Swedish Princess Estelle celebrates her 10th birthday today

Designers Remix G Sansah Blazer. Princess Estelle wore a new ivory white blazer from Designers Remix. Princess Estelle wore a new ivory blouse

Today, February 23, Princess Estelle turns 10 years old. Princess Estelle of Sweden, that is, Estelle Silvia Ewa Mary was born on February 23, 2012. She has the title of "Duchess of Östergötland". Princess Estelle is the elder child and only daughter of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel. On the occasion of that birthday, Swedish Royal Palace published a new photo of Princess Estelle. The photo was taken in February.

Designers Remix G Sansah Blazer. Princess Estelle wore a new ivory white blazer from Designers Remix. Princess Estelle wore a new ivory blouse
(Princess Estelle celebrated her 10th birthday with her family at Haga Castle.)

Princess Estelle wore Designers Remix Girls Sansah Blazer
Designers Remix Girls Sansah Blazer

Princess Estelle wore a Designers Remix G Sansah Blazer, suit
Designers Remix G Sansah Blazer

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  1. Anonymous23/2/22 11:05

    Happy Birthday.

    She looks 15 not 10 years old.

    Sofia Kristina

    1. Beautiful grown up looking Princess. Most ten year old girls would be delighted if people thought they looked grown up. Since, she's not been made up or chosen an inappropriate outfit--it's just a blazer with a plain top (and presumably white trousers)--let's just wish her well. Happy birthday, Princess Estelle.

    2. No, she looks like a normal 10 year old girl who is dressed for a festival occasion (do you write festival if you are dressed for a birthday, wedding ...?) By the way, 15 year old girls nowadays would wear the blazer like the model with a kind of sexy top!

  2. Sur le moment, j'ai eu un léger moment d'hésitation ; elle a beaucoup grandi, vraiment ravissante toute vêtue de blanc avec ses longs cheveux blonds - Bon et joyeux anniversaire princesse Estelle !

  3. Anonymous23/2/22 11:24

    Pretty outfit, but she looks 15...


    1. You obviously don't know what 15 year old girls look nowadays! Estelle looks like a perfectly beautiful 10 year old girl.

    2. Anonymous24/2/22 11:31

      @anon 7.28: from how you react probably the 10y old is you


  4. Grattis på födelsedagen, sessan 🥳

  5. Anonymous23/2/22 12:08

    Beautiful princess. In a couple of years she will be part of the group of young princesses in Europe.
    Happy birthday, may all your dreams come true !

  6. Anonymous23/2/22 12:22

    Princess Estelle looks too mature.

    Uma T.

  7. Anonymous23/2/22 12:26

    Grattis på födelsedagen !

  8. Aw beautiful. Happy Birthday!

  9. A beautiful young lady. I wish her a very happy birthday!

  10. She's a woke girl and is beautiful on this picture ... Happy Birthday!

  11. Anonymous23/2/22 13:57

    Congratulations to Princess Estelle 🌻🎂🌻
    Wonderful photo of her. The styling with the blazer make her more mature looking than her 10 years.

  12. Anonymous23/2/22 16:30

    Love that broad, genuine smile. She looks every inch of 10 year old princess. -Siri

    1. Totally agree with you Siri. She just looks like a ten year old girl. Happy birthday!💐

  13. Grattis! Håller med om att hon ser äldre ut än hon är. Kanske kavajen kunde väntat nåt år? Tror inte hon hade valt den om hon fick välja helt fritt. Men hon är jättefin!

    1. Håller med att kavajen ser för vuxen ut på henne. Men å andra sidan har vi sett yngre barn i kostym, så varför inte. Definitiv en fin bild på henne, hon är en fin tjej.

  14. Anonymous23/2/22 16:48

    Some children are kept younger than they are by the parents. Some girls grow so fast in one season that they can wear the same clothes like young women. I think it is just this particular photo and the fact that we cannot see her in full length, that makes her look older.
    Happy birthday.

  15. Happy Birthday Princess Estelle. What a beautiful girl!

  16. Sweet Princess Estelle 💖 Hope she has a wonderful Birthday 🌸🎂🌞🎁🎈🎶😍

  17. Anonymous23/2/22 18:17

    Grattis på födelsedagen! Vacker tjej växer upp alldeles för snabbt. jj

  18. Anonymous23/2/22 19:06

    Don't care much for her outfit...she and her brother are usually the best dressed Royal children in Europe imho. This choice of clothing does not look age appropriate for a ten year old, but Estelle is a little beauty!

  19. Anonymous23/2/22 19:19

    Wow, she's ten already! Estelle looks quite nice in her white blazer. Here's a birthday photo with the king & queen:



  20. P. the original23/2/22 19:24

    A very Happy Birthday to beautiful and sweet Princess Estelle!!

  21. Anonymous23/2/22 20:47

    All the best to her special day.
    Estelle seems to be proud to were this business outfit. She is a beautiful young Girl🎈🎂💐

  22. Estelle is a ray of sunshine, isn't she!

    1. Indeed she is. What a lovely picture with her and her grandparents. Such warm and relaxed atmosphere. And I do love her romantic dress.

  23. Goodness but Estelle is growing up! Her face has so matured. She looks wonderful--such a pretty girl with a smile that is big ray of sunshine. The other picture with her grandparents is also lovely--her posture is incredible. You can the pride and joy on the faces of the King and Queen. Happy Birthday to Princess Estelle!

  24. How lovely is this delightful child, Happy Birthday Estelle. She has such poise and grace already, she is being brought up beautifully.

    P.S, Love Queen Silvia's jacket, the colour combination, Orange and rich chocolate brown, on the collar, cuffs and top of pockets, this works splendidly, gorgeous jacket.

  25. Happy Birthday to
    Duchess of Östergötland
    And many more. And Greetings to the King and His Beautiful Queen.

  26. Anonymous24/2/22 09:41

    The blazer is too big. The image with her grandparents is warm and cordial.

  27. Anonymous25/2/22 01:33

    Happy Birthday Princess Estelle. She looks absolutely lovely in all her pics with her beaming smile and sparkly eyes.


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