Queen Maxima and King Willem-Alexander attended 2022 Remembrance Day ceremony

Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima attended 2022 Remembrance Day ceremony on Dam Square in Amsterdam

On May 4, 2022, Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima attended 2022 Remembrance Day ceremony on Dam Square in Amsterdam. Every year, on May 4, a Remembrance Day ceremony is held on Dam Square in Amsterdam for the purpose of memorializing the Dutch civilian and military personnel who died during armed conflicts or peace missions in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima attended 2022 Remembrance Day ceremony on Dam Square in Amsterdam

Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima attended 2022 Remembrance Day ceremony on Dam Square in Amsterdam

Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima attended 2022 Remembrance Day ceremony on Dam Square in Amsterdam

Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima attended 2022 Remembrance Day ceremony on Dam Square in Amsterdam

Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima attended 2022 Remembrance Day ceremony on Dam Square in Amsterdam

Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima attended 2022 Remembrance Day ceremony on Dam Square in Amsterdam

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  1. Anonymous4/5/22 23:44

    Beautiful, modest black combination worn by QM with a lovely hat and brooch during the annual commemoration of war victims from WWII
    and other Dutch people who fell as a result of acts of war and/or peace missions anywhere in the world in the decades that followed.


  2. Anonymous4/5/22 23:58

    The black ensemble of QM is perfect for the occasion, and very beautiful.

    1. @Debra
      I agree, "perfect for the occasion".

  3. This is a beautiful ensemble. Elegant and stylish. The brooch looks great. The pearl earrings are gorgeous. The hat looks stunning.

  4. Anonymous5/5/22 06:34

    Queen Maxima looks solemn but elegant. Her hair styled wondefully. When she gets it right, she gets it right so well.
    / Elisa /

  5. Anonymous5/5/22 06:49

    HM Queen Maxima elegant in black at this sad commemoration

  6. Anonymous5/5/22 08:18

    What an elegant and at the same time appropriate look. Kneelength is so good on Máxima as well, cause it makes her still tall, though less voluminous. The hat is a fantastic model too. More of this Máxima! And finally the clutch is gone ( never understand these clutches for royals; very akward when holding flowers and shaking hands at the same time)

  7. P. the original5/5/22 09:56

    It is poignant to see Rememnbrance Days in different countries and tributes given to people who fought and died for Democracy and Freedom just now that peace and democratic institutions are being threatened once again in Europe.

    1. You are absolutely right, and there is no freedom in Europe, it is a fake.

  8. This is all well and good - very solemn ceremony, king + queen appropriately dressed, and obviously it´s important to remember the devastating consequences of armed conflicts. BUT: These days, as the world seemingly carelessly enters a very slippery slope that may well turn into WW3, I cannot help but find these remembrance ceremonies hypocritical. How can a country mourn its victims and at the same time send artillery and heavy weapons into a war zone? What´s the point of remembering if you don´t learn from past tragedies? I´m not trying to paint the Netherlands the (only) bad guy here, as many other countries, including my own, do the same. And collectively, as EU, they do nothing to prevent war but instead fuel it. I´m appalled.

    1. Anonymous5/5/22 13:47

      Sorry, but The Netherlands nor many other countries are an agressor. Countries celebrating liberation and remembrance know as no others the value of freedom and to me it’s obvious they help those who are about to loose it; primarily by talking but when this is in vain in any other sensible way. Whether that’s the correct approach or not, only time will tell. It can’t be that we expect others to help and don’t help when others are in need. Let’s be clear, no one wants another WW! Sorry to get into politics on this fashion blog, but commemorating has nothing to do with hypocrisy!

      Just another reader of this blog

    2. The hypocrisy is not in the commemoration itself - I think it is both important and necessary to do that. The hypocrisy I see is in commemorating the victims of armed conflicts and at the same time fuelling an armed conflict.

    3. But wars are big business and business must go on.

  9. Parfaitement vêtue de noir pour cette triste cérémonie !

  10. Anonymous5/5/22 11:27

    That's an elegant look but I do not like the big hat.

  11. Anonymous5/5/22 12:52

    Year after year Maxima is wearing the same black coat on
    Remembrance day. With another hat, shoes, handbag, jewelry,....it proves that a short coat with black tights can be very stylish. Believe me the long coats, dresses, skirts, etc.... are disappearing slowly but surely.

  12. Anonymous5/5/22 23:07

    Maxima is the maxim


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