Princess Beatrix opened a new exhibition at Singer Laren Museum

Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands opened a new exhibition and a new wing at the Singer Laren Museum

On Tuesday afternoon, March 8, 2022, Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands opened a new exhibition and a new wing at the Singer Laren Museum in Laren. The exhibition displays the private collection Nardinc Collection in the new rooms of the museum. The Nardinc Collection was donated to the museum by Els Blokker-Verwer.

Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands opened a new exhibition and a new wing at the Singer Laren Museum

Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands opened a new exhibition and a new wing at the Singer Laren Museum

Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands opened a new exhibition and a new wing at the Singer Laren Museum

Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands opened a new exhibition and a new wing at the Singer Laren Museum

Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands opened a new exhibition and a new wing at the Singer Laren Museum

Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands opened a new exhibition and a new wing at the Singer Laren Museum

Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands opened a new exhibition and a new wing at the Singer Laren Museum

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  1. Très belle association des couleurs Bordeaux et grise de sa tenue, accessoires jusque dans les chaussures ; qui pourrait dire si la princesse Beatrix a un chapelier qui lui créé ses chapeaux presque tous dans un même style qu'elle affectionne ? Par hasard, la dame qui l'accompagne aurait t-elle copié en partie les motifs et couleurs du tableau qu'elles contemplent ? Hi, hi !

  2. Anonymous9/3/22 12:25

    PB looks very elegant in her signature style. Burgundy is a colour which suits her well.


  3. I very much like the dress worn by the lady walking to the right of Princess Beatrix. It might look even better if it had been just a tad longer.

  4. Anonymous9/3/22 16:40

    Even on flat shoes the former Queen looks very elegant.
    Love the jacket and the burgundy color.

    1. Agree on every point, even to the flat shoes which usually make an outfit look frumpy. The colour is very flattering for Princess Beatrix and her signature style hat is perfect in this colour too

  5. Anonymous9/3/22 18:33

    She will always be a Queen to me, even though the title has changed to Princess.... Magnificent! The entire outfit is simply magnificent, from the hat, clothing and flat shoes. Annie

  6. Anonymous9/3/22 18:48

    Yes to the outfit, big no to the hat, it’s enormous and not flattering.

    1. Anonymous10/3/22 13:24

      It is a long time since we saw Princess Beatrix with one of her big hats. She is starting to wear those hats a long time ago. I suppose because they were adapted to her hairstyle which was about the same for several queens in Europe at that time : f.ex. Queen Elisabeth II, Queen Fabiola of the Belgians, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Queen Sofia of Spain, etc...

  7. P Beatrix looks immaculately groomed in this outfit. The rich burgundy colors suit her beautifully. I do love the burgundy accessories, especially the gloves and bag, lovely touch.


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