Dutch royal family held a photo session for 2022 at the Noordeinde Palace

Maxima's Altuzarra adikia dress, Amalia's Diane von Furstenberg erica dress, Alexia's Sandro printed shirt and pants, Ariane's Sandro gathered dress

On June 24, Dutch royal family held a photo session on the occasion of 2022 summer holiday at the Noordeinde Palace. King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane were present at the photo session. Traditionally, Dutch royals pose for photos once in the summer and again at the beginning of their skiing holiday, and in return, the media respects their privacy outside of royal engagements.

Maxima's Altuzarra adikia dress, Amalia's Diane von Furstenberg erica dress, Alexia's Sandro printed shirt and pants, Ariane's Sandro gathered dress

Maxima's Altuzarra adikia dress, Amalia's Diane von Furstenberg erica dress, Alexia's Sandro printed shirt and pants, Ariane's Sandro gathered dress

Maxima's Altuzarra adikia dress, Amalia's Diane von Furstenberg erica dress, Alexia's Sandro printed shirt and pants, Ariane's Sandro gathered dress

Maxima's Altuzarra adikia dress, Amalia's Diane von Furstenberg erica dress, Alexia's Sandro printed shirt and pants, Ariane's Sandro gathered dress

Maxima's Altuzarra adikia dress, Amalia's Diane von Furstenberg erica dress, Alexia's Sandro printed shirt and pants, Ariane's Sandro gathered dress

Maxima's Altuzarra adikia dress, Amalia's Diane von Furstenberg erica dress, Alexia's Sandro printed shirt and pants, Ariane's Sandro gathered dress

Maxima's Altuzarra adikia dress, Amalia's Diane von Furstenberg erica dress, Alexia's Sandro printed shirt and pants, Ariane's Sandro gathered dress

Maxima's Altuzarra adikia dress, Amalia's Diane von Furstenberg erica dress, Alexia's Sandro printed shirt and pants, Ariane's Sandro gathered dress

Maxima's Altuzarra adikia dress, Amalia's Diane von Furstenberg erica dress, Alexia's Sandro printed shirt and pants, Ariane's Sandro gathered dress

Queen Maxima wore Altuzarra Adikia Dress in Green
Altuzarra Adikia Dress

Princess Amalia wore DIANE VON FURSTENBERG Erica floral maxi dress
DIANE VON FURSTENBERG Erica floral maxi dress

Princess Alexia wore Sandro short sleeved printed shirt and Sandro Loose-fitting printed daisy trousers
Sandro short sleeved printed shirt and loose-fitting printed daisy trousers

Princess Ariane wore SANDRO Celia short fitted gathered dress
SANDRO Celia short fitted gathered dress

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  1. Anonymous24/6/22 17:42

    Maxima looks lovely although it’s a little bit too green for me. Alexia looks awful in the pyjamas. Arianes dress is too short and too old for her. Amalia actually got it spot on and looks great. Km

  2. Anonymous24/6/22 17:57

    I like Maxima's dress; I think the different green's create a pleasing effect and the shape of it fits Maxima very well. Since she is tall, I might have preferred the dress to have been worn a bit longer, as it is on the model.
    I can think of pros and cons for all three of the girls outfits, but generally speaking I'm OK with all of them. Ariane's should be slightly longer.
    - Anon 9:13

  3. They are all beautiful but dressed awfully. The king is best.

    1. Anonymous24/6/22 21:15

      Pff Venessa, it’s summer….thing the King needs other outfit..

    2. Anonymous24/6/22 21:26

      Agree, Vanessa. I actually winced when I saw them. Moneyed fashion victims trying way too hard and trying to force their bodies into overdone designs that look ridiculous. Please someone introduce them to the concept of “less is more”.

    3. Anonymous24/6/22 22:45

      King is getting more handsome with age, right. And in a suit you can never be wrong. But "his" ladies.....OMG, Frieda

    4. Yes I agree with Vanessa. For me the king is the best dressed, he is wearing a good summer suit. Yes his ladies are all disappointing in their own way.

    5. Anonymous25/6/22 10:08

      I really like their outfits.

    6. Anonymous26/6/22 06:10

      Maxima Over the top Style, they can pull it off.

  4. Anonymous24/6/22 18:38

    Alexia think she is a film star, very full of hersteld !

    1. Anonymous24/6/22 21:17

      Agreed! (Thought maybe I was the only one getting that vibe.)

    2. Anonymous24/6/22 22:03

      Tiny bit jealous?

    3. Anonymous25/6/22 02:11

      Just from the way a young, vivacious person has posed for a photograph you make a judgement and say she is full of herself? Good grief. I can just imagine the kind of things people must be saying about you when they look at your photos, and I don't mean complementary things either, but things related to the way you look for a moment caught on camera. If you're an adult of any age, they probably have a lot more to criticize about you than about this young girl. For shame.
      - Anon 9:13

    4. Yes, Alexia seems to be quite vain. But who can tell from a photo?

    5. Anon 9:13, thank you for your wise words.

    6. P. the original26/6/22 13:31

      There are videos on YouTube about this photo session and a press conference involving the King, the Queen and Amalia.
      They all are very nice and Alexia looks kind of annoyed for all the photos being taken of them, actually.

    7. P. the original26/6/22 13:33

      * annoyed by

    8. Anonymous26/6/22 18:04

      So good and special that you can read thoughts

  5. Anonymous24/6/22 19:05

    Pretty young ladies. Queen Maxima looks fantastic!

  6. Anonymous24/6/22 19:18

    Nice to have new photos of the king & queen & their grown-up daughters. Colorwise, Alexia's outfit looks like washed-out pajamas that have gone through the laundry once too often. Ariane seems to favor short skirts, but this one is bordering on the extreme (but she's always been my favorite, so I won't be too hard on her since she looks so cute). *Regina

  7. canadian fan24/6/22 19:36

    What a lovely family. The queen looks amazing. The daughters are still exploring and discovering their fashion ideas and I feel it would be inappropriate to comment. They all look happy.

    1. Anonymous25/6/22 13:41

      Another Canuck here, and I agree. The girls will find their own styles over time. Meanwhile we get to enjoy their happy family moments. (V.M.)

  8. Anonymous24/6/22 19:48

    The only dress I like is queen Maxima's. Arianes dress is too short. Alexia's pants and top are not in the right color. The top should have a boat neck and no buttons in the front. Amalia's dress is outdated and too long it makes her older than she is.

  9. Anonymous24/6/22 19:55

    The RF looks lovely in these photos. These young girls have grown so much in the last couple of years. Very nice pics and lovely outfits.

  10. Anonymous24/6/22 19:57

    Oh my.... I don't know where to start. Fashionwise it is a disaster imo. Their smiles however are nice! I.P.

    1. Anonymous24/6/22 21:12

      I totally agree

    2. Anonymous24/6/22 21:17

      So not agree with you

    3. Anonymous24/6/22 21:30

      Che Bello!
      Maxima dress is wonderful, she is always surprising us. Il personaggio piĂą bello di tutti i reali.

    4. Anonymous25/6/22 02:28

      Where do I start is exactly what I thought, IP. I love the fact that they have avoided the colour coordinated thing and all gone their own way. Queen Maxima’s dress suits her well though it’s overly patterned for my own taste. Princess Amalia’s dress is one of her better choices. She suits the dark colour but the shape of the dress is not flattering. Princess Alexia is my favourite of the three girls but the outfit is a fail, washed out pyjamas as others have said. Princess Ariana has grown in both height and width since the last family photo shoot and her dress does nothing for her.
      Love the first photo of theKing and Queen AnnieM

    5. Anonymous26/6/22 18:41

      Yes, there is a lot to unpack here lol. Just everything wrong all in one picture.

  11. Looks like an advertisement for detergents.

    1. Anonymous25/6/22 00:40

      Stupid comment.

    2. Anonymous25/6/22 10:29

      My heart is growing when I saw the picture. Such beautiful bright colours. If Europe don’t want this RF they are very welcome in Costa Rica. Pura vida

    3. Anonymous25/6/22 20:29

      LOL at the advert for detergents.

  12. Anonymous24/6/22 21:39

    What a lovely pictures of my fav royals. They are all well dressed with their own style.

  13. Anonymous24/6/22 22:24

    Wo bleibt in dieser Familie die Stil Beratung -ausser bei der Königin ?

    1. Anonymous25/6/22 10:13

      Die beratung soll auf jedenfall noch aus Deutschland kommen…Denise

  14. Anonymous24/6/22 22:29

    no color coordinating, maybe next year . Alexia's outfit is weird IMO. Othere dreses are OK. Ariane start getting te become more beautifull every year, her dress is nice but a bit to short

  15. Anonymous24/6/22 22:41

    My God, people!
    What a cacophony of colours and clothes, blending out one's own figure and the aesthetic eye of the beholder. I have the feeling that it gets worse every year with the fashion missteps.
    Admittedly, a super likeable family, but fashionably far behind. Frieda

    1. Anonymous24/6/22 23:53

      You have said it perfectly. Anna

  16. Anonymous24/6/22 23:12

    This once a year “picture moment” is awfull and it always shows.
    It is the price they pay by agreement with the press for privacy the rest of the year.

    1. Anonymous25/6/22 10:35

      Mabel your comments are always negative about the House of Orange?

    2. Anonymous25/6/22 15:34

      I try not to be but that is sometimes very hard!
      I read some comments here that are exactly my opinion on their outfits on these pictures.

  17. Anonymous24/6/22 23:47

    Such pretty princesses! I quite like Amalia's dress--very pretty. I understand why the Sandro outift appealed to Alexia--its young, fun, and cute but it still looks like pajamas, especially the top. Ariane's dress is the perfect teenage dress but I wish it were a bit longer--I think it would look better--just as it looks on the model. Maxima looks summery and pretty too but print isn't to my taste at all. King W-A is just getting better and better looking! He's getting my award for Best Dressed!


  18. I love how they all just wore what they wanted, no coordination at all. A more casual approach. That's why they're my favorite royal family. They always look like they're having such fun!

  19. Anonymous25/6/22 03:01

    Absolutely beautiful - All! Queen Máxima looks fabulous and the three Princesses look perfect, each in her own style!
    Ana MarĂ­a.

    1. Anonymous26/6/22 00:13

      I totally agree with you Ana Maria . I believe the king is so much in love with his queen and very proud of his beautiful young daughters . What a lucky man .

  20. Anonymous25/6/22 03:04

    What beautiful daughters! How could they not be, with such handsome parents!

  21. Anonymous25/6/22 03:06

    I looove the Sandro pantsuit, especially with the red sandals and clutch. ~ Chris

    1. Anonymous26/6/22 00:14

      Me too Chris .

    2. Anonymous26/6/22 23:19

      Me three. It is chic and fresh and perfect for a person of youthful body and spirit. And I totally agree about the red accessories.
      - Anon 9:13

  22. Anonymous25/6/22 03:46

    All girls are good looking without any taste in fashion.

  23. Maxima's dress is too busy and I don't care for the uneven hem, her hair looks good for a change, Amalia's dress makes her look a lot older than her age, I agree with the person that said Alexia's outfit looks like a pajama, Ariana's dress is cute. The king looks OK although the suit looks a bit large. I understand they all chose to wear anything they wanted, but the whole picture makes them look mismatched.

  24. Anonymous25/6/22 06:23

    Total cost of the ladies’ clothes is € 3100 and they all look like xxxx.
    Money can’t buy good taste.
    Can someone help them?

    1. Anonymous25/6/22 10:52

      Summer looks, who cares about the costs? WA and Maxima are hardworking and have other budget like most of us. What is good taste? Your taste?

  25. Anonymous25/6/22 06:42

    QM sempre ben vestita e le sue ragazze ogni volta aprono l’armadio e prendono la prima cosa? Alexia andava di fretta e stava per uscire che ha la pochette?


  26. Anonymous25/6/22 06:57

    Maxima's green-white-black dress looks very pretty on her, matching well with her blond hair and pattern making her legs look super long.
    Amalia's dress looks good on her. Other two outfits, ok-ish.
    I wish the girls would go less heavy on their makeup. They are under 20 but look more like 30. Ah, they are finding their style, so it will be ,interesting to see how they will appear when they really are 30 ;)


  27. The Queen's dress is colourful and lovely on her, wonderful choice.
    The daughter's, NO NO the eldest too old, as always, why?
    The middle daughter always seems to have an attitude in photos, yes I agree always trying to be the film star.
    The youngest, she is gorgeous just needed more colour and a tad longer in her dress, but she has the most beautiful smile just like her mother.

  28. The Queen looks beautiful, I am not a fan of uneven hems, but in this case it suits her perfectly. The young Royal ladies look individual and are wearing, what appeals to them. Its interesting to see the difference in their tastes and how distinctive each one is. Alexia is showing her confidence and flair in her accessories, red clutch and shoes, good for her!
    The King looks dapper and well groomed. I must be a OLD! romantic. I just love the way the King looks at his Queen, the first photo of them melts my heart! They are a lovely couple. The body language in these photos highlights the close bond and 'tightness' as a family unit. As parents the Royal couple have done a splendid job, the girls have a good foundation. In the public eye, it must be difficult to say the least.

  29. oh, they all are so beautiful!
    But most of their fashion choices.. well...
    Maximas dress itself is nice but I don't like the different length-parts, that destroys the dress. And her hairstyle is ok but could have been better.
    Amalia is my 'up' here, beautiful girl, the dress is nice and fits her very good, nice length, great summer outfit, great hairstyle.
    Ariane is also a beautiful girl, her hairstyle is a wow, her posing is a wow but.. well, I know it's modern now to wear stuff that looks like pyjamas, but really, it's a bad trend. It does nothing for her. Please. Burn that pyjama. Or just wear it in bed.. But please... keep the shoes and the bag :-)
    Alexia is, same like her sisters, a very beautiful girl. I'm ok with the dress, but no wow. Yes it's to short in my eyes for her age. The white colour fits her very well.

    So sad, that they couldn't do the shoot at the beach like it was planned, but maybe you could have chosen a better alternative location?

  30. Je n'arrive pas à donner ma préférence en regardant ces photos estivales des membres de la famille royale vêtus chacun dans son propre style !

  31. Anonymous25/6/22 16:16

    Everyone is looking summer-bright and beautiful. W-A looks like a loving and proud husband and Papa, makes me smile. Max’ hair, makeup, and smile are spot-on, dress flatters her figure (although personally I’m not a fan of the print or colors), shoes are a bit too bling and don’t quite match dress or overall look, happy she minimized the jewelry. On the whole Max looks great.

    The 3 girls are expressing their individuality, love that they are allowed to do so for official portraits! Such cute teenagers, I think Amalia is aware of her future role as Queen, and that she dresses somewhat conservatively is representative of this, I admire her maturity in accepting guidelines whether they be from advisors or from her own sense of gravitas vis-a-vis this role. Alexia looks like a bit of a dreamer, still sweet and always near Mom. She most resembles Max IMO, a real beauty, and I believe she is a serious student in school. She likes fun fashion! Her green pantsuit coordinates well with Max’s green dress. For me the red accessories are not a good match. Ariana is still quite young but seems to have gone through a growth spurt! Look how tall she is compared to her 2 sisters, who are both wearing heels! I think she hasn’t yet found the transition from girl to teenager when it comes to fashion, she seems to be a minimalist when it comes to accessories.

    All 3 girls are beauties, and look darling in their different styles. Teen years are a time for experimentation with fashion, a time for learning and fun. I can remember several fashion faux pas from my own teen years, but I don’t see that here. S.M .

  32. Anonymous25/6/22 19:59

    A nice Family 🍀🍀 But regarding Fashion I guess they all are in need to improve.
    The Kings suit doesn‘t fit well…even though it is a summer suit. He should get some advice from King Carl Gustaf who’s tailor does a great job.
    Queen Maximas dress is not my cup of tea.
    From the Princesses I prefer Arianes dress…even though it is way too short.
    Today I saw the pictures of the Belgian Crown Princess…she and her siblings are always dressed appropriate for the occasion.
    I guess the Dutch Princesses are having enough free time to wear pyjamas & co

  33. Anonymous25/6/22 21:59

    I want Maxima’s dress. I found it on the Altuzarra website and I’m buying it! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Ok, don't spoil your pleasure !! Go ahead !

  34. Anonymous26/6/22 08:11

    As a Dutch woman I can say that in general good taste in clothes is not in the Dutch DNA like in Italy or France. With exception of Maxima ( south-American!)in general her children are awfully dressed. Most of the time too old for their age. Compare it with the other young royals in Belgium, Sweden, Spain, Norway and you will see tasteful and modern dresses/suits that are very elegant. And for Amalia who has this adorable face and hair I am allowed to give an advice cause she is now an adult acc to Dutch law. Please beautiful princess get a good coach to lose some weight. Maxima has a very good one!

    1. Anonymous27/6/22 00:21

      Amalia is blessed with exquisite beauty, but also consigned by birth to live her life in a goldfish bowl rife with appearance critiques and comparisons to others of her royal stature. Please, those in her orb, support her with sensitive, effective weight management. Failing to do so is simply cruel.

  35. I think all three girls are dressed in clothes that suit them and are in the style of girls their age. They look lovely. On the other hand, Maxima's dress seems to me to be too cluttered, with so many different colours, panels and knots. She looks almost always overdone.

  36. Love the Dutch Royals but think all of their clothes in this photo session are quite ugly. Am surprised and disappointed.


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