The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have released their family Christmas card

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor and Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have released their family Christmas card featuring the first photo of their baby daughter Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor. The message on the card is as the following: "Happy Holidays. This year, 2021, we welcomed our daughter, Lilibet, to the world. Archie made us a 'Mama' and a 'Papa', and Lili made us a family."

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor and Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor

At the end of the message, the couple wrote: "Wishing you a happy holiday season and a prosperous New Year, from our family to yours! As ever, Harry, Meghan, Archie & Lili." The family photo was taken by their wedding photographer Alexi Lubomirski this summer at the couple's home in California.

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor and Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Lovely. but why do they keep their faces away all the time. If you are not going to show us the baby then don't release any photos.


    1. Because they think they are better than any of us and they want us to notice that they are only giving us a little peek at the babies. I am not a fan of either of them but the children are precious and beautiful from what I can see..

    2. True.


    3. Quite right!

    4. My thoughts also.

    5. My thoughts also.

    6. They show only partial views for security reasons. We don't know what threats these two receive and they have to be very careful. A lot of crazies out there. So at this stage, they are showing only just enough.

    7. Disgusted by the comments above (other than Beverley24 at the time of my writing this.) All of you must be of a 'certain' ignorant age if you cannot know the dangers of posting full face childrens photos on the net these days. How naive can you be? Plenty of my friends do not post full images of their infant or young age kids and grand kids for the very reason of cyber security. Sickos and opportunists abound on the net. Photos from behind, side profiles or very distant face pics are the safest, next to no photos at all. If other royals choose to show more of the heirs of their country, it's at their risk, not because they want to please you. Have some shame and give these two a break.
      - Anon 9:13

    8. Jill it's about media attention/publicity. The less this couple give the better & more media attention is given when anyone snippet of information is provided. Mary

    9. OMG even when the send a christmas greeting. Someone just have to be nasty and show how low they are willing to go.

    10. @Anon 9:13: Showing Archie's hair color is the biggest risk for him being very easily identifiable. And little Lili is going to change so rapidly, she will be so very different in a couple of weeks or months that there is no point in showing only her profile. Your argument is not a really valid explanation for these specific children in this situation. The half-hidden children are open to any other interpretation as well. (-Ann.)

    11. @CountessLin Quite a thing to say from someone calling herself "Countess". Unless you are a countess.

    12. @(-Ann): I don't think you really understand what we're talking about.
      It's not about being identifiable by red hair, or of an infant's features changing quickly for physical harm to befall them. We're talking about photoshopping full faces of children and transposing them on other images and awful/criminal sites for disgusting purposes. You don't know about that?...and other worse things?
      And as for 'half hidden children open to other interpretation.." what other interpretation? That is nobody's business but the parents. They can show you as much or as little of their kids as they want without you or anyone needing to interpret it.
      - Anon 9:13

    13. Why try to send photo if you hide their faces! I'm not a fan.

    14. Writing well means never having to say: I guess you had to bei there. J.M.

    15. @Anon 9:13 again, you wrote: "They can show you as much or as little of their kids as they want". No, this is not the whole truth. As long as somebody is a member of the Royal Family complete with royal succession rules that apply for these two babies, there come certain obligations with it. You can choose to disregard them, nobody is going to bring you into the Tower of London as a punishment. But it is them who don't play by the rules (or play only as long as it pleases them), so they have to accept that people notice it and have an opinion about it - no reason to scold critics like you did, as long as they do it in an objective manner. I would be full with you, if these people were normal celebrities. But they are not and they benefit from this fact. (-Ann.)

    16. @Anon (-Ann) There are NO obligations that come with this family of 4 to show their children to anyone. None at all. They are far removed from any royal succession. I disagree with all your points. If meddling curiosity is your thing, go for it.
      - Anon 9:13

    17. @Anon 9:13: It is a pity that you keep on qualifying my person and personal qualities instead of talking about the topic. No real dialog is possible if you don't change this type of behaviour. (-Ann.)

  2. Another generic Christmas card, taken in the Summer.

    1. Do you know, how is the weather in LA during Christmas time. No, it's not snowing...

      Nice picture btw. -Lisa

  3. I'm not a big fan of these two, but dang, this is a great photo. Really a cute and happy family. I'm impressed!

    1. Agree, they are looking Happy.

    2. And I like that Meghan doesn’t seem to care about getting thin in a hurry after giving birth. She takes her time, seems happy and Harry looks like he absolutely adores her. He deserves happiness after the tragedy in his early childhood. Hope they continue to stay happy and healthy. Lili is adorable. Abby

  4. Ravie de voir cette jolie famille.
    Tenues décontractées.
    Ils sont tous souriants.
    Archi a beaucoup grandi.
    Il a les cheveux roux de son père .
    Lilibeth a une belle bouille.

  5. Here we go again. When they don't show the baby's it is not good. Now that they do it is not good either. I like this Christmas card with beautiful people beautiful babies. Remember it is Christmas. Peace on earth etc....

  6. Replies
    1. @Anti British Royals. They are people just like us. Show an interest, yes. Love or dislike them, no. A

  7. Lilibet est vraiment craquante ; je me rends compte qu'elle ressemble beaucoup à Archie quand il était bébé ; il faut espérer que nous aurons l'occasion de voir de nouvelles photos de toute la famille !

  8. A portrait of happiness.
    I wish them well for this festive season.

  9. What a joyous and happy photograph, lovely to see the whole family!

  10. Virginia Dogwood23/12/21 18:34

    What a beautiful holiday card with Prince Harry and his family. I truly pray his life has meaning and that he has finally found deep happiness, after so much sadness. I love their smiles.

  11. The picture only shows one side of all of their faces, but it's a very cute, relaxed, and happy pose. Merry Christmas to all!

  12. Cute family photo. Yes, it was taken in the summer but it doesn't read summery to me.


  13. The question is why do they need to publish a card at all. It simp.y isn't necessary and it's not expected of them as they are not working royals. You don't see Adele, Oprah or Beyonce or any other high profile celebrities publishing cards thankfully. They need to go away and leave people alone.

    1. You speak the truth!

    2. You also didn't need to publish your remark, if we are being honest. While some people like you may not care, there are others that do. You are free to view it or not.

    3. Yes! Brenda I agree completely. They want privacy, then have it in US and go away.


    4. True. The less you hear and see of them and their brood, the better. I'm still hugely disappointed with Harry's choice. Frieda

  14. Thank you, Beverly, for a sensible comment!

  15. Merry X-mas 🎄🦌☃️❄️

  16. Lovely photo from a lovely family!,

  17. I have refrained from commenting on the Christmas cards until now. I cannot understand who made everyone the arbiter of what is a proper picture for a Christmas card. The family choosing the photo can make whatever decision they want. The ridiculous theories about the quality of the photographer, or if it is a window behind them, to the photo and background being photoshopped on the Spanish royals' card! Maybe if you knew anything about photography, you would know that it is done with the camera to make the subject of the photo stand out. Kate does it in her photos. Then side tracking into posture, weird expressions, and plastic surgeries. Really? Just let it be what it is. A holiday greeting to the world. Then we have a few trying to read into the body language of Edward and Sophie. Honestly. Their clothes didn't coordinate, blah, blah, blah. Albert and Charlene have released a lovely card this year, not a photo, but artwork, and fortunately it is getting approval. I seem to recall a certain couple releasing an artwork card last year and it was hated, with calls for a real photo. Show your son. What right do you have to hide him? Naturally, the feelings of strangers are of more importance than the child's safety. It brings us to today. We have an actual photo. A lovely one of a very happy looking family. Both of the children the world has been anxiously waiting to get a glimpse of are visible. More complaints. You only want to find fault with these families and their personal expressions. These cards were not sent to any of us. Our opinions don't matter to them. The people that are privileged enough to make their Christmas card list don't judge whether or not there is a visible Christmas tree in the picture. They are not rebuked by the recipients for the photo they choose, whether it is a warm memory of the year, something posed, or in Charles and Camilla's case, something to mark a world event. This is a case of "you do you". Set up that Christmas tree in September, spray some fake snow on the ground, dress in red velvet and make your idea of a perfect holiday card. Maybe they are a little too busy for such things. Maybe they have progressed beyond the last century.

    This is a lovely card, full of joy. I am thrilled for them to have their family and I hope that they and all the families have a warm and wonderful holiday season. We all should be focusing on that. ~d

    1. Well said. Thank you.

    2. They seek the public eye themselves, don’t they?
      (Gripping the opportunity to tell us how many good deeds they are doing: on a Christmas card!)
      And you cannot deny they have a history with the British people who are very sensitive of their monarchy.
      So, donot give us a Christmas preach,
      ( not British)

    3. Thank you 🙏🕊️ My

    4. Josh, yesss!!! The perfect comment!

  18. i dont like it, this photo is very artificial .

    1. Are you implying that this professional photographer who studied under Mario Testino, has an impressive resume as a fashion photographer, is sought after for his skills as a portraitist, took the pictures of their engagement and wedding, and is a prince (HRH) in his own right since his family was part of the now defunct Polish royalty, does not know his own job? , The art of making his subjects show their feelings in that moment? You win the prize for toDay's Fail. Anna Belle

    2. Millie Jones25/12/21 07:17

      Well Siwi , we are all entitled to our opinions and mine differs from yours.
      I like the card!

  19. The Spencer gene is strong ! Harry’s hair colouring is part of Archie’s colouring and it looks like Lili has inherited too !
    I hope and pray that they have found peace. And leave the troubles with RF behind them ! May 2022 bring them wisdom to live their lives, without name calling or berating the life he once had !
    They have it all. Blessed with two kiddies. A beautiful home! And a life of independence! Can’t see what else they could be asking for ! Ana

    1. You are so right. Merry X-mas. Peace on earth to all the people....

  20. They're really pushing the "we are now a relaxed Californian family" narrative hard in this photo. All in blue jeans, Harry's are ripped and he's barefoot. The reference to the non-denominational "Happy Holidays" rather than Merry Christmas is telling too, becoming very American.

    I only hope Harry's smile is genuine. He deserves to be happy.

    1. I noticed "Happy Holidays "too. This is a mixed nationality family, so Happy Holidays together with Merry Christmas would have been nice, polite and peaceful. (-Ann.)

  21. Why so many anonymous get their opinions published? I've counted 17 so far with no names or nicknames.
    Interestingly enough they were all pro Sussex. Hmmm.

    (We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  22. How can anyone believe this photo is real!

  23. Splendida foto da cui si percepisce la serenita' di una famiglia giovane con due splendidi bambini.

  24. Splendida foto da cui si percepisce la serenita' di una famiglia giovane con due splendidi bambini.

  25. @ ~d, I truly enjoy reading your judicious and unbiased comments. Was the world always like this? People jumping at the opportunity to find fault about the ones the dislike for whatever their reasons may be. Pointing out the coldness between couples ( imaginary in my opinion) imagining all kinds of sinister feelings and motivations just based on their prejudices, and even judging the choice of words about a Holiday Greeting, condemning them because they didn't use the "Christmas" word, and by doing so just proving how unchristian they themselves are. Sometimes I just think that humans have lost their way.
    Beautiful family picture, they look joyful and healthy.
    Happy Holidays!!

    1. And a Merry CHRISTmas to you too!


    2. Thank you, Cherry. High praise, indeed. ~d

    3. Millie Jones25/12/21 07:22

      Sadly, you hit the nail on the head Cherry. We had a similar discussion at our Christmas Eve dinner this evening. No, the world wasn't always like this, at least not when I lived in Virginia. We lived in a kinder and gentler state.

  26. Lovely photo of them all. I don't get the Happy Holiday greeting but each to their own. I am not really sure that they even needed to release a photo, they did say they wanted privacy. At least her dad gets to see a picture of his grandkids, I am glad for him.

  27. This has nothing to do with privacy. Privacy means do things when you want it to do and not what others say you have to do. If they want to show a picture of their children with Christmas there is no one that can say they didn't have to do that. They have the right to do that like anybody else.

  28. Merry Christmas for all of them and a healthy and happy new year. I sincerely hope for 2022 that people refrain from nasty comments like a lot here above which are based on non-arguments. Let us all be a little bit kind to one another. Anna

    1. Well said. Merry Christmas! 🎄

  29. Preciosa foto, son felices sin importar lo que digan los demás. Yo tenía ganas de ver la niña y me conformo con esta foto pues es lo que ellos han decidido.

  30. I wonder: How do you get a little boy to turn his face away from the camera, looking sideways and sort of down, just so you can't see the full face?
    Their first card was a full face photo of the child, while they were blurred in the background smiling, yet her teeth were clear and abnormally white. There was a photo of the child's face whilst in Canada, with his father holding him. Since then, they do the 'back to the camera', or 'side views', its like they want people to comment and wonder, so I guess I want to know why. They want privacy, yet publish strange to me, photos of them, their children, and leave out their pet chickens? Maybe they couldn't get the chickens to turn their head sideways. lol, said all 'tongue in cheek' and laughing at the same time as the silliness of it all. I certainly don't wish to see Harry's bare feet, or torn jeans, or the background of the house so 'muddled' you can't tell what or where they are. It is as if, they want people to comment and wonder, so why do it at all? BTW, fashion wise; Harry's torn jeans, a no from me, bare feet, did he forget his shoes and the child's? Rachel's turtleneck, blah. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. Gemma
    PS: A card with all their 'good deeds', so very tacky (as seen on another site)

    1. Her name is Meghan - calling her Rachel is just pathetic and childish.


    2. @Gemma, may the true meaning of the celebration bring you kindness, looks like you are needing it.

    3. @G, agree! The entire comment perhaps was meant to be humorous, but leaves me with a sense of pity, not for H&M, but for the person behind the disturbing words

    4. I think it was all too funny, not sad, nor pitiful. G, CB, and the anonymous without a name, you are taking it far too seriously, get real. Merry Christmas to all 3 of you, I think Gemma said like we all wished we would have, with a sense of humor and honesty about a couple who want privacy. Ann

    5. Speak for yourself Ann - Gemma didn't say anything I wished to say. And calling Meghan by a name which isn't hers is neither humorous nor honest, it's petty.

      This couple didn't ask for privacy, they wanted to have a private life and have a say in which parts of it they share to which they are perfectly entitled. I don't know why people find that so hard to understand.


      PS. Merry Christmas

    6. G: you must not know much about the woman, her first name is Rachel, just like Harry's first name is really Henry.

      Petty is a matter of opinion, of which we all have them.

      The couple did say they wanted privacy/private life, all the same. If they wanted a private life, why 'share' photos of their 'private life'? They are no longer working royals (their choice). Semantics is a problem with a great many people these days. The use of words means one thing to one, something different to another. Gemma said things I have felt, but didnt say, and it was not petty, just honest.
      Merry Christmas to you as well. Ann

    7. Ann - she chooses to be called Meghan and always has been known as such (same for Harry and Henry) - choosing to refer to her by a name which she never uses (and is used by people who don't like her to be pejorative) is petty and pathetic. Gemma can be "honest" and use her actual name.

      Yes, it's my opinion and I'm entitled to it. It's also my opinion that your comment about not knowing much about "the woman" was patronising.

      Being a public figure and having a private life is absolutely their right - they are still however part of the British Royal Family. They did NOT say they did not wish to share aspects of their private life - they wanted to have an element of control of when and how. I find that to be perfectly understandable - and not a question of semantics. But if you are interested in people being clear about meaning then calling someone called Meghan Rachel isn't especially helpful - particularly for people who don't know the woman's first name is Rachel.


  31. Good grief, all the haters, please, do yourselves and others a favour and use your time for something more useful and nice than nitpicking on everything about this family. Especially during Christmas.

  32. Happy Christmas!!

    I for one like the card. Lovely to see the baby finally!!


  33. @Ann, no I for one don’t wish to say such mean unkind things about people whether I know them or not….. speak for yourself.

  34. We finally get to see the young baby; A normal baby, laughing, smiling, cute little feet, though we didnt need to see Henry's/Harry's feet, from the looks of them, he only takes his shoes off for photos, as his feet dont look as if they touch dirt/grass/pebbles, at least as a child my feet looked 'well worn' from running barefoot around the garden and farm. Heads all turned reminds me of michael jackson's children who had to wear masks/veils for such a long time. Patsy

  35. @19:09 Really??!! 4 lines dedicated to his feet? Fetish much?
    @Gemma. The true humor is that others have rewritten the meaning of the word private and you have taken a gulp of the Kool aid without doing any research in FOUR years to find the exact meaning.
    Privacy implies that you control what the public gets to see about your life. That is why we have not seen the little girl until THEY chose. (Quite a difference from when they were in the UK public felt they were entitled to see the kid).
    Looking at the picture, the little boy like most toddlers is being restrained by Harry, but he is looking down and speaking, possibly at one of the dogs, off camera.
    The profile views are an excellent way to cut down on the photoshop created by grifters looking to make money on youtube
    The sophomoric humor and pettiness of revisiting the manipulated cards from past seasons, and name calling is uncalled for.
    Lastly, the Sussexes do not engage with the British press, they have said so! The BP constantly scours the internet and their Archwell website looking for material to print or discuss on the chat show couches, with the carnival of experts. Apologies about your taste in humor and level of comprehension. Anna Belle

    1. Anna Belle, each to their own, do not try and impose your thoughts, of what someone else might or might not know, or think, or have done since Rachel and Henry went "private". The two do not engage with the BP, as you say, they pay their PR people to do it, under the guise of other 'sources'. Wake up, and accept that life is not always as one wants it to be, nor is it always as posted in public, by one publication, or another. Everyone has a right to their own truth, no matter how twisted it might or might not be. Jane

    2. Who are Henry and Rachel? Seriously, what do you gain by calling them by names they are never known as? Grow up Janette.

  36. @Patsy, I can only imagine the blogger's hysteria if the baby had dirty feet, fainting spells, running for the salts and a petition to have the mother burned at the stake. Seriously, comparisons are odious, and your remark about Michael J, is far fetched, these kids don't have a blanket over their heads, the picture is beautiful and joyful, and if you ( and others) can't recognize it for what it is , well... sorry for you.

  37. @Ann, no, no, you are the one that doesn’t understand the meaning of privacy. In all honesty you don’t have to justify your pettiness with ridiculous explanations, you are entitled to your feelings about people that you don’t know, ( and never will), but please don’t wish us a Merry Christmas after spewing hate it’s a dichotomy.
    Now, go take a nice little walk and possibly rethink the meaning of the word and the real intention of the season, do not use his name on your hateful rants.

    1. And what is your name? You spew your personal bully thoughts, as if it was a waterfall, yet do not have the where with all to list even a fake name. Merry Christmas to you, and yours and hope you find your own inner peace. 'no name' just like you. :)

  38. Children are off limit as far as comments concerned...but why do they feel the need to make remarks about what make a family , as in two children here. For people who cant have kids, single parents, one kid household should they be classified as family.. .

    1. Thanks for your comment, it makes one realize that the Sussexes do not quite get what a family is, could be, to many others, even those who meet in life and take strangers in as a family when they just seem to feel they have known each other all their lives. Jaye

    2. @Jaye. It is their card and they have said what family means to them. The words 'made US a family' are part of the message. Family means different things to other groups of people.

    3. @Jaye, since when is wrong to say that the arrival of children makes a couple a family? That is the exact definition of the nuclear family, stating this doesn’t deny that many other people may have a different notion, nowadays most people include their pets in their family pictures and consider them an integral part of the “ family”, and yes you can call yourself a family, whether you have 1, 2 or no children, and they aren’t saying the opposite. Like them or not, but some Of the criticism borders on ridiculous.

  39. @Anonymous 22:32… no name . ( perhaps Ann) what difference does it make if you add a name to the bottom of a comment, this sites allows people to sign under a million pseudonyms if one wants to do so, just like maybe you seem to do, and I say this because your trolling style precedes you. Please don’t wish me a sarcastic Merry CHRISTmas, as I stated before don’t use his name to bully others.

    1. @Anon 23:44: ("perhaps Ann") - What a ridiculous petty comment. And no, (-Ann.) always signs with (-Ann.) , contrary to people who never sign or sometimes sign and sometimes not. (-Ann.)

    2. wow, saying Merry Christmas is no bullying? someone needs to take a step back, look at their own life and stop being so totally absent from reality -Ann-no name-whoever

  40. You people are sure divided about this couple. They made the choice to go private, they should not publish so much about their lives if they indeed want a private life. End of story. ZZZZZ

  41. @23:44 Do not get drawn in. This is typical trolling. They sidestep the original post and descend into meaningless, ridiculous arguments. Belle


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