Zara Tindall attended Tusk Ball 2022 at Natural History Museum

Ba&Sh Santana dress. Zara Tindall wore a metallic pattern woven maxi dress by BA&SH. Zara Tindall and her brother Peter Phillips

On May 19, 2022, Zara Tindall and her brother Peter Phillips attended the Tusk Ball 2022 at the Natural History Museum in London, which was held for the purpose of raising money for the charity’s conservation work in Africa. Tusk is a non-profit organization aiming to support progressive conservation projects across Africa. The Duke of Cambridge is Royal Patron of the organization since 2005.

Ba&Sh Santana dress. Zara Tindall wore a metallic pattern woven maxi dress by BA&SH. Zara Tindall and her brother Peter Phillips

Zara Tindall wore BA&SH Santana metallic pattern woven maxi dress
BA&SH Santana metallic pattern woven maxi dress

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Zara a belle allure dans cette robe qui met en valeur sa silhouette ; elle a su bien choisir la pochette ainsi que les chaussures dans le même style argenté ; bien charmant son frère !

  2. Anonymous21/5/22 11:27

    It's good that she forgave her husband for many things. Thanks to this, they create a wonderful family. Bravo Zara

    1. Anonymous21/5/22 14:38

      What did her husband, Mike Tindall, do?

    2. Anonymous21/5/22 15:13

      @XF: How is your comment relevant to this photo of Zara and her brother at the Tusk Ball? Just curious.
      - Anon 9:13

    3. Anonymous21/5/22 17:45

      Something that happened in 2011 not long after their wedding. You have a search engine - look for yourself. It's good that she has forgiven. Now they are a happy family.

    4. Anonymous21/5/22 21:59

      How rude XF. You're the one talking in riddles and when people ask for clarification you tell them to look for themselves. Either be explicit about what you mean or don't say anything at all - preferably the latter as it sounds as if you are just referring to some silly gossip that has absolutely nothing to do with her attendance with her BROTHER at the Tusk Ball.

    5. Anonymous22/5/22 08:10

      I'm not rude. It's just that this link wouldn't go through moderation. These are not rumors, but facts. You've seen the photos.

    6. P. the original22/5/22 12:13

      Dear Anon. XF,
      I must confess that when I read your comments, my first thought is...brace for impact!
      I much appreciated the broccoli growing on trees ,the moco nose story , curly hair treatments and so on , but you should have stopped to that.
      Zara is beautiful and in perfect shape, her shoes are to die for, accessories are spot on, the is a miss for me.
      Zara and her brother are supporting a good cause.
      Anything about royals' private lives is not relevant on a fashion blog like this.

    7. Anonymous22/5/22 12:15

      I haven't seen any photos and I don't even know what you're referring to - as you haven't bothered to clarify even though you have been asked what you meant.

    8. Anonymous22/5/22 20:58

      Girls, I can't help you. The link has not been moderated and has not been published. I'm sorry. Look for yourself.

  3. Anonymous21/5/22 11:57

    Interesting print on this dress worn by ZT. I'm still in two minds whether I like the dress or not. The shoes are well chosen and I really like the way ZT's hair is styled; it suits her.


    1. @XF Sorry but I don't understand you comment "it's good that she forgave her husband for many things".
      I must have missed something about what her husband did.
      Fashion note : I think Zara looks smashing.

  4. Anonymous21/5/22 15:49

    Zara looks fabulous--and those shoes are to die for! I'm not sure I like the dress but she looks wonderful in it. Love that she and Peter went together--Princess Anne needs to frame that first photo.


    1. Anonymous21/5/22 20:49

      Totally agree, the dress and shoes are to superb!

  5. Anonymous21/5/22 16:14

    Zara looks good;I do like the shoes. Peter looks handsome.(Tara)

  6. Anonymous21/5/22 18:37

    Nice brother and sister team.Zara looks great. Every man looks super in a tux.

  7. Referring to the dress unfortunately I dont personally like it. For me it is a largely unflattering shape which just hangs down. The material is ok but I think that a less severe hair style would have added softness. Or perhaps some dynamic earrings? The shoes are lovely.

  8. Anonymous21/5/22 18:47

    Love to see Zara out & about and on this blog. She looks wonderful! The pattern is edgy and the dress is chic and flattering. Love the whole look.

    - H.

  9. @XF, and how is your comment relevant on a fashion blog? If I wanted to read gossip I would choose a different forum. Now back to fashion, I absolutlet dislike this dress, to so much the style, but the fabric is just ugly, love her shoes and the hair.

    1. Anonymous24/5/22 19:47

      you r offered gossip and fashion at the same time, why do you complain? its a spare of time.....take it easy Sandra f

  10. Zara looks beautiful, but unfortunately I don't like this dress, the hanging fabric at the hemline. The neckline and sleeves are lovely. Her shoes are fabulous, her small clutch is perfect. Her earrings are pretty, I saw a closeup somewhere they appear to be diamonds. Peter looks dashing in his tux, he has a really infectious smile. Lovely to see both of them together.

  11. Anonymous22/5/22 00:37

    Zara looks lovely in this long flowy dress. She needs length to balance out her "width"; above-knee dresses do not suit her. And XF, most of us have moved on from Mike's misstep just like we have from Charles/Diana/Camilla - both incidences were a long time ago. *Regina

  12. Anonymous22/5/22 02:10

    Always good to see Zara. Like the top of the dress but the skirt less so. Thankful that she chose classy shoes and not the ghastly boots worn by the model. Lovely photo of the siblings together

  13. Anonymous22/5/22 09:40

    I LOVE the shoes. I want them.

  14. Anonymous22/5/22 12:16

    Zara's dress matches the wall behind her. Nice shoes.

  15. Anonymous23/5/22 21:28

    I don't like this trend of women standing with their legs crossed like this. It makes it look like they that have to go pee and aren't sure if they're going to make it in time. Stand up straight!



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