Queen Maxima participated in the online meeting 'The two faces of social media'

Queen Maxima wore a billie mixed ditsy floral tiered midaxi dress from Rixo

On January 12, Queen Maxima participated in the online interactive meeting 'The two faces of social media' organized by MIND with support from Amsterdam Public Health Agency. The meeting focused on the role of social media on the mental health of young people. During the meeting, Queen Máxima spoke about positive and negative effects of social media with young people, influencers, scientists, policy makers and representatives of various social media platforms. MIND is committed to a psychologically healthy society and aims to provide support, understanding and care for people with psychological problems.

Queen Maxima wore a billie mixed ditsy floral tiered midaxi dress from Rixo

Queen Maxima wore Rixo Billie mixed ditsy floral tiered midaxi dress
Rixo Billie mixed ditsy floral tiered midaxi dress

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous13/1/22 09:41

    The Queen; for God's sake cut your hair, get rid of the extensions, give your hair some new life by a great cut, and stop looking like a sloppy woman who does not care about herself. You represent the country. If you need a mental health break to get yourself together, then take it. If you need a physical break to get yourself together, then take it. Do whatever you need so you can be the best Queen, and not some shabby haired woman pretending life is grand. Your appearance looks a right mess! collin

    1. Where does this inane idea come from that everyone is wearing extensions? IF she was wearing them, she would not look like this would she.
      Every second person accuse's the Duchess of Sussex of wearing them too as if that's a crime when her hair has just gradually grown longer.
      WHAT IS WRONG WITH WEARING EXTENSIONS anyway? People dye their hair, bleach it cut it and style it. It is all in the game. That Maxima could not be bothered to spend hours batteling her wispy hair I can understand. She has more important things to do. I do not like her hair either BUT HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN we are in lock-down in this country. That would be really bad for business if she was known to have visited a hairdresser,beauty shop or barber. IT is forbidden at the moment by law. They are CLOSED only essential services are allowed like food, medical supplies etc.

    2. Anonymous13/1/22 11:36

      Yes please

    3. Anonymous13/1/22 12:53

      I 'see' steam coming out of your ears, Collin, but I think that the vast majority of the Dutch population has a very different opinion about QM than you do: not that people like the loose hair, on the contrary, they think that QM does too. often looks unkempt when it comes to her hair, but she is a person with genuine interests and does her best to connect people, cultures and social backgrounds. As far as I'm concerned, there is absolutely no reason to refer anyone, anyone, to a (mental) health clinic for ill-fitting hair; in my opinion that's a really mean comment!

      Nice dress for me, but bad hair day of QM today.


    4. Yes her hair is a mess but she does not deserve you coming down that hard on her!

    5. Anonymous13/1/22 15:05

      Our queen is not "some shabby haired woman pretending to be grand" nor does she need a mental health break. She is an intelligent person and an excellent queen.
      And no: I do not like her hair. At all.
      I think you are the person that needs a break Collin. And use this time to learn some manners.

    6. Anonymous13/1/22 21:16

      To the person who said shops are closed; just recently the royal family had to make public apology for having a birthday party in public with more than the require amount of people, shops have not been closed for some time, and all the other nonsense excuses for her hair are just that, nonsense. Collin may have appeared frustrated with her appearance, but she is a queen and as such should maintain standards befitting her title. anne

    7. Anonymous13/2/22 18:45

      What a rude comment. What an obsession with Maxima´s hair.


  2. Ce n'est pas le mélange de fleurs qui me piquent les yeux mais ce serait plutôt la deuxième bande à très petits motifs au dessous de la taille ; il me semble que si elle était la même que celle de son buste (sans les manches) ce serait beaucoup mieux puisque nous la retrouvons aussi dans le volant du bord de la jupe -- PS J’aime beaucoup le beau meuble devant lequel Maxima parle en ligne très souvent ; j'ai une petite idée de son style sans en être sûre ; Empire peut-être ?

  3. I like the dress for such an event, so I make a positive start of the year. The hair !? Everything was said last year, no ? But it is an universal truth, she can do as it pleases her.

    1. I'm just so happy to see Queen Maxima back in action.
      It's awhile since we've seen her. I was getting worried.
      She works very hard and contributes a lot to her country.
      And at the same time she is mother to three teenage daughters.
      Hope to see more of her in 2022 and read about her work and see her fashion ups and downs.
      I agree with @Chel "good dress for the occasion".

  4. Anonymous13/1/22 15:33

    I think her appearance needs to be seen not just as a self care issue but also that of making her country proud.
    You've never seen QE2 out with unkempt hair!


    1. Anonymous13/1/22 16:57

      You nail it!

    2. Anonymous13/1/22 21:17

      Marie, you said it spot on. Thank you. anne

    3. Anonymous14/1/22 21:27

      Making her country proud does not depend on the state of her hair. How shallow of you. She does a gazillion other important things that her country can be proud of that QE II would not be able to spell, let alone understand.
      - Anon 9:13

  5. Good dress for the occasion. I know there's so much emphasis on her hair, which to me, is the problem. Takes away from what she's trying to get across.

  6. Anonymous13/1/22 15:55

    I vehemently disagree with the comment that she has some kind of mental health issue because she often displays “ bad “ hair, I can’t see the correlation, furthermore is just so wrong to think that it’s OK to label people with mental illness just because you don’t like their hair. I do know this woman and neither do you, but for the little one can observe, she seems to be healthy and happy in her public appearances. I find her hair terrible most of the time and often commented how she can easily fix it by simply wearing a tidy ponytail, but this is simply a fashion comment not a health assessment. I also think that being in lockdown it would be unwise to appear on camera just like she just had a styling session.
    I would add, that your apparent anger about this issue is more concerning that her hair.

  7. Anonymous13/1/22 16:48

    Her hair is the usual unkempt, unhealthy, bad look. I do not think it reflects on her mental health in any way. That is an over-the-top judgement! That being said, she does represent a country. I cannot imagine Elizabeth, Letizia, Silvia, or Sonja ever appearing in public with hair so sloppy. She seems to have a very friendly, outgoing personality, but in my opinion her hair just overshadows that aspect. She does not need to go to a salon or bring a hairdresser in during this time. Just some conditioner , curlers, curling iron or even a wig could do wonders.


    1. There is probably ground for your comparison with other queens, but I think that general society trends, particularly in the field of fashion and citizen expectations etc, need to be taken into account. Most people have a more relaxed attitude today than decades ago. Think about men, they can now adopt a relaxed style, ex no tie for men is quite acceptable, also occasionally among royals.
      I am not even convinced that the majority of readers or contributors to this blog would agree on the strong criticism about Maxima's hair style. More tolerant views can even be the majority views, but not necessarily expressed.
      By the way I just checked a few articles about Qn Elisabeth II, they rarely get more than 20 positive comments, what about the numerous other bloggers around ?
      I am not pretending than current fashion style is better than the earlier stricter one. But I am pleading for tolerance.
      By the way I can hear at the hairdresser's, ladies asking for a brushing "as if done by the wind", so Maxima is not an exception. She may have decided that on an every day basis, her objective is to be close to women of her age, while having higher standards for special occasions. Surely her example is not Qn Elisabeth II. But by the way I am not pretending that her hairstyle is the best one.
      My concerns about the Dutch Royals, and possibly some others, is currently more about the freedom they take regarding current constraints, their trips to Greece and others.

  8. Her hair was bad way before the pandemic, but she always gets it nicely done when it's a special occasion and wears all her jewels and long dress. So one cannot blame the pandemic for her terrible hair.
    She's a smart lady, she could learn how to brush her hair.
    Her dress is nice.

  9. Anonymous13/1/22 19:48

    She looks fine to me. I have hair but it's not perfect, so she and I have something in common. Now, if only we could share some tiaras...


  10. Welcome back, dear Queen Maxima. Many of us have missed the fun and colour you inject into your life and the lives of others. This dress is relatively muted and while I like the the top of the dress, I can't say the multi patterned skirt of it does anything for me. Is tared at the last picture for ages as the Queen seemed to have lost her legs. It's like the optical illusions you see in a science museum. Then I realised it was just a screen!! : )

  11. One of the things I love about Queen Maxima are her imperfections. I find her 100 times more interesting than any British royalty.
    But that's me. I'm clearly in the minority as Max seems to be a favorite punching bag here.

    1. @caune
      No you're not in the minority.
      She's my favourite "fun" Queen.
      Lumps and bumps and other imperfections others point out.
      I love her to death.
      Would just love to have her over for dinner.
      What a night that would be.

    2. Anonymous14/1/22 17:16

      @Caune: You're not alone. Count me in as well. I've long adored Maxima because she is so interesting, and especially because her many focus points are beyond fashion. Her efforts and accomplishments towards progressive causes on the world stage - many of them promoting women - are beyond the average work of many royal ladies featured on these pages.
      As far as her overall appearance/deportment and work in general, she is smarter dressed than most, and the state of her hair is of minimal importance to me, even on a 'fashion+' blog.
      - Anon 9:13

    3. @Anon 9:13
      Thanks, well said.

    4. Anonymous14/1/22 22:10


      How does one go about snagging an invite to your dinner party with Q Max? ...asking for a friend...


    5. @Bepa.
      No problem.
      I'll send my hubby out fishing and that will make one more place available.
      It will be "bring-a-bottle" bash.
      And the paparazzi (s) will not be invited.

    6. P.the original18/1/22 13:29

      Could I join in?
      Get the party started!!

  12. How wonderful to see the Queen out and about and participating in the online meeting. Well done.

  13. Anonymous14/1/22 05:32

    As I have said before, I have wonder why Maxima's hair is commented on each and every time. It is a given that her hair will look bad, yet the comments are made as though it is the first and only time her hair has been a mess! It is like reporting Maxima is a woman. We know, we know. Complimenting a good hair day is something worthy of celebration, her bad hair days are a dime a dozen. Just when I thought I had heard everything about Maxima's hair, now there is a tie to her unhealthy, unstyled hair and mental health issues. Really? That asinine comment wins the prize for the most defamatory remark yet. What nerve. Maxima cannot win. When she does have her hair styled, it typically involves clip-in extensions, which she receives criticism for. I still haven't seen an explanation from any of the critics as to why extensions are bad, just that they are. Hair pieces in one form or another are nothing new. They have been worn for centuries. When comparing Maxima to Queen Elizabeth, for example, keep in mind that Queen Elizabeth has a much larger budget for clothing and personal expenses. She has a home salon and has never done her own hair. She also has a completely bespoke wardrobe. Other queens always have their hair styled for them, primarily older queens. They are also the queens or former queens and royals that have the same style for decades. Think hair helmet.
    Other royals do their own hair most of the time and it is usually nothing to brag about. Her lack of a hairstyle does not dictate how well she does her job anymore than how outdated and rock hard other royal's hairstyles dictate how well they can do their jobs. Maxima is a well educated woman with a degree in economics and she worked in finance before marrying. Her colorful and eclectic wardrobe is part of what makes her who she is. Do we all wish her hair would improve? Of course. Will it? Probably not. ~d

    1. Anonymous14/1/22 11:38

      Read and understand the comment of Marie , 15:33; it would have saved you this long comment.

  14. Anonymous14/1/22 08:13

    She already has such an empty schedule, and a dozen stylists then at least you can make sure to look groomed. This is terrible that fake hair brrr.....

    1. Huh? Queen Maxima does not have an empty schedule and certainly doesn't have a dozen stylist. Being a Queen is pretty much a 24/7 job. She's not some socialite who just poses for a living.

  15. Anonymous14/1/22 10:21

    You are really booooring with these eternal comments on QM hair....
    /W. W.

  16. Queen Maxima most beautiful women so elegant, sophisticated, very intelligent and mother to beautiful lovely princesses, to all those criticising go and look yourself in the mirror first, not body is perfect. As QE She is not as busy as Queen Maxima is

    1. Anonymous14/1/22 16:04

      I will disagree with you. I do not think she is the most beautiful and certainly not sophisticated with this hair style. I will look in the mirror and see much better hair and so will most of the women I see today.


  17. Anonymous14/1/22 16:45

    @Josh, I actually enjoyed the comment signed by ~d, very articulate and polite. If you find it too long, there is that thing called scrolling. I sometimes respond to others about a difference of opinion, but not to advise them as to whether they should write, less, more or none at all. Whenever you have your own blog you can put limits on how many lines can be used.


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