Crown Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella visited Disneyland Paris

Prince Albert II of Monaco, Crown Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella visited Paris. Princess Charlene

Crown Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella, accompanied by their father, Prince Albert II of Monaco, visited Disneyland Paris on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the amusement park. Since March 6, Disneyland Paris has been celebrating its 30th anniversary. Disneyland Park is the original theme park of the complex that opened in 1992.

Prince Albert II of Monaco, Crown Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella visited Paris. Princess Charlene

Prince Albert II of Monaco, Crown Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella visited Paris. Princess Charlene

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  1. Anonymous13/5/22 14:57

    News about Charlene:


    1. Anonymous13/5/22 16:37

      She does not seem like a lady who is interested in money especially that much! Unfortunate for she gets such bad press right from the beginning!

    2. Anonymous13/5/22 18:08

      Not news. Gossip.

    3. That information is given by the gossip press, in different countries. Can it be true ? we might know later. So far not a lot of credit to be attributed to it.

    4. Thanks for the link. BePa.
      So looks like they have the gutter press in Sweden also.
      Is this the same publication which created the false news reports about Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel?

    5. Anonymous13/5/22 20:17

      Gossip or Blackmail
      Princess Charlene is treated badly like Lady Diana. Nobody there to protect her. As you can see in other royal family, a mother killed by paper or car-crash ist nothing which will ever be forgotten. Ryan

    6. Anonymous13/5/22 20:54

      BePa, please don't give us information and gossips based on Svenskdamtidning. They know nothing about anything and are only inventing stories that no one with healthy brain wouldn't read. Just me

    7. Anonymous13/5/22 21:56

      I will never understand a certain approach to certain matters. I have provided a link to this article. Such information spread around the world, not only in Sweden. I'm not saying that Charlene is a materialist, but I also don't have the approach that everything is great, only the press is picky. It's a bit of a stretch. And please do not recall Diana's memories, because they are completely different people and completely different situations. Charlene's grief is not the result of the press. Everyone believes what I want. I am asking the author to publish my comment. We want to discuss. The situation is that we have to.

    8. P. the original14/5/22 09:01

      BePa at 21:56

      You go again with the "we" subject and you are referring to...whom exactly?
      Then, "we" have what, sorry?
      Do you want others to discuss the gossip you are providing or do you want to make comments on fashion and pics published on this blog?
      If anyone says anything about royal ladies' hairstyles, then it is a matter good for hairdressers.
      Some people may know about hairstyles just because they go to real salons for their weekly appointments and get to know about techniques used by real hairdressers and that's all.
      Hairstyles are connected with fashion.
      Hope you realize that.
      Well ...and what is your link aiming at now?

    9. Anonymous14/5/22 09:59

      BePa at 13/5/22 21:56
      No, we don't discuss here about her privet life, this is a fashion blog. You can discuss of her privet life in gossip blogs. It's too sad that some people will gossip everywhere.

    10. Anonymous15/5/22 09:36

      It is not a blog only about fashion, but about royals, we get plenty of information related to their 'jobs/events'..... e.g. Queen Elizabeth to a horse show at Windsor, C Sophie' s visit in Caribbian, but no fashion information aasociated to Q Margrethe and E Masako . Maybe it was all about fashion once , but it is NEW My Royals. /LL

  2. Que paso con los pies del PrĂ­ncipe Albert II en la Ăşltima foto?

    1. Anonymous13/5/22 16:39

      He is bending down to get a closer picture with the kids.

    2. He's not really with the kids. It's just one of a series of life size cardboard cutouts for picture taking. 🤦‍♀️

    3. Both his legs are visible in the photo. They are a bit apart and he is bending down in order to be lower and closer to his kids.

    4. Perhaps they have a new attraction at Disneyland: the "Prince without abdomen". Just like the fascinating "Lady without abdomen" on the old fairgrounds, but as for the modern gender theories they changed it.

  3. Anonymous13/5/22 16:38

    Oh Charlene! i can understand missing official events but this is a family event. Kids will have this memory forever!
    miss W

    1. Anonymous13/5/22 22:46

      Sometimes when you are unwell and under treatment, you don't have a choice.
      - Anon 9:13

    2. P. the original14/5/22 12:06

      Anon.13/5/22 at 16:38

      I hope you know that Paris is not so far away so the Princely Family including Charlene can go there every time they want to.
      It is unnecessary to make fuss about Charlene not being in attendance.
      I bet this won't be the last time for the children to see Disneyland.

    3. Anonymous14/5/22 16:26

      she has been doing this for years! kids used to go to the circus without her. j.

  4. @yo: You are right! Photoshop?

  5. Charmantes et agréables photos mais Charlène me manque à moins qu'elle soit derrière l'appareil ?!

  6. Anonymous13/5/22 18:14

    What happened to his feet in the last photo?!? I.P.

  7. Anonymous13/5/22 20:44

    Photo shopped! Scandalous press!

    1. Calm down, as said above he is bending intentionally to be more at the level of the kids. For the rest "wait & see" but surprising she is not participating in this family event, she missed so many of them.
      I would like to repeat an earlier comment : would be good that Albert tries to lose some weight and look a bit younger, unless he believes it is ok to appear like a grandpa.

  8. Anonymous13/5/22 21:22

    All of a sudden Gabrielle looks so grown up. Maybe it’s the glasses. It’s great to see them enjoying themselves. (V.M.)

  9. Anonymous14/5/22 01:16

    How wonderful to see Albert and the children enjoying a trip to Disney. I am sure the children will love their time there. Wish Charlene had been able to join her family and enjoy the trip.


  10. How wonderful for the children to be out and about at a fun place doing normal activities such as this. They seem happy, splendid.

  11. Anonymous14/5/22 06:06

    Lovely children, Prince Albert, is a great fathe,he looks after them so well. Fantastic man. May I ask where is there mother?

    1. Anonymous14/5/22 12:11

      Unfortunately, you can't ask. Everyone will be outraged. As with my question.

    2. Maybe she is having a bad day and therefore was not able to attend.....Have you forgot what she has been though!

    3. Anonymous14/5/22 17:32

      Bad day... yeah, yeah.

  12. I love Minnie's yellow shoes!! They really complement her pink and white sparkly dress!! I know they had lotsa fun!!

  13. Anonymous14/5/22 11:41

    The picture was most likely taken during the recent school holidays when Disneyland was celebrating 30 years since opening. Princess Charlene had not yet returned to public life at that point. She is also still recuperating- I also don't think everything is perfect with the situation but could we not, for goodness sake, just give the woman a break?!


  14. On a fashion note, I think Minni Mouse looks smashing. A bit OTT but Jacques and Gabrielle don't seem to be bothered by that. Mickey's looking as dapper as ever. Everybody seems to be having a great day, including daddy.

  15. Anonymous14/5/22 22:00

    I’m sure Albert work schedule doesn’t give him much time to be with his children, so trips like this, are memorable for him and the twins !
    I see Gabriella looking more like Princess Grace. P

  16. Anonymous15/5/22 05:53

    Not photoshop, papa is sitting on the stone wall behind the little


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