New photos of the Imperial family have been released

Empress Masako wore a white skirt suit and Princess Aiko wore a blue outfit. Empress Michiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako

On the occasion of the new year, the Imperial Household Agency has released new photos of Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, former Emperor Akihito, former Empress Michiko, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako and Prince Hisahito. At the beginning of each new year, Japanese Imperial Family releases family photos. Just like last year, the Imperial family could not get together due to the pandemic. The photos were taken on different dates.

Empress Masako wore a white skirt suit and Princess Aiko wore a blue outfit. Empress Michiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako

Empress Masako wore a white skirt suit and Princess Aiko wore a blue outfit. Empress Michiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako

Empress Masako wore a white skirt suit and Princess Aiko wore a blue outfit. Empress Michiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako

Empress Masako wore a white skirt suit and Princess Aiko wore a blue outfit. Empress Michiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako

Empress Masako wore a white skirt suit and Princess Aiko wore a blue outfit. Empress Michiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako

Empress Masako wore a white skirt suit and Princess Aiko wore a blue outfit. Empress Michiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako

Empress Masako wore a white skirt suit and Princess Aiko wore a blue outfit. Empress Michiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako

Empress Masako wore a white skirt suit and Princess Aiko wore a blue outfit. Empress Michiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako

Empress Masako wore a white skirt suit and Princess Aiko wore a blue outfit. Empress Michiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako

Empress Masako wore a white skirt suit and Princess Aiko wore a blue outfit. Empress Michiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako

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  1. Quel grand plaisir de voir la princesse Aiko ravissante dans ce bleu pâle ; l'empereur toujours très chic, a changé ses habitudes en coordonnant cette couleur jusque dans celle de sa cravate ; tous les colliers de perles sont de sortie !

  2. Such beautiful photos.
    The tailoring as usual, is superb. The colours are sombre.
    Very much in line with Royal Court traditions and rules.
    Princess Aiko, daughter of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako is maturing into a very beautiful young woman.
    Empress Masako is looking superb, relaxed and happy.

    If you look at photo N° 9 you will see that the ex Princess Mako is missing.
    She is now Mrs Mako Komuro of New York.
    It appears and according to Japanese Court rules that she has been thrown out in the cold because she married a commoner.
    Hopefully somebody will point out to the Japanese Royal Court that the year 2022 has arrived.

    1. Anonymous1/1/22 21:21

      Totally agree with yr last remark. The same goes for the fact that a female heiress cannot be the official emperor of Japan

  3. Anonymous1/1/22 17:55

    Former Emperor Akihito and former Empress Michiko look so fragile and tiny. They look like they have shrinken since the last time we saw photo's of them. Crown princess Kiko is the one who is always the best dressed.
    Princess Kako's ensemble has a beautiful cut and color. A pity the fabric reminds too much the 60ies and 70ies.
    Empress Masako's dress and jacket often in a white colour are always the same style. The design of Princess Aiko's dress is too old fashion for a young girl.

  4. Anonymous1/1/22 21:30

    The photos are sweet but also very boring. For years and years the imperial family sits on a couch, table in front of them with 1 book or flowers. The photos are a symbol for the life of the Japanese royals who are so strictly locked in a straitjacket of rules and tradition. I feel a bit sorry for them

  5. Beautiful photos of the royal family. A particular bonus to see the former Emperor and Empress, looking happy and engaging for these photos.

  6. Anonymous2/1/22 01:16

    The outfits are always well suited to the occasion, and spectacular jewelry. The jade vase caught my eye in the 4th photo, it is beyond beautiful !

  7. Anonymous2/1/22 15:18

    Princess Kako stands out in her bright colored suit, the fabric is splendid as always. Hard to say what shade of blue Princess Aiko's suit is ? It is true I think that she is maturing into a beautiful young woman.
    Maybe I'm wrong but I think (comparing today's photos with older photos) her teeth have been fixed a little, and it has enhanced her smile and maybe her confidence too !
    Lovely to see Emperor and Empress emeritus Akihito and Michiko. She still wears the kimono beautifully.

    1. Anonymous2/1/22 20:00

      I hadn't noticed her teeth. I'm glad you said something. I do hope they were, or are, being straightened. It really does boost one's self-esteem, especially if they are shy to begin with. If only she could dress like a woman of twenty . . . ~d

  8. Anonymous10/1/22 01:03

    Do we know yet if Japanese will change their sexist rule of inheritance of the Crown? Princess Aiko should be the next Empress. PERIOD. It's 2022. Women can lead countries and government. - W.


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