Crown Princess Kiko visited Kiyose City Local History Museum

Crown Princess Kiko visited the Tuberculosis Research Institute

On April 11, 2022, Crown Princess Kiko visited the Kiyose City Local History Museum in Tokyo. The Crown Princess toured a special exhibition with the theme of tuberculosis treatment at the museum. She saw old posters calling for the prevention of tuberculosis, as well as photographs of former sanatoriums. Thereafter, Crown Princess Kiko visited the Tuberculosis Research Institute, which is run by the Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association.

Crown Princess Kiko visited the Tuberculosis Research Institute

Crown Princess Kiko visited the Tuberculosis Research Institute

Crown Princess Kiko visited the Tuberculosis Research Institute

Crown Princess Kiko visited the Tuberculosis Research Institute

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  1. Bien élégante Kiko mais je n'arrive pas à donner un nom à la couleur de ce tailleur/jupe qui lui va à merveille ; j'hésite entre le gris perle et le lilas selon les photos ; quel genre de boucles d'oreilles porte t-elle ?

  2. I don't think I have ever seen any of the Japanese Royal women wear anything but a suit to daytime events. The Crown Princess's suit is a nice color and it looks comfortable. She appears to be wearing pearl earrings. The color of her clutch is a nice gray and I'm guessing it matches her shoes.

  3. Anonymous12/4/22 16:18

    "Excusez le mot" but boring.

  4. CP Kiko looks very stylish and elegant.

  5. Anonymous12/4/22 22:03

    Sadly, typical type of dressing for the Japanese. It would be lovely if they were allowed to dress differently than has been seen to date.

  6. Anonymous13/4/22 13:27

    Fashionwise nothing extraordinary. Nice suit, the same cut and color choice as always.


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