Japan's Imperial family attended the 2022 New Year reception

Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako wore long dresses, but they refrained from wearing tiaras

On January 1, 2022, Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako and other members of Japanese Imperial family attended a New Year reception held for ambassadors to Japan at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. Princess Aiko celebrated her 20th birthday in December last year and thus, she attended an official event for the first time as an adult member of the Imperial family.

Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako wore long dresses, but they refrained from wearing tiaras

The reception is traditionally held every year at the beginning of new year. The female members of the Imperial family wore long dresses but refrained from wearing tiaras as a measure to struggle with the spread of the coronavirus infection just like last year.

Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako wore long dresses, but they refrained from wearing tiaras

Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako wore long dresses, but they refrained from wearing tiaras

Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako wore long dresses, but they refrained from wearing tiaras

Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako wore long dresses, but they refrained from wearing tiaras

Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako wore long dresses, but they refrained from wearing tiaras

Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako wore long dresses, but they refrained from wearing tiaras

Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako wore long dresses, but they refrained from wearing tiaras

Empress Masako, Princess Aiko, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako wore long dresses, but they refrained from wearing tiaras

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  1. Anonymous1/1/22 16:11

    Nice dresses. Princess Aiko looks content and self-confident. Good for her.
    Is Princess Kiko not present?

    1. Anonymous8/1/22 05:36

      Princess Kiko was not in attendance because she is in mourning. (Her father passed away 4th Nov, 2021)
      She is refrained from attending her official duties and ceremonies until the end of her mourning.

  2. Please in photos like these can the names be put under them? I dont always know who is who in the photos but would love to know!

    1. There are the Emperor and the Empress, to their left is their daughter, Princess Aiko. Near Princess Aiko are Princesses Nobuko, Akiko and Yoko of Mikasa. On the other side we see Crown Prince Fumihito of Akishino with his daughter, Princess Kako (Crown Princess Kiko was mourning due to her father's death). After Princess Kako there are Princesses Hisako and Tsuguko of Takamado, not shown in the photos

  3. Have just read an article about this occasion and it said .......
    The robe décolleté is of the utmost formality and Japanese women only wear it at certain events, such as the Emperor’s New Year greeting, coming-of-age ceremonies, and weddings.
    The Imperial Household Agency also says "the robe décolleté is a long, low-cut dress with short sleeves".

  4. Je n'ai pas eu d'hésitation pour reconnaître la princesse Aiko tout de suite à la gauche de sa mère, l'impératrice ; elle est devenue bien jolie et porte à merveille ce style de robe comme les autres princesses !

  5. The women look beautifully attired, elegant and appropriately groomed. Their gowns are superb, the long gloves so refined and dignified. A picture of gracefulness.

  6. Anonymous10/1/22 16:01

    Están guapas , son buenos vestidos pero parecen siempre los mismos. Son como un uniforme .


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