Princess Laurentien attended the kick-off of the National Reading Days 2022

Princess Laurentien wore a metallic bronze sequin embroidered black coat by Walleska Ecochicc

On January 26, Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands attended the national breakfast reading event, which is the kick-off of the National Reading Days 2022, at the Integral Child Center the Duet in Uithoorn. During the event, the Princess read out a passage from 'But First I Caught a Monster' (Maar eerst ving ik een monster), which was elected as the Picture Book of the Year after a voting by a committee of librarians, booksellers and teachers.

Princess Laurentien wore a metallic bronze sequin embroidered black coat by Walleska Ecochicc

Princess Laurentien wore a metallic bronze sequin embroidered black coat by Walleska Ecochicc

Princess Laurentien wore a metallic bronze sequin embroidered black coat by Walleska Ecochicc

Princess Laurentien wore a metallic bronze sequin embroidered black coat by Walleska Ecochicc

Princess Laurentien wore a metallic bronze sequin embroidered black coat by Walleska Ecochicc

Princess Laurentien wore a metallic bronze sequin embroidered black coat by Walleska Ecochicc

Princess Laurentien wore a metallic bronze sequin embroidered black coat by Walleska Ecochicc

Princess Laurentien wore a metallic bronze sequin embroidered black coat by Walleska Ecochicc

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  1. Je suis heureuse de revoir la sympathique Laurentien avec sa coiffure singulière ; les enfants semblent l’adorer - Avec sa belle-sœur, elle doit avoir un prix de groupe lorsqu’elle achète ses grosses boucles d’oreilles pendantes !!

  2. Yes some points in common with her sister in law, ie the hair styling might raise similar comments.

    1. Anonymous27/1/22 16:08

      The similarity I see with her sister-in-law is that they are both focusing more on their important work than on their hair.
      - Anon 9:13

  3. Anonymous27/1/22 13:25

    As much as I love Princess Laurentien this time her outfit is a misser. The kind of sleeveless jacket she is wearing should be buttoned. Or if she prefer to leave it unbuttoned she could wear classic pants with it instead of this legging. On some pictures it looks like she took a duster and put it on quickly over her black tights.

    1. Anonymous27/1/22 14:25

      Completely agree. When you can see skin through your leggings- they are tights and that coat/vest should be buttoned. I really think another color underneath from print, besides black, would have looked better. This is a miss fashion-wise but her engaging and connecting with the kiddos is so cute and all that they will remember.

  4. I've always had the impression that Princess Laurentien loves the "zany look" when she does her own public engagemengts (as against Royal engagements).
    Her mix and match of outfits and accessories seem to fit in well with her bright and gay personality.
    As @Anon 9:13 said above, both her and Queen Maxima seem to focus more on the important work they are doing rather than hair, dress, handbags etc.
    Example, Princess Laurentein, since 2009 has been UNESCO's Special Envoy on "Literacy for Development. She is also current president of wildlife conservation Fauna and Flora International.

    1. Anonymous30/1/22 23:32

      @ deadeggs like they say it in French "l'un n'empêche pas l'autre" or it is not because you wish to focus on the important work that you are doing that you must neglect the way you are presenting yourself. Every queen and princess in Europe has important work to do for the UN, Child focus, Unesco, etc... plus all the organisations they have to visit each year in their own country. Lucky most of them can coordinate important work and good presentation.

  5. I adore the Dutch royal family. They certainly don't feel the need to stifle their personality just because they're royal.

  6. How marvellous to see Princess Laurentien out and about, she is so bubbly and vivacious at every event, delightful. The sleeveless vest/jacket is bright and length wise good, but I am not a fan of these type of tights. They appear on my screen anyway to be somewhat transparent.

  7. Mai piaciuto il suo modo di vestire, bizzarro è dire poco. È male consigliata oppure si veste al buio.


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