Dutch King and Queen hosted a State banquet for President of India and his wife

Queen Maxima wore an iridescent multicolor georgette long dress, gown from Luisa Beccaria. Aquamarine tiara set

On April 5, 2022, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of The Netherlands hosted a state banquet at the Royal Palace in honor of India's President Ram Nath Kovind and his wife Savita Kovind. Princess Beatrix also attended the state banquet. The President Ram Nath Kovind and his wife Savita Kovind are making a state visit to the Netherlands from 5 to 7 April 2022 at the invitation of Dutch King.

Queen Maxima wore an iridescent multicolor georgette long dress, gown from Luisa Beccaria. Aquamarine tiara set

Queen Maxima wore an iridescent multicolor georgette long dress, gown from Luisa Beccaria. Aquamarine tiara set

Queen Maxima wore an iridescent multicolor georgette long dress, gown from Luisa Beccaria. Aquamarine tiara set

Queen Maxima wore an iridescent multicolor georgette long dress, gown from Luisa Beccaria. Aquamarine tiara set

Queen Maxima wore an iridescent multicolor georgette long dress, gown from Luisa Beccaria. Aquamarine tiara set

Queen Maxima wore an iridescent multicolor georgette long dress, gown from Luisa Beccaria. Aquamarine tiara set

Queen Maxima wore an iridescent multicolor georgette long dress, gown from Luisa Beccaria. Aquamarine tiara set

Queen Maxima wore an iridescent multicolor georgette long dress, gown from Luisa Beccaria. Aquamarine tiara set

Queen Maxima wore an iridescent multicolor georgette long dress, gown from Luisa Beccaria. Aquamarine tiara set

Queen Maxima wore an iridescent multicolor georgette long dress, gown from Luisa Beccaria. Aquamarine tiara set

Queen Maxima wore Luisa Beccaria Iridescent Multicolor Georgette Long Dress
Luisa Beccaria Iridescent Multicolor Georgette Long Dress

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  1. Anonymous5/4/22 23:05

    Kind of a boring dress and it doesn't fit well, especially in the sides and back.


  2. Anonymous5/4/22 23:11

    The Queen's gown looks rather rumpled around the bottom, and I am not fond of the panels of color. Though they are muted, the top front looks odd somehow. Lovely smile and jewels, and glad she had someone do her hair for the occasion.

  3. Anonymous5/4/22 23:24

    This is not one of Maxima's better looks for a state dinner. I have come to expect so much more from her on these formal occasions. The colors are so muted that they are barely there, and she looks radiant in brighter colors. I wish she has kept the original belt instead of adding the ribbon. It would have stopped her from adding the pin at her navel. The brooch holding her sash at the shoulder is all she needed. The Dutch Aquamarine Parure and earrings are beautiful, but the stones are pale like her dress. This is a wallflower look for Maxima. There was no need to carry the ever-present shawl. If she became chilled, she could just signal for her wrap.
    First lady Savita Kovind is wearing a beautiful sari. The raspberry and light green are a beautiful combination. I think she outshines Maxima this time. ~d

    1. Anonymous6/4/22 07:31

      There are countries when a president and the first lady are on a state visit, it is not the custom that a queen wears a tiara since first ladies don't wear tiaras. Is it necessary to wear all these medals and decorations ?
      The dress itself is not that bad. Maybe it gives the impression of ill fitting because of the panels of colors. It is a dress that becomes beautiful when the person who is wearing it keeps moving like on the model.
      At least Maxima is recycling her gala dresses that is something that matters more and more these days.

    2. Anonymous6/4/22 16:29

      Have you ever seen queen Elizabeth without tiara on a state banquet??? No. It's custom for royals to wear tiaras at such an event

    3. Anonymous7/4/22 07:46

      In my country it isn't. Maybe it is not the custom in the U.K. That's why I said "There are countries....." and not "in every country....." There is a difference.

  4. Beautiful Dress!!!!!!!

  5. That dress looks more like a night gown and colour is not the best. Pity because Maxima usually has beautiful evening gowns.

  6. Anonymous6/4/22 03:51

    Wowza! QM looks fabulous! The gown has that understated elegant richness to it that women of stature can make shine. Max's hair is gorgeous, I really like the way this sculpted wind-swept style frames her face. The soft-blue aquamarine jewels are a perfect match with both hair and dress, nice to see these seldom-worn jewels especially the tiara. I applaud Max for wearing subdued colors for both the day and evening events. She didn't overpower Princess Beatrix or the Indian first lady, whether intentional or not I think it a diplomatic win. S.M.

    1. Anonymous6/4/22 11:40

      I agree. A lovely, restrained dress. Beautiful tiara and earrings. -Siri

    2. I agree with @S.M.
      Our loveable Queen Maxima has made a diplomatic win with her chosen wardrobe for this official occasion.

  7. Anonymous6/4/22 04:41

    I find this dress meh!! It’s a very cold hue, and doesn’t do anything for her coloring, can’t say that it’s terrible, yet not her best, as she normally shines with her gala outfits. The hair looks fine although a bit dated, but much better than usual. I don’t understand why she can’t use a good brassiere, her bust line ruins her appearance.

  8. Not a good colour on her unfortunately, it's a beautiful design though.
    This is for a person that suits summer toning's, not brown eyes olive colouring.
    Do these stylist/ advisors not no their colours?
    WARM: SPRING/AUTUMN, COLOURS. The Queen is a an Autumn.
    I do not understand them the correct colour makes all the difference on any outfit, even a sack.

  9. This gown looks splendid. Its subtle and sedate, but she looks divine. The Aqua stones are beautiful. Love her choice in jewels. Marvellous outfit.

  10. Anonymous6/4/22 06:31

    I didn't like the dress when she wore it previously and still don't: colours and fit of the dress are no good for QM.


  11. Anonymous6/4/22 07:23

    too much fabric already, so drop the shawl and the purse. other a lovely dress.

  12. The model wears the dress better than QM. I am on the fence about the dress but don't know why.

  13. Towards whom is the severe look of Pr Beatrix directed ? Just a failed photo.

    1. Anonymous6/4/22 11:59

      I thought exactly the same.

    2. Anonymous6/4/22 13:00

      Too late, they just replaced the photo.

  14. Anonymous6/4/22 08:53

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous6/4/22 10:58

      Sorry, but your first sentence about a queen is so unbelievably rude, I think the moderator should remove it.

    2. Anonymous6/4/22 12:58

      How many queens and (crown)princesses of the European gotha has "no royal blood whatsoever" ? Start making a list, you would be surprised how many of them issue from common people.
      And I didn't talk about the real princesses who married a commoner.

  15. Peut-être une jolie robe mais dont les couleurs trop fades n'avantagent pas Maxima ainsi qu'un déséquilibre bizarre sur un côté de son buste jusque dans le dos ; belles aigues-marines mais j'aurais plutôt vu des rubis ou saphirs pour donner du peps à son look ; la première dame porte un sari aux couleurs framboise et pistache , un véritable délice miam, miam !

  16. Anonymous6/4/22 10:01

    Este vestido es para una persona muy delgada, debe tener caída.

  17. Anonymous6/4/22 13:58

    This is a kind of modest dress in it’s own right, so wear it modestly to let it speak: no sash under the belt, no jewelry on the belt, hair upwards, no shawl in your hands and the same sweet smile and it will be quite different.

  18. I am on the fence about the dress because I like the style. Not a fan of the color mixes though. I think I would love it if it was all that pale blue. I also think the colors are not flattering to Maxima--she looks better in bright colors or jewel tones--the colors here are washing her out. I love seeing the aquamarines--they are gorgeous. Its also wonderful to see Princess Beatrix. The first lady of India, Mrs. Kovind, is wearing a beautiful sari--the colors are so vibrant!

  19. Anonymous8/4/22 23:20

    Say what one will about the dress, hair, or 'jools'... in the photo when the President is speaking, and she is giving you that smile, one doesn't need any more than that.


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