Princess Kako attended the 31st Forest and Flower Festival

Mako Komuro got married to Kei Komuro and moved to New York. Midori no Kanshasai is an annual environmental campaign

On May 7, 2022, Japanese Princess Kako attended the 31st Forest and Flower Festival's (Midori no Kansha-sai) event titled "Greenery Thanksgiving Day" at Iino Hall in Tokyo. That became the first public activity of Princess Kako since November 2020. The Princess took over honorary presidency of the Festival from her sister Mako Komuro who got married to Kei Komuro and moved to New York.

Mako Komuro got married to Kei Komuro and moved to New York. Midori no Kanshasai is an annual environmental campaign

Midori no Kanshasai is an annual environmental campaign taking place from April to May to increase people’s awareness and understanding of “Midori” meaning “green”, which is often used to describe nature.

Mako Komuro got married to Kei Komuro and moved to New York. Midori no Kanshasai is an annual environmental campaign

Mako Komuro got married to Kei Komuro and moved to New York. Midori no Kanshasai is an annual environmental campaign

Mako Komuro got married to Kei Komuro and moved to New York. Midori no Kanshasai is an annual environmental campaign

Mako Komuro got married to Kei Komuro and moved to New York. Midori no Kanshasai is an annual environmental campaign

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  1. Anonymous8/5/22 10:47

    What a wonderful outfit for her! I do not like her shoes.

    1. Anonymous9/5/22 18:41

      I see mini skirts and lace! perhaps a change in wadrope at the imperial palace.

    2. Ă  Anonyme 09/05/2022 18:41
      Bonjour par cette journée très ensoleillée , j'espère qu'un changement s'est opéré dans le dressing de la princesse par rapport au code vestimentaire peut-être dû à la nouvelle génération mais j'ai quand même un léger doute ; attendons de voir plus de photos afin qu'elles le confirment ou non ?!

  2. Anonymous8/5/22 11:49

    What a beautiful dress. The lace is so lovely. (V.M.)

  3. Quel changement ; Kako est adorable dans une petite veste/blouson sur une robe fleurie, brodée ? aux tons pastel ; dommage qu'elle porte un masque, cela empêche de voir son délicat visage de porcelaine !

  4. Anonymous8/5/22 13:14

    With the beautiful more modern dress I am not going to say anything about the shoes.

  5. Anonymous8/5/22 14:42

    Look like a lovely lace dress. The little jacket has a good fit to wear together with the dress. A pity the shoes are not young and fashionable. They look more like comfort shoes made for women with feet problems.

  6. Yes lovely dress, shoes moderately nice, but far from horrible.

    1. @MaryT
      Agree, lovely dress and jacket. I don't think the shoes were her choice.
      Love the last photo.

  7. Anonymous8/5/22 15:04

    Lovely outfit in soft pink colors, the flower pattern is very appropriate for the occasion. I think Princess Kako's hair is shorter now, it suits her well. The ladies in the Imperial Family rarely wear statement jewelry but their pearls are just perfect.

  8. This outfit looks fabulous, elegant and appropriate. I love the addition of her subtle pearl necklace, she looks beautiful.

  9. Anonymous8/5/22 22:47

    This so pretty i love the skirt appropriate for the occasion & the jacket fits perfectly a more modern approach is the front with what looks like one button & the sleeves also have a modern flare thumbs up gorgeous Kako. Mary

  10. Anonymous10/5/22 05:54

    Kako is more modern dressed than Empress M and Princess Aiko. Beautiful dress and the shoes are probably as high-heeled as the Japanese people can accept. MaLou


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