Charlotte Casiraghi opened Chanel’s SS 2022 haute couture show

Chanel's Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2022 show. Charlotte Casiraghi wore a black tweed jacket by Chanel

On Tuesday, 25 January, Chanel staged its spring/summer 2022 haute couture show at the Grand Palais Éphémère with a surprising start. Chanel Spring-Summer 2022 Haute Couture show was opened by Charlotte Casiraghi on horseback. Charlotte Casiraghi is brand ambassador of Chanel. Before the show, Charlotte Casiraghi and Dimitri Rassam attended the Chanel private lunch at the Restaurant La Reserve in Paris.

Chanel's Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2022 show. Charlotte Casiraghi wore a black tweed jacket by Chanel

Chanel's Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2022 show. Charlotte Casiraghi wore a black tweed jacket by Chanel

Chanel's Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2022 show. Charlotte Casiraghi wore a black tweed jacket by Chanel

Chanel's Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2022 show. Charlotte Casiraghi wore a black tweed jacket by Chanel

Chanel's Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2022 show. Charlotte Casiraghi wore a black tweed jacket by Chanel

Charlotte Casiraghi and Dimitri Rassam attended the Chanel private lunch

Charlotte Casiraghi and Dimitri Rassam attended the Chanel private lunch

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  1. Anonymous26/1/22 09:32

    Well, this is Chanel how I'd like to see it. PC wears it well at this unique opening of the brand's spring/summer 2022 haute couture show.


  2. Anonymous26/1/22 09:37

    Stupid. Poor horse. - Ellie

    1. I am certainly in favor of respecting animals. From the dawn of mankind onward horses have been working in team with humans for various purposes, ie transport, entertainment or unfortunately wars ... They are trained to work also in difficult and varying situations, so basically why not here, provided they are respected ? Princess Charlotte has been involved in several horse competitions, she certainly knows how to dialog respectfully with them.

    2. Anonymous26/1/22 11:36

      Agree! Where is mummy?

    3. Spontaniously I thought the same. But I don't know much about horses, maybe the animal is experienced with such settings? Animal-trainers can achieve a lot, I think, also for movies or shows. Anyway the good thing is that Charlotte is wearing a riding cap! And of course she looks beautiful. She seems to be perfect for chanel, doesn't she!

  3. Quelle drôle d'idée ; je ne sais s'il faut apprécier la beauté du cheval ou la tenue de Charlotte !

  4. This is totally rediculous, in my opinion.

  5. Anonymous26/1/22 12:19

    That would be the day when people start wearing Chanel in the stable... Charlotte always looks a bit unkept and in lack of natural "chic", the kind that money can't buy. In this case the vest is...nice. But the make up does not go with the style, IMHO.

    1. Anonymous26/1/22 22:01

      "That would be the day when people start wearing Chanel in the stable..." well, that's precisely Chanel's point: Chanel is for the aristocracy only! That's how I read this astutely crafted publicity stunt.

      I also find it ridiculous but I agree with another commenter down the thread, it made people talk about their fashion show, and it will quite likely remain in people's memory for a long time - and that's all that matters....


  6. Anonymous26/1/22 14:41

    I'm at a loss for words and not on a good way.


  7. Anonymous26/1/22 14:53

    The horse is beautiful and elegant, same as its' rider. That's the only connection I could make . I find it strange bordering on silly, but hardly the abusive outrage I keep reading it was. It was a brief appearance, the horse was calm, well handled and didn't appear at all stressed.
    Good to see Charlotte's handsome husband was there.

  8. Anonymous26/1/22 14:54

    This gimmick might have been more appropriate for Hermès than Chanel, lol.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous26/1/22 17:38

      Or Ralph Lauren :-)

    2. What about Aigner? ;-)

  9. Anonymous26/1/22 15:28

    Ridiculous! Hopefully the horse left huge heaps of smelly "horse apples".

  10. Why do several of you call her ”princess”?

    1. Anonymous26/1/22 18:49

      They usually crap on the clothes. They couldn't this time, so they gave her a title so it would look more appropriate to crap on an entitled "princess" riding a horse at a fashion show, all the while the hoping the horse would leave his leavings on the runway. It's all I can come up with.

      The point was to make a statement and have people talking about Chanel's SS 22 Haute Couture show. Chanel succeeded. They win. The horse looks like he handled the entire thing like a champ for the 30 seconds or less he was there. Of course we never want to mistreat any animal. Well trained animals have no difficulty in these situations, and many animals, especially horses, love to work. That is what they were bred to do. ~d

  11. How awfull..She looks uncomfortable.. What to judje? O.k. the purse is classic..

  12. From Margaret - (I'm borrowing my sister's account here. I only visit this site from time to time.) One can only hope that animal rights organizations will have something to say about this. Charlotte not only put the crowd in danger, but she also could have caused great danger to the horse. A horse is still an animal - and even the most advanced training cannot predict how one will behave if spooked or frightened. She chose to put that horse on a platform with a huge drop on one side. She even put it into a canter (which is faster than a trot). Led it around a corner with cameras, crowds, etc. that could have spooked it. Even unusual colors, shapes or sounds could frighten it. What is particularly shocking about this story is that horse could have bolted and fallen off of the high platform onto the floor. This could have resulted in a fractured leg which most likely would result in the horse having to be put down. Space does not permit me to share how many times horses have bolted in parades, etc. Remember Prince William's wedding? On the parade route, a horse threw its rider for some reason. And there are probably few horses better trained than those they use in the UK for public events. Horses must be respected. A rider - no matter their expertise - should not assume a horse can be safely used as window dressing for some totally unsuitable event. There is a video out there of this. You can get a sense of how dangerous this all was by looking at it.

    1. P.the original28/1/22 07:00

      I agree with every word you said , Joann.
      This show comes across as pointless and dangerous for all, the horse, Charlotte and the public.
      A horse is no toy.
      He must not be put at risk like this and must not be a risk for people in attendance.
      I think all the story will backfire.
      I wonder how Charlotte accepted this gimmick and whether she really loves horses.
      Money can't always justify for the most stupid things.

  13. The idea of the horse as part of the show is a bit strange but Charlotte's beauty is very evident in many of these photos--the 4th and 5th ones in particular

  14. Anonymous27/1/22 00:41

    What is this world coming to. Really, doing this stunt to that poor horse...beyond poor taste.

  15. I too am at a loss, the horse well words fail me. I have to agree with Anonymous 12.19. Charlotte is a very attractive woman, but she appears most of the time 'unkept' lacking in style and chic. Its just my personal observation. Regardless she is brand ambassador of Chanel. I am not comparing at all, but to go down memory lane, remembering the late Diana Princess of Wales, casual wear, dressed for Royal duties, whatever the case, she always I felt was the epitome of well groomed, stylish, elegant and chic, no matter if you liked or disliked what she wore. Right down to the jewels she choose, be it fake or otherwise.

    1. Anonymous27/1/22 19:19

      Charlotte is not a princess. She is a private citizen, but a member of a royal family. She has the privilege of being herself, lucky girl.

  16. Anonymous27/1/22 20:27

    Those who write about animal rights are to be commended. In this particular case, I think they may be slightly misinformed and painting everything with the same brush. The kind of relationship equestrians have with their horses is far beyond regular average person knowledge. Saying the horse’s rights are infringed is as ‘true’ as saying a dog’s rights who lives as a pet with humans (or cat’s) are infringed. My suggestion is that before you get on a high horse (pun intended), you visit a stable like the ones the Grimaldis have.

    Back to Charlotte’s outfit, it’s a classic Chanel and I love it.


    1. P.the original28/1/22 07:09

      And , of course, you visited the stables owned by the Grimaldis...
      Maybe you are the misinformed one.
      The relationship between equestrians and their horses has nothing to do with a horse walking on a catwalk for a mere fashion show.
      It is dangerous for the horse and the public which is sitting so close to the catwalk.
      Pets rights have nothing to do with a situation like this btw.


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