on her 18th birthday.
      Immigrant from Iran = a bouncer named Saman who works at the gay club that was attacked and who helped injured people during this weekend’s terror attack.

      An ethnic Norwegian-born citizen with racist views = the killer of 77 Norwegian people in 2011
      Another ethnic Norwegian = the killer of his Asian sister in 2019 and a failed attempt at killing muslims in a mosque just outside of Oslo.

      It’s bold of you to assume that only immigrants are the murderers in my country.

    4. I didn´t say any of that, and there´s no logic to it either.
      Maybe you should have used more words to explain what you mean.

      Immigrants do cause relatively more crime, especially violent crime of the sort we´re talking about. That does not mean that all immigrants cause problems. Or that the domestic population doesn´t cause any.
      I didn´t assume, or say, or imply that only immigrants are murderers. Where do you get that from?

      I said that uncontrolled immigration is a problem as it opens the doors to criminals (islamists, fundamentalists, drug lords, violent gangs etc.) which cause the kind of crime at display here, especially if the gender diversity policies are present that these criminals are known to oppose.

      Now here some real logic for you:
      There are two ways of solving that problem:
      1) Prevent criminals from entering the country and deport the ones that have committed crimes in the country. This approach is called controlled immigration.
      2) Limit the factors triggering conflict and tension within the country. In this case: stop flaunting rainbow flags and pushing gender ideologies.
      That´s all. Ideally of course, one would do both.

    5. I didn´t assume, say or imply any of that.
      I´m saying that that radical islamists clash with rainbow people. And since both groups are promoted by the same people (in order to advocate for diversity), one should not be surprised by the violence that stems from the obvious tensions. Those two groups just don´t mix well. In order to reduce the crime potential, one should control immigration (so that islamists and criminals are kept out) and limit the factors triggering the tensions (i.e. stop pushing rainbows in the face of islamists).
      That´s all.

    6. Anonymous28/6/22 21:55

      I just want you to remind you about the Norwegian who killed 77 people in his own country in 2011. There will always be cruel people in the world, no matter where they live or where they’re from. Why don’t you just admit that you’re racist and scared of immigrants? At least then you’d be transparent about it. And if your so-called "rainbow people" got more reason to become victims, what does it do to you? How does it affect your personal life?

  13. Anonymous27/6/22 14:09

    I have interest in knowing your options about fashion, Vanessa and Nina. Your social and political views are of zero importance to me and I’d venture to say most readers of this blog. We said this before to you both before, I recall multiple occasions. Might be the decent thing for you and others who cannot miss an opportunity to hear themselves talking about their personal political inclinations to seek a different blog for that purpose.

    Back to the sad event the royals attended, it is heartbreaking to see how inhumane some people still are and the pain they inflict on our society. The royals joining in the tributes to such senseless crimes will hopefully send the same message of tolerance and respect for human life. MM and Hakoon are well connected to the people of Norway, it is very obvious and their visit must be comforting to the families. Outfits are appropriate.


    1. Speak for yourself.
      If you meant what you said, you´d reduce your comment to your very last sentence.

    2. Anonymous27/6/22 15:20

      Thank you for your kind and civilized and true words hereabove,

    3. Anonymous27/6/22 19:07

      Vanessa, you spoke with many words up there in a poor attempt to conceal the fact that you’re both racist and homophobic.

      I encourage the admin of this blog to delete political and non-inclusive comments on a blog that is meant to be about fashion.

    4. Asking non-inclusive comments to be deleted is a contradiction in itself.
      By wanting opinions to be deleted, you´re by definition non-inclusive yourself.

      It´s the Islamists that are homophobic, hence the attacks. Neither religious beliefs nor gender issues have anything to do with race.

      Also, your comment has nothing to do with fashion.

    5. Anonymous28/6/22 02:01

      No, it is not only islamists who are homophobic, Vanessa. You should read up on white supremacy and that ideology’s views on the LGBTQ community. Just earlier this month a group up 31 people associated with the white nationalist group National Front were arrested before they got the opportunity to riot at a pride parade in Idaho.

    6. I didn´t say it´s ONLY islamists who are homophobic.
      Why can´t people read statements properly.
      Are Islamists homophobic - generally yes.
      Are only islamists homophobic - of course not.
      I´m not disputing what you wrote about Idaho, but how is that relevant to the discussion?

    7. Anonymous28/6/22 15:58

      Give it a rest, Vanessa. You clearly wrote "It´s the Islamists that are homophobic, hence the attacks".

    8. Vanessa at 10:45
      Your comment/s are usually so long (and you write the same thing with many, many different words) that just a few of us has time enough to read them 😄. Less is more, also in words.

  14. Anonymous27/6/22 18:15

    My comment was meant for C.H., 14:09,

    1. Anonymous28/6/22 06:08

      I appreciate it, Mabel.

      Inclusivity doesn’t mean everything goes. And one more time, this is not a political blog. The only reason I ever add anything not related to fashion is when the event attended in itself is driven by hate and violence. It’s always to remind ourselves of the fact that we are all human and therefore all of us are hurt when any of us is impacted by violence. Hateful wording can never fix anything. Only tolerance and respect.


  15. Anonymous28/6/22 15:38

    Can Venessa please just admit she screwed up and behaved appalling so we can all move on. She obviously goes from bad to worse for every comment she makes.

  16. Anonymous29/6/22 20:17

    I would prefer to have seen Mette Marit in black clothing. The style itself was appropriate. And I would prefer not to have had to read Vanessa's distasteful comments. They came across as very homophobic and anti-Islamic. Everyone is free to have an opinion. Some opinions will rightly make you unpopular, however. And her (intolerant) attitude to two minority groups is solely political commentary. Vanessa, either you want to write about fashion or you find yourself a right-wing political website where you can find others to applaud your views. I think you do care about fashion. Just stick to that, please. Y.H


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