Princess Benedikte handed out the Helene Alsace Prize 2022

Princess Benedikte presented the Helene Alsace Prize 2022 to the Danish poet Caspar Eric during a ceremony at the Alsace Foundation

On April 27, 2022, Princess Benedikte of Denmark handed out the Helene Alsace Prize 2022 to the Danish poet Caspar Eric during a ceremony at the Alsace Foundation in Charlottenlund, Copenhagen. The Helene Alsace Prize is annually awarded to a person who has made a special contribution to people with cerebral palsy.

Princess Benedikte presented the Helene Alsace Prize 2022 to the Danish poet Caspar Eric during a ceremony at the Alsace Foundation

This year, poet Caspar Eric received the award for being a role model and important voice in the debate about people with disabilities and their place in society.

Princess Benedikte presented the Helene Alsace Prize 2022 to the Danish poet Caspar Eric during a ceremony at the Alsace Foundation

The Alsace Foundation is a private, business foundation that works to increase the quality of life for people with cerebral palsy and their relatives. Princess Benedikte is patron of both the Alsace Foundation and Cerabral Palsy Denmark.

Princess Benedikte presented the Helene Alsace Prize 2022 to the Danish poet Caspar Eric during a ceremony at the Alsace Foundation

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  1. Anonymous29/4/22 13:37

    PB, as elegant as always! I wouldn't mind if she didn't wear the necklace.


  2. Anonymous29/4/22 14:27

    Always so elegant. The best dressed older royal in Europe with an amazing figure. Just recently read that her only son who is in his fifties is going to marry his longtime Mexican girlfriend in June.

    1. Anonymous29/4/22 17:54

      His girlfriend is American, and he gives up his claim to hereditary property by marrying a non-noblewoman, is this what is called a morganatic marriage? So happy for them both. S.M.

    2. I've read the same news.
      Princess Benedikte's only son, Prince Gustav de Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, is 53 years old. There is a history relating to the fact of him being restricted to marry because of problems with Inheritances, title/s etc.
      The legal situation appears to have been finally resolved in April 2022 and he is now free to marry his partner of many years, Carina Axelsson, who has Swedish and Mexican ancestry. She is also 53 years old.
      Carina has worked in and around the fashion world.
      According to the latest information, the wedding is planned for early June. Looking forward to seeing Princess Benedikte as mother of the groom and the other invited Royals.
      Opps, fashion ........ with simplicity Princess Benedikte creates an air of "class".

    3. Anonymous30/4/22 17:33

      On the subject of whether it's a morganatic marriage, that's a bit complicated actually.
      It would have been a morganatic marriage before he inherited (which he now has), but the term morganatic marriage refers to more than just the marriage of a Prince & a "commoner". It's actually the marriage between a Prince & any woman who is not of equal rank = a Princess, so it's also the marriage of a Prince and an aristocratic woman.
      It's interesting because all of the European reigning houses' marriages of the past decades would have been considered morganatic before, even the ones with aristocratic ladies. I believe the last equal marriages were Albert & Paola and Juan Carlos & Sofia. All the others would have been morganatic in the past, only the rules have changed and they are no longer considered morganatic.
      In this case, German courts have decided that Gustav is the rightful heir, he has not married until he received his inheritance. Now the rules of the will no longer apply to him, he can marry Carina, keep his possessions and she will become Princess Carina. So it's no longer a morganatic marriage now really.
      Congrats to the happy couple, it has certainly been a long wait!!

    4. @Anonymous30/4/22 17:33
      Thanks for the information. Interesting. Times are a changing.

    5. Anon 30/4/22 17:33 This was very interesting, thank you for sharing. I was curious as to how this worked.

  3. Quand je vois la princesse Benedikte, je suis très très rarement déçue ; c'est vraiment une dame dont beaucoup d'entre nous pourraient s'inspirer tant au niveau vestimentaire que des bijoux en fonction des moyens bien-sûr !

  4. Anonymous29/4/22 14:53

    Exactly what I thought MCS elegant as always Mary

  5. Anonymous29/4/22 15:57

    Una donna di classe ed elegante

  6. Anonymous29/4/22 16:04

    Let her wear that necklace. It is not overdone.

  7. Je pense que son petit collier mériterait d'être mieux vu afin d'en apprécier le style et la beauté ; qui pourrait dire ce que représente sa broche ?! Pour parler de cheveux, quelques dames de la tranche d'âge de Benedikte dans le milieu des royaux devraient sauter le pas afin d'opter pour une coiffure plus adaptée ; suivez mon regard !

  8. Anonymous29/4/22 18:50

    I love everything about her outfit except the color of her blouse. I think a pink or light green blouse would be better. However, she is always fabulous.


  9. Happy Birthday dear Princess Benedikte (29 April).
    May you be blessed with many more birthdays.

  10. Anonymous29/4/22 22:22

    The prize and foundation represent something so near and dear to my heart. Benedikte is the epitome of style. ~d

  11. Anonymous29/4/22 23:30

    I just love to see Princess Benedikte on any occasion. Always so elegant and classy and today is no exception.

  12. Anonymous29/4/22 23:42

    Always elegant, lovely, and chic. Happy Birthday to Princess Benedikte and congratulations to her son and excited for the wedding. Janet

  13. This is a beautiful, elegant two piece suit. The color palate works in well with the blouse underneath. I love the beige color shoes. The necklace and earrings are pretty. The brooch is a splendid addition. She never fails to impress, always stylish, chic and well groomed.


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