Dutch King and Queen attended 2022 King's Day Concert in Maastricht

Queen Maxima wore a burgundy, red velvet midi dress from Zeus + Dione. King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima

On the evening of April 11, 2022, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of The Netherlands attended the annual King's Day (Koningsdag) concert at Theater aan het Vrijthof (Theatre at the Vrijthof Square) in Maastricht. The concert was attended by invited audiences that are involved in the organization of Koningsdag in Amersfoort.

Queen Maxima wore a burgundy, red velvet midi dress from Zeus + Dione. King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima

Queen Maxima wore a burgundy, red velvet midi dress from Zeus + Dione. King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima

Every year, the concert is held in the county where the Dutch Royal Family will celebrate King’s Day. The King's Day concert traditionally takes place in the month preceding King's Day. The date of King's Day marks the birth of King Willem-Alexander, which is April 27.

Queen Maxima wore a burgundy, red velvet midi dress from Zeus + Dione. King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima

Queen Maxima wore a burgundy, red velvet midi dress from Zeus + Dione. King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima

Queen Maxima wore a burgundy, red velvet midi dress from Zeus + Dione. King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima

Queen Maxima wore a burgundy, red velvet midi dress from Zeus + Dione. King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima

Queen Maxima wore a burgundy, red velvet midi dress from Zeus + Dione. King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima

Queen Maxima wore a burgundy, red velvet midi dress from Zeus + Dione. King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima

Queen Maxima wore Zeus + Dione Basilia Velvet Midi Dress
Zeus + Dione Basilia Velvet Midi Dress

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  1. Lovely dress and LOVE the lighter make up. She looks beautiful!

  2. Anonymous12/4/22 07:10

    How to spoil a potentially nice dress: terrible hair, wrong shoes , non- matching necklace,

    1. Oh no, the hair is not terrible here. Just not your taste, ok fine. She chose this layered cut, her choice. Look around on the bus, underground, restaurants, there are plenty ... Shoes are fit everywhere style .... and necklace ??? why not.

    2. Anonymous12/4/22 11:52

      You are right about the hair but not about the shoes (same color as the dress) and the necklace (there are parts of it that have the same color as the dress).

    3. You find her hair terrible? Why?

  3. Anonymous12/4/22 08:53

    The fabric of this dress is too thick and too dark for the season. It makes me think of the velvet that was used in the seventies to make stores and other home decoration. I will not talk about Maxima's hairdo.
    I like the dress and the hairdo of the lady in the 1st photo.

    1. Anonymous13/4/22 01:56

      My thoughts exactly about the young lady in the first photo - she looks beautiful.

      However, why is Máxima's dress too dark? What do people on this blog always have against dark colors overall or in Spring/Summer? Should everyone wear white, light pink, light blue, etc? As with a painting, you need contrast - some wear dark, some wear light. And most of the ladies in these photos are wearing darker colors. Maybe it was cool in Maastricht or there was air-conditioning... Sorry, I just don't get the aversion to dark colors!


  4. sophisticated but nice dress.

  5. Joli modèle jusqu'à la taille mais la jupe n'est pas à son avantage ; j'adore le collier ainsi que les boucles d'oreilles que je ne crois pas avoir déjà vus !

  6. Il modello del vestito mi piace, anche se il velluto lo appesantisce un po'.
    E' la giacca del re che mi preoccupa, forse è tagliata male?

  7. Anonymous12/4/22 15:17

    Hideous dress. Makes her look twice her size… Too dark and wrong material for this season

    1. In effetti a volte in pieno inverno QM indossa lo smanicato ed ora si copre di velluto.
      Il modello non è male, però doveva essere in tessuto e colori primaverili.

  8. Anonymous12/4/22 16:17

    What a lovely dress. QM looks gorgeous. The model of the dress suits her very well as the colour is. The necklace in my opinion should have been replaced by a nice brooch. Hair well done. Move on like this Maxima,.

  9. Anonymous12/4/22 17:05

    Not a fan of the odd panels of non-velvet in the dress, makes it look tacky, as do the openings in the sleeves, and the line (zipper?) un the front, not sure what it is from these photos. Stringy hair are usual, but at least it looks brushed.
    Today, in the photos, the King looks a tad wrinkled, in a suit jacket a bit too small, or maybe it's just the photo caught him at a wrong moment. Anne

    1. I fully agree about fabric, sleeve slits and stringy hair.
      I think this whole look is a mess, although I like velvet as such and the deep burgundy colour is beautiful.
      The dress seems to indeed feature a zip as the dress is shown unzipped on the model. I can see why Maxima chose that bold necklace - I think it´s there to cover the zipper.

  10. Anonymous12/4/22 17:41

    Opening curtain? Siv

    1. My first thought as well, just terrible. So heavy and then add that split sleeve? Just a huge NO. Plus, that necklace looks like it's one of those twist pearls from the 80's.

  11. Wat is er met haar gezicht gebeurd? Zo bleek en opgezwollen.

    1. Anonymous13/4/22 20:16

      Met haar gezicht is niets gebeurd. Maxima is lichter opgemaakt dan gewoonlijk en close-up foto's gemaakt met een smart phone geven altijd de indruk van een gezwollen gezicht, trouwens de koning staat er ook helemaal anders op, vind ik.

  12. I love the shoes, clutch and necklace. The velvet dress is an acquired taste, the Queen obviously likes it, that's all that counts. The lady in the first photo, with the hot pink dress, v neckline and up style she looks fabulous.

  13. Anonymous12/4/22 22:24

    Love the dress of the lady in first photo also love her hair in the up do. Mary

  14. Virginia Dogwood12/4/22 23:34

    The lady in the first picture looks lovely. Beautiful updo hair style and beautiful fuchsia dress.

  15. Uh oh...I like the sparing use of bronzer with her current makeup choices and her shoes are nice.


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