Queen Letizia attended 2022 World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day event

Serendipia fuchsia ring dress. Queen Letizia wore a new fuchsia dress by Serendipia. Spanish Red Cross' slogan BeHumanKIND

On May 10, 2022, Queen Letizia of Spain attended the 2022 World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day event that was held at Oceanografic (L'Oceanogràfic) in Valencia. The event took place under the slogan “BeHumanKIND”. The Queen also handed out the 2022 Gold Medals of the Spanish Red Cross. Queen Letizia wore a new fuchsia dress by Cayro.

Serendipia fuchsia ring dress. Queen Letizia wore a new fuchsia dress by Serendipia. Spanish Red Cross' slogan BeHumanKIND

Serendipia fuchsia ring dress. Queen Letizia wore a new fuchsia dress by Serendipia. Spanish Red Cross' slogan BeHumanKIND

Serendipia fuchsia ring dress. Queen Letizia wore a new fuchsia dress by Serendipia. Spanish Red Cross' slogan BeHumanKIND

Serendipia fuchsia ring dress. Queen Letizia wore a new fuchsia dress by Serendipia. Spanish Red Cross' slogan BeHumanKIND

Serendipia fuchsia ring dress. Queen Letizia wore a new fuchsia dress by Serendipia. Spanish Red Cross' slogan BeHumanKIND

Serendipia fuchsia ring dress. Queen Letizia wore a new fuchsia dress by Serendipia. Spanish Red Cross' slogan BeHumanKIND

Serendipia fuchsia ring dress. Queen Letizia wore a new fuchsia dress by Serendipia. Spanish Red Cross' slogan BeHumanKIND

Serendipia fuchsia ring dress. Queen Letizia wore a new fuchsia dress by Serendipia. Spanish Red Cross' slogan BeHumanKIND

Serendipia fuchsia ring dress. Queen Letizia wore a new fuchsia dress by Serendipia. Spanish Red Cross' slogan BeHumanKIND

Serendipia fuchsia ring dress. Queen Letizia wore a new fuchsia dress by Serendipia. Spanish Red Cross' slogan BeHumanKIND

Serendipia fuchsia ring dress. Queen Letizia wore a new fuchsia dress by Serendipia. Spanish Red Cross' slogan BeHumanKIND

Queen Letizia wore Cayro Ring Detail Dress
CAYRO fuchsia ring dress

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  1. Anonymous10/5/22 15:20

    A contemporary dress, but not my type of dress. Initially I thought QL was wearing a belt, but it turns out that there are gaps in the fabric. Colour is lovely on the queen. When one wears this dress at a formal occasion, I prefer its length a couple of inches shorter; when worn during a holiday, I would combine this length with a different pair of shoes.

    The pictures with the reflection on the sun light are quite funny ... it gives all people a 60ties vibe


  2. Un abito molto sensuale, sono un po' stupita.

  3. Anonymous10/5/22 15:26

    L'abito non è brutto, ma assolutamente non adatto al ruolo di Letizia.

  4. This is so awful you have to laugh. What was she thinking? I've never seen Letizia looking so cheap. The sooner this is forgotten, the better!

  5. Anonymous10/5/22 16:36

    I really don't like this, dress would be nice without cut out parts.


  6. Sadly. Queen Letizia seems to have taken a leaf out of the Countess of Wessex's book and chosen a really long dress. Otherwise it's a good look. Would still take red as first choice but this vibrant pink is lovely too. Does her version of the dress have a cut out midriff? If so, good on her for something a little out of the ordinary. However, looking at some of the pics, (especially Number 7) it looks like there's a fabric behind the open section

    1. Anonymous10/5/22 17:36

      I prefer my Queens classy Siv

  7. Anonymous10/5/22 17:41

    tacky for a queen to wear such an ugly frock with cutouts. rachel

  8. Anonymous10/5/22 17:45

    Usually there is a transparent fabric behind the cut-outs. The dress is not bad but only for an evening out during the holidays. Not for an official event.

  9. It must be very hot Letitia has chosen a dress with air conditioning built into the waist area. I too think it is far too long. Not mad about those cut outs.

  10. Este es un precioso y alegre vestido valenciano para ir a Valencia. Letizia está fabulosa con el color fucsia. Su discurso ha sido extraordinario. Tenemos una reina que es un verdadero tesoro.

    1. Anonymous11/5/22 05:52

      Hey, we are talking here about outfits not the speeches.

    2. Anonymous11/5/22 07:57

      Efectivamente. Está haciendo lo que le pide España, llevar diseños españoles y de diferentes diseñadores, no muy conocidos, lo cual se lo están agradeciendo extraordinariamente. Pueden gustar más ó menos, pero todo el mundo está encantado últimamente. Por cierto, Carolina Herrera pertenece al grupo español Puig, por eso lo usa como diseñador de cabecera.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. ¿Sabes leer, ava? He hablado del vestido en primer lugar y después he añadido un pequeño detalle de su discurso. Curioso que te moleste, cuando aquí la gente escribe auténticos testamentos sobre mascarillas, Covid-19 y otras cosas absurdas. Tómate una tila.

  11. Anonymous10/5/22 19:46

    I like the color and I like the dress. The cut outs no, no, no! Just looks cheap.

  12. Beaucoup d'originalité dans cette robe étonnante qui a l’air de plaire à Letizia !

  13. Anonymous10/5/22 22:46

    Plenty of this kind of dresses in stores and to me is just ugly dress for anyone.

    1. Pues el vestido está agotado desde ayer, señal que le gusta a mucha gente. Si tú lo encuentras feo lo tienes fácil: no lo compres.

  14. Not appropriate. QL has such class and style, this is neither.

  15. The Queen looks fabulous, if anyone can wear cut outs is Queen Letizia. She gets my admiration for wearing something different.

    1. Anonymous12/5/22 07:02

      Anyway, it looks
      cheap and tacky for a queen to wear at an official event!
      Her girls could wear it, but Letizia is Queen
      ( !) and too old at 50 to wear 'the cut', IMO. //

    2. Anonymous12/5/22 10:30

      Anon 08:02... because you are Who exactly to tell to other country what she must wear or not?..arrogance!!

  16. Anonymous11/5/22 05:13

    Although the colour of this dress is striking, it is terribly unregal with these ordinary cut-outs. You would never ever see Queen Sonja or Queen Sylvia clad like this.
    Virginia 🌞

    1. Anonymous11/5/22 10:32

      Obviously they are 30 years older, also the role in Spain is different, here there is no budget for clothing so she can wear whatever she wants.

  17. Anonymous11/5/22 08:00

    Otro nuevo pequeño diseñador español a la palestra, el vestido está agotado y la gente mirando su web. Misión cumplida.

  18. Anonymous11/5/22 08:38

    The dress is by the brand
    Cayro, from Sevilla, not Serendipia from Zamora.

  19. Anonymous11/5/22 09:16

    Quite unusual dress for Queen Letizia. It's not very often you can see bare middle during some official event but I kinda like it on her and she carry it off. She definitely has body to wear it. As the temperatures are high in Spain, perhaps a little air conditioning indeed helps ;D

  20. That must be the first time that i am agaist something that Letizia is wering. But that dress, is not a Queen dress. I am sorry.

    1. Anonymous11/5/22 10:03

      It is a dress from a very small Spanish designer, It is what people want in Spain, not a "Queen", if not a working woman for the country, the concept in Spain about the Monarchy is different.

    2. Anonymous11/5/22 13:52

      You can write that, anonymous 11/5/22 11:03, but as soon as something negative is written about the Spanish queen's fashion choices, it is immediately written that it is not appropriate to 'insult' a Spanish queen and then suddenly she is no longer a working woman but a royal .... by the way, the Spanish monarchy is not very different from that of many other European monarchies. The fact that most of the commentors don't like the dress has nothing to do with the fact that it's by a Spanish designer, but by the fact that they don't expect a royal to show certain parts of her body. I can't believe that even many Spanish people aren't surprised to see queen Letizia dressed like this during an official visit even when the dress is made by a Spanish designer.

    3. Anon 14:52...Have you ever Heard about the Basques, Catalans, Galegos and all the separatist (anti Monarchy)..movememts and they do not even Speak what you call "Spanish" (castellano)? ...Very different politics...

    4. Anonymous11/5/22 18:03

      Totally of topic response to Anonymous 11/5/22 14:52, Estibaliz11/5/22 18:28. Trust me, I've been to Spain many times and know there are regional (political) differences and yes, f.i. in Barcelona they (prefer to) speak Castellano instead of Spanish. It isn't that the rest of the world knows nothing about Spain ....

    5. Anonymous12/5/22 06:53

      LOL..they prefer to Speak Castellano? LOL.... Castellano is what they do not want to speak, darling.... They speak Català...and It is not a preferene, they even study in Català...Spanish does not exist, It is as saying British...you have no idea.

      Also the Basques in Euskera and the Galegos in galego...

  21. Anonymous11/5/22 11:46

    Dear Anonymous 11:03, I know numerous educated people in Spain who definitely want a regal queen, otherwise there is no point in having one. All queens in Europe are hard-working ladies who represent their country in various forms.🌞Virginia

  22. Anonymous11/5/22 12:46

    This makes me smile. Every now and then we see another side of her personality. A little shorter would have been perfect. Accessories in tune with the color scheme.
    She can do no wrong.

  23. Anonymous11/5/22 14:23

    Very small designer can design descent dresses not dresses with cut outs like this. The concept in Spain about the monarch is difficult. One never know how to talk about their queen . Sometimes they speak about Letizia as if she was a Madonna or the only real queen in Europe. Sometimes she is applauded because she is wearing dresses like ordinary people are wearing during a vacation.

    1. Anonymous11/5/22 17:19

      Actually, It is not important, people only want that she spends very few money and wear Spanish brands..

    2. Anonymous12/5/22 04:49

      @15:23, it seems to me that you are blanketing the opinion of millions of people based on a couple of commenters on this blog that tend to write about the queen with rapture and devotion as if she were above most humans, and they lash out if anybody dares to disagree about her fashion. I have observed similar behavior concerning the DOC. Neither one is perfect and they make sartorial faux pas just like every other woman.

  24. Anonymous12/5/22 07:47

    Anon 19:03...you have no idea what castellano is, right? In Catalunya, not only Barcelona they speak Català...and they Refuse to speak castellano..they prefer? Most of them even do not know the language.. because in many partes of Spain, castellano is not learned, there are 4 cooficial languages.

    Spanish is a term you have made Up, the name of the language is castellano from Castilla, as English from England, not British from Britain.

    1. Anonymous12/5/22 16:54

      Spanish is not a term the poster has made up and people from other parts of the Spanish speaking world certainly don't say they speak castellano.
      Also, there is hardly anybody native to Spain who isn't able to understand castellano even if it isn't their mother tongue or language of choice.

  25. Anonymous12/5/22 13:56

    Nos rasgamos las vestiduras porque enseña un poco de piel. Si estuviera escotado nadie diría nada. A mí me gusta, es diferente. Letizia ha usado looks que mucha gente ha criticado y luego otras realezas han copiado.


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