Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited Älvsbyn and Luleå

Andiata Henriette wool coat. Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue Ayden blazer by Andiata. Baum und Pferdgarten Maje Top

On May 10, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited Polarbröd's new factory in Älvsbyn, HYBRIT's pilot plant in Luleå and the port of Luleå. In the autumn of 2020, a fire completely destroyed Polarbröd's factory in Älvsbyn. After just over a year of reconstruction, the Crown Princess inaugurated the new factory during her visit.

Andiata Henriette wool coat. Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue Ayden blazer by Andiata. Baum und Pferdgarten Maje Top

Andiata Henriette wool coat. Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue Ayden blazer by Andiata. Baum und Pferdgarten Maje Top

In the afternoon, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited Hybrits' pilot plant in Luleå. HYBRIT (Hydrogen Breakthrough Ironmaking Technology) is conducting trials on direct reduction of iron ore pellets, using hydrogen produced by fossil-free electricity. Afterwards, the Crown Princess and Prince Daniel visited Luleå harbor, which is Sweden's third largest transport harbor.

Andiata Henriette wool coat. Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue Ayden blazer by Andiata. Baum und Pferdgarten Maje Top

Andiata Henriette wool coat. Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue Ayden blazer by Andiata. Baum und Pferdgarten Maje Top

Andiata Henriette wool coat. Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue Ayden blazer by Andiata. Baum und Pferdgarten Maje Top

Andiata Henriette wool coat. Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue Ayden blazer by Andiata. Baum und Pferdgarten Maje Top

Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Ayden wrap blazer light-blue
Andiata Ayden wrap blazer light-blue

Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Henriette wool coat
Andiata Henriette wool coat

Crown Princess Victoria wore Baum und Pferdgarten Maje Top
Baum und Pferdgarten Maje Top

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  1. Anonymous11/5/22 15:18

    I think Victoria looks good in blazer and coat , both are in good color for her

  2. Belle harmonie du bleu de son blazer et de son manteau sur un chemisier qu'elle a l'air d'adorer !

  3. Like the coat, like the blouse, less keen on the jacket and do not like the half mast trousers.

  4. This ensemble looks great. I love the blouse. The blue coat looks fabulous, stylish and warm.

  5. Anonymous12/5/22 01:17

    Love the soft blue color for CP Victoria and like both the jacket and the coat. The blouse is a good pairing with the suit jacket. If only the trousers were a bit longer--sitting at her ankles instead of being at the top of the boots. Still, she wore a pony tail which always seems less severe than her more typical bun. The first photo is wonderful because of Victoria's radiant smile.



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