Grand Duchess Maria Teresa visited the Ermesinde Youth Home

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg wore a green leather jacket and wool gray trousers

On February 22, 2022, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg visited the Ermesinde Youth Home, which is managed by Solina Solidarité Jeunes Asbl, whose main mission is to support teenage girls with social and psychosocial difficulties. Le foyer Ermesinde is one of the 9 homes of the Solidarité Jeunes Asbl.

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg wore a green leather jacket and wool gray trousers

Solina Solidarité Jeunes Asbl is a non-profit association whose social purpose is the conceptualization, creation, development and management of activities that directly or indirectly relate to the fields of childhood, youth and families. The association supports children, adolescents and young adults in difficulty.

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg wore a green leather jacket and wool gray trousers

During the visit, the Grand Duchess met with eight young girls, aged 16 to 18, who are currently hosted in the Ermesinde home. The Grand Duchess spoke with the teenage girls about the difficulties they encounter, their daily lives and their plans for the future.

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg wore a green leather jacket and wool gray trousers


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  1. Vraiment à son avantage Maria-Teresa avec ce blouson en cuir sur un haut légèrement décolleté ainsi qu'un pantalon à petites pinces pour lequel une ceinture fine a été judicieusement choisie - Bravo pour la coiffure méchée de ses cheveux courts qui convient très bien à son visage !

  2. Anonymous23/2/22 10:59

    I like the GDMT's hair so much better when it's styled like this. The grey/black combination suits her well. However, in my opinion a little less make-up would make the whole look better.


  3. Anonymous23/2/22 11:02

    She looks more rock 'n roll than ever. Maybe she rides away afterwards on her motorbike lol. Her appearance will approach a lot of teenagers.
    By changing the tip of her nose she has changed her whole face, and she had such a cute nose! And a nip here and there. My opinion is she looks more granny than ever especially with the wig inspired hair. -Anna-

    1. Anonymous23/2/22 11:59

      She does not look granny at all. The jacket, the hair style, make her look young. For the granny's look you have to look at the photos on this site of P.Ann and D.Camilla.

    2. Anonymous23/2/22 13:28

      Maybe it is better to say a nip and a tuck here and there. -Anna-

    3. I cannot see anything remotely "grannyish" about the Grand Duchess. Neither Princess Anne nor Duchess Camilla claim to be fashion followers but she is ages with Princes Caroline and there is no doubt in my mind about who looks younger. She looks great in this casual outfit and a real inspiration for women (Like me!) of a certain age.

    4. Anonymous23/2/22 23:00

      I don't know but in the first and second photo she almost looks weird.
      My first impression of her hair was OMG my grandmother bless her soul had the same haircut in wig-form. No offense to M-T. Her hair, her choice. The highlights are nice.
      When I see her biker-jacket (and my daughters likes them a lot).
      But maybe for women high on the society-ladder and with adequate means she could do better. -Anna-

    5. Anonymous23/2/22 23:11

      What's next QE wearing such a biker-jacket combined with sneakers??

  4. Anonymous23/2/22 15:21

    This is a great look and the Grand Duchess exudes confidence and personality! Love the long necklace and soft blouse.


  5. The Grand Duchess looks fabulous. Her shorter hairstyle is really very becoming, fresh and vibrant looking. The subtle, light highlights are beautifully done, very enhancing. She suits this style perfectly. I like her casual attire, the blending of colours work well. The long necklace is a lovely touch against what looks to be a silk blouse.

  6. Her skin looks amazing what ever she has had done.
    She always has a wonderful smile for people.

    1. Anonymous24/2/22 06:36

      Her skin has been worked on so much; Isn't it so nice what dr's and injections, and fillers etc. can do for a woman's body. Sadly, the work has taken away her natural beauty and changed the way her face looks.

      The low cut necklines she wears all of the time do not seem appropriate.

  7. I really like this new, softer short hairstyle for the Grand Duchess! It is very pretty and so flattering. I also like her casual outfit--she is looking wonderful. I have noticed for the past year or a bit more that the Grand Duchess has been losing weight--nothing fast or drastic, just fairly slow and steady. I have no idea how she is doing it but it is working as she looks absolutely amazing. I realize she is a wealthy woman and could have had medical assistance but it you look at pictures of her in the past 2 years, she has been steadily losing weight so I am guessing diet and exercise--she can afford the best trainers and nutritionists. Whatever it is--I wish she would share it with me!

  8. You know you do too much royal watching after you dream of the Grand Duchess telling you "stop using your weight as an excuse to look frompy"


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