Guillaume and Stephanie visited the ForMida educational center

Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg visited the ForMida

Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg visited the ForMida educational center in Esch-sur-Alzette. Since 2018, the center is managed by the non-profit association ARCUS specializing in social support, and supports young school dropouts with various activities and workshops.

Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg visited the ForMida

Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg visited the ForMida

Centre Formida is a place of discovery, learning and participation where children and young adults are introduced to the world of craft and creativity. In addition, the center welcomes young people with no direction in life, keeping them busy and motivating them to undertake creative projects together with younger children.

Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg visited the ForMida

Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg visited the ForMida

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  1. Anonymous26/4/22 12:50

    Nothing much to tell. Boring outfit.

  2. Je ne pense pas que Stéphanie soit avantagée par cette tenue ; cela fait longtemps que je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de la voir dans une robe ; magnifique chevelure !

  3. Anonymous26/4/22 15:22

    A press stud can work wonders. Having no seamstress at hand I do it myself.Siv

  4. This is very sad to see this beautiful young woman, not having much interest in her style of dress anymore. We know she can look absolutely stunning, you only have to go back over the years.

    1. Anonymous27/4/22 02:56

      I think Stephanie has lost some confidence and feels like she looks bigger in dresses. Everyone must look like Mary and Letizia in order not to be criticized: Two now royal model types. //ML

  5. Anonymous26/4/22 16:28

    A slightly larger blouse would have prevented the the gap across the chest area, otherwise, suitable for the occasion.

  6. Good looking woman who doesn't care about her clothes much.

  7. Anonymous26/4/22 17:52

    It looks better without the coat. Tunic tops would look better on her since tailored clothing accentuate her ample hips. She has a lovely face and lush hair. A stylist can help her make better choices that don’t have to be expensive.

  8. Anonymous26/4/22 18:44

    Hair looks nice. But it's almost pointless to feature the HGD on this site imo. She's just not interested.

  9. Anonymous26/4/22 23:24

    I think CP Stephanie’s black trousers and D. Camilla’s suede boots must be the most worn items of all of the royals! On a more serious note though, this is a very mundane outfit. And unfortunately, once again the top is a size too small. (V.M.)

  10. Anonymous26/4/22 23:58

    I wish to defend Princess Stephanie. When you go back, before she finally got pregnant, she was much slimmer and was often very smartly dressed. Her life is now devoted to her lovely boy, and she might even be trying to have another child, which most probably requires treatment, so that there is little ENERGY left for high fashion. This radiant, dignified lady deserves our respect.

    1. Anonymous7/5/22 17:51

      I totally agree with you

  11. Anonymous27/4/22 00:02

    Oh my...this is sad. Its fine to lack an interest in fashion but this particular outfit makes me feel as if Stephanie also lacks an interest in her appearance. The blouse pulls across her chest because it is too small. All three items are shapeless. There are so many ways she could dress. She has a full, very curvy figure--there are plenty choices that would be more flattering than what we continue to see. I keep hoping for her! Janet

  12. Anonymous27/4/22 01:20

    Moja babička nosí presne to isté, keď chce splynúť s davom. Daniela

    1. Why would she want to blend with the crowd?

  13. She has such a lovely smile. She seems engaging and interested on this visit.

  14. If she loves voluminous (black) pants and beige tops it is ok for me. But it is not ok for her to wear ill fitting clothes at engagements. The blouse is almost gaping open at her bust and the blazer is also too tight. A well fitting blazer covers the breasts even when unbuttoned, hers is ending at her armpits. It is beyond me that an intelligent and educated woman in her late thirties can't find out if a garment fits her or not. Most women with fulltime jobs, much less money and their fair shares of worries and problems nevertheless manage to show up neat and put together at their workplaces.

  15. Anonymous27/4/22 13:41

    She does nothing to promote Luxembourg fashion, same boring top and black pants. Put some effort in your style.

  16. Anonymous @23:58, absolutely nobody is disrespecting this woman, it's OK to dislike her sense or lack of fashion, with good form. What I find more disrespectful is to assume that a woman can't be a woman when she enters motherhood, also the speculation about her very private choices shouldn't be a theme for you to debate.

  17. Anonymous28/4/22 20:07

    I live in Luxemburg and can tell that nearly everyone loves her, she‘s always very friendly and warmhearted. Although this is a fashion blog I prefer her and not her sister in law Claire with her artificial smile and laughter and by the way her clothes are also sometimes bad and boring. Stephanie presents pur country very well, is already admired more than Marie- Therese, her mother-in-law


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