Crown Princess Mary received a briefing on WHO's work in Ukraine

Crown Princess Mary wore a red crepe blazer from Alexander McQueen

Yesterday afternoon, as patron of the WHO Office for the European Region, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark received a briefing on WHO's current work in Ukraine. The World Health Organization (WHO) is working to save lives, provide medical supplies and enable healthcare professionals to carry out their work in and around Ukraine in the current crisis. The Crown Princess has been patron of the WHO Office for the European Region since 2005.

Crown Princess Mary wore Alexander McQueen Crepe blazer
Alexander McQueen Crepe blazer

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  1. De ce que je peux voir, Mary a belle allure dans ce blazer Bordeaux/grenat au bouton unique mais le porte t-elle avec un pantalon ou une jupe ?!

  2. Anonymous10/3/22 16:35

    Quelle hypocrisie , nous n'entendions pas beaucoup les '''royautés ni les peuples '''concernant l'Arménie , le Donbass qui est bombardé depuis 8 ans , les palestiniens arrachés de leurs terres par Israël , l'Arabie Saoudite qui bombarde le Yémen depuis 7 ans , certains ont DES passe - droits .....c 'est à croire qu'ils dormaient pendant tout ce temps et maintenant pour se donner bonne conscience on brule des bougies , et une petite photo ...:-))

    1. I agree completely. Funding peace is worldwide and for everybody not only when occident show the light on a conflict and with only one narrative.

    2. Anonymous10/3/22 21:35

      Strange way of writing shanty.

    3. Anonymous10/3/22 23:22

      Anon 10/3 16:35 - I agree. The media tells us to be concerned for only certain countries & certain people. We've just had 2 years of immediate & constant worldwide media hype on a certain issue that amazingly seems to have been "cured" by this war, which seems to be more important than other conflicts. I am sorry for all people affected by this & other wars. *Regina

    4. I agree too. The world is full of hypocrisy.

  3. This is a wonderful pantsuit, love the rich burgundy colour. The black turtleneck underneath looks fabulous. I do love the CP's hair styled in this fashion, smart , tidy and chic.

  4. CP Mary looks wonderful--pretty, chic, professional, and perfect for the occasion.

  5. I like the colour and cut of the suit, but not the pointy shoulders.
    The model was either on stilts or the photo was photoshopped to create extra long legs.
    PS. What is Mary wearing in her hair?

  6. Anonymous11/3/22 05:35

    @Regina, please hold my beer!!

  7. @Janet
    Agree, sombre winter colours which fit in well with the theme of the meeting.
    Good choice on the part of Princess Mary who is the patron of the WHO (World Health Organization).


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