Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie visited the 59th Venice Biennial

Princess Stephanie viewed the painting installation Faraway So Close by Luxembourgian artist Tina Gillen

Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie opened the Luxembourg pavilion at the 59th Biennale of Contemporary Art in Venice. The Hereditary Grand Duchess viewed the painting installation "Faraway So Close" by Luxembourgian artist Tina Gillen.

Princess Stephanie viewed the painting installation Faraway So Close by Luxembourgian artist Tina Gillen

The project Faraway So Close was developed by Mudam Luxembourg for the 59th Venice Biennale, and made especially for the Luxembourg Pavilion. It will be the 16th exhibition to represent the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg at the Venice Biennale.

Princess Stephanie viewed the painting installation Faraway So Close by Luxembourgian artist Tina Gillen

Princess Stephanie viewed the painting installation Faraway So Close by Luxembourgian artist Tina Gillen

The biennial is held under the theme of “Il Latte dei Sogni” (The Milk of Dreams) and exhibits the works and objects of contemporary art by more than 213 artists from 58 countries. Venice Biennale was established in 1895 and is today acknowledged as one of the most prestigious cultural events in Europe.

Princess Stephanie viewed the painting installation Faraway So Close by Luxembourgian artist Tina Gillen

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  1. She looks good ; even if the blazer is a bit tight. For her better a bit tight than too wide IMV

  2. Are those orthopedic shoes? 👠

    1. Anonymous22/4/22 17:55

      I have orthopedic shoes that are looking better than hers. Orthopedic brands of shoes, sandals, ballerinas, sneakers, boots, etc... are almost the same like "normal" shoes these days. It is just a question of knowing the right brands and the shops that sell it and it is not cheap. A good pair of classic shoes in the shops where I buy my shoes costs easily about €200.

  3. Not everyone should wear open toe shoes; I hope she’s not wearing nylons with those shoes.

    1. Those are sandels not open toe shoes. It does not help me like them any better though

    2. Unknown, I think the picture is not sufficiently sharp to judge on possible nylons. Ballerinas would have been better.

  4. Anonymous22/4/22 13:46

    I do not care, when a woman has no sence for fashion or style. We are all different. But: a cameltoe is an absloute no go. Royal or not. Siv

    1. I agree with you, but I do not think she has a cameltoe. I zoomed in ;-) and did not see one.

  5. Anonymous22/4/22 14:01

    The blazer looks like it is O.K. Although the pants has a nice color, it does not fit well. The fabric looks like it is a bit too light for this type of cut. The sandals should be replaced by a classic pair of shoes. Clutch is O.K.

  6. I think Stephanie needs to accept her new post baby size, which is perfectly fine btw, and buy some clothes that fit her properly. Apparently she really likes the open toe look which is unfortunate as they are not at all flattering.

    1. Princess Stephanie is who she is. She doesn't stand out in a crowd.
      In fact, in the first photo, I had to look hard to see which of the four ladies was Princess Stephanie.

  7. Le blazer noir et le pantalon que je vois de couleur camel vont très bien ensemble mais je pense que des chaussures fermées auraient mieux convenu ; élégant son clutch (pochette) !

  8. Those shoes are horrible with this trouser. And I think she is wearing nylons. ;-(

  9. Le blazer noir et le pantalon que je vois de couleur camel vont très bien ensemble mais je pense que des chaussures fermées auraient mieux convenu ; élégant son clutch (pochette) !

  10. I think Stephanie looks quite nice here. She is wearing a pair of sandals very reminiscent of a pair worn recently by the Duchess of Cambridge--and no one was negative about them then. In fact, everyone we can see is wearing casual footwear so I think Stephanie's choice fits in.

  11. Anonymous22/4/22 19:21

    Colourwise it looks nice and nice hairdo, but when it comes to the fittings I feel this is an area in which GDS can improve.


  12. The black jacket looks good, be it a little tight. The pants, I'm not sure if its the fabric, the size, but they don't seem to look as good as they could. The shoes are a miss for me. Regardless, its lovely to see her out and about at this event.


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