Princess Caroline attended the opening of the new spaces at Louvre School

Princess Caroline of Hanover wore a wool blazer by Chanel and fuchsia silk shirt from Chanel. Majid Boustany at Ecole du Louvre

On March 11, 2022, Princess Caroline of Hanover attended the opening of the new spaces at the Louvre School (Ecole du Louvre) in Paris. A research center, a renovated library and refurbished living spaces were opened thanks to the patronage of Majid Boustany. The Ecole du Louvre is a higher education institution providing courses in French in Archaeology, Epigraphy, Art History, the History of Civilisations and Museology. It is located in the Aile de Flore of the Louvre Palace in Paris.

Princess Caroline of Hanover wore a wool blazer by Chanel and fuchsia silk shirt from Chanel. Majid Boustany at Ecole du Louvre

Princess Caroline of Hanover wore a wool blazer by Chanel and fuchsia silk shirt from Chanel. Majid Boustany at Ecole du Louvre

Princess Caroline of Hanover wore a wool blazer by Chanel and fuchsia silk shirt from Chanel. Majid Boustany at Ecole du Louvre

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  1. Anonymous12/3/22 13:04

    She looks good. I like the red-pink combination.
    Lily T.

  2. Beaucoup d'élégance dans ce tailleur/pantalon noir sur une couleur rose vif même s'il n'avantage pas trop sa silhouette que je trouve bien amincie depuis quelque temps ; très belle touche que son écharpe/étole rouge - Superbe tunique ou veste dans un style japonisant de madame Roselyne Bachelot, ministre française de la culture depuis le 6 juillet 2020 ; j'adore !

  3. Princess Caroline looks gorgeous here! The red scarf and black coat are beautiful and look beautiful on her. Love the simple style of her hair too--a bit off her face.

  4. Elle a un an de plus que Maria Térésa, elle en fait dix de plus la "pauvre" Caro. Elle a fait une croix sur le les hommes !

    1. I think this comment is quite rude.

    2. Anonymous12/3/22 19:55


  5. Anonymous12/3/22 17:08

    Een ander kapsel zou veel goedmaken voor Prinses Caroline. Korter en donkerder haar zou haar veel jonger doen lijken.Wat ik niet goed begrijp is dat haar haarwortels donker zijn en het grijze haar zich bevindt op de uiteinden en de punten. Tenzij zij haar haar niet kan laten kleuren omdat ze zoals zoveel mensen allergisch reageert op haarverf. Soms heb ik de indruk dat haar haar grijs gekleurd is. Het is natuurlijk misschien niet wat het lijkt.

    1. dyeing dark roots / light ends is very much in fashion

  6. Anonymous12/3/22 20:04

    Much better than the tan blazer look. That pop of colour enlivens the whole look. I like this outfit on her.


  7. Anonymous12/3/22 20:21

    Some (bright) colours make all the difference; PC definitely looks a lot better compared to pictures of her published earlier this week.


  8. I too love the red and pink color combination.....I also like that her eyes are enhanced by the heavier eye make-up, it makes her more glamorous looking to me.....Classic!

  9. Anonymous12/3/22 23:04

    The grey hair is ageing, and not in a good way. S.M.

  10. The red silk scarf adds some much needed colour to this black pantsuit and it looks fabulous. The Princess looks lovely.

  11. Anonymous13/3/22 02:31

    Always looking dignified. Lovely colour combination.

    Comparisons are pointless. We’re all different. I for one would take Caroline over many ‘younger’ looking women as a result of many facial surgeries. She is who she is and feels no need to be anyone else, no need to show an unnatural, stretched face just cause some collective frenzy assumes women shouldn’t age or should hide their age. To each their own and grey hair worn naturally is nothing to be ashamed of. On the contrary.



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